Lyndon Johnson wanted JACKIE to ride in his car in Texas!!

JFK Assassination
Steve McGuire
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Re: Lyndon Johnson wanted JACKIE to ride in his car in Texas!!

Post by Steve McGuire »

I'm confused. Why the focus on Johnson wanting Jackie to "ride with him" when Smathers quotes JFK as saying "Lyndon wants to ride with me"? Doesn't such a comment call into question LBJ's foreknowledge of the assassination?
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Phillip F. Nelson

Post by kenmurray »

Author of the new book "LBJ: The Mastermind Of JFK's Assassination on the Real Deal with James Fetzer: ... mlNelson's web site:
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Re: Lyndon Johnson wanted JACKIE to ride in his car in Texas!!

Post by Bob »

Steve McGuire wrote:I'm confused. Why the focus on Johnson wanting Jackie to "ride with him" when Smathers quotes JFK as saying "Lyndon wants to ride with me"? Doesn't such a comment call into question LBJ's foreknowledge of the assassination?That is interesting. Fletcher Prouty also said that he didn't believe LBJ had knowledge of an assassination attempt that day in Dallas. However, I think too many factors override that opinion. As Bruce says, perhaps LBJ didn't have full knowledge of the conspiracy, but he knew it would happen sooner rather than later, and also what he had to do once he was President (reverse the policy of JFK in Nam among other things). Also as Barney says, LBJ knew that RFK was going after him hard and he was most likely going to face prosecution because of previous lawlessness, not to mention getting replaced on the 1964 Presidential ticket. We also have the fingerprint of Mac Wallace that was found on the 6th Floor of the TSBD. Wallace of course, was LBJ's notorious hitman that "cleaned" things up for LBJ. A witness described a man on the 6th Floor just before the assassination that resembled Wallace. Bottom line, I think the LBJ may not have been privy to all matters regarding the assassination, but he was certainly aware that it was going to happen, and the fact that his hitman was on the 6th Floor tells you all need to know. That and his actions after the murder. There were 16,000 advisors/troops in Vietnam on 11/22/1963. By 1965, the troop total was over 500,000. LBJ also did away with the changes JFK was making to the Federal Reserve, and he never allowed his buddies in big oil to have their oil depletion allowance changed.
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Re: Lyndon Johnson wanted JACKIE to ride in his car in Texas!!

Post by kenmurray »

Bob, it's about time you came back lol. The NFL season doesn't start till Thursday.
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Re: Lyndon Johnson wanted JACKIE to ride in his car in Texas!!

Post by Bob »

kenmurray wrote:Bob, it's about time you came back lol. The NFL season doesn't start till Thursday. Indeed. It starts in New Orleans (Vikings-Saints), which is ironically the place where some of the seeds of the JFK assassination were planted.
barney 1961
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Re: Lyndon Johnson wanted JACKIE to ride in his car in Texas!!

Post by barney 1961 »

Members; just remember, LBJ was the most powerful and influencial politician in Congress, up untilhe was forced to accept the 1960 VP nomination behind Kennnedy. He never wished to be VP of anOuthouse or the White House, especially under the Boston Irish Mafia as he called the New Englanders who surrounded Kennedy and his ever present brother, who was like Kennedys shadow.People need to understand that by 1960, Johnson had been involved in rough and tumble Texashill country politics since the early 1940's with plenty of success and plenty of supporters, alongwith the gracious help of FDR, who saw Johnson as a shining star in the Democratic Party. Johnsonentered national politics at the secretary-senior aide to the family member in the House of Representatives, that owned the largest cattle ranch in the USA, the famous King Ranch folks, sohe was a workhorse, very dedicated to his various jobs and was determined to be successful and rich in the bargain. He became both many times over.Johnsons friends and mentors, Sam Rayborn and John Nance Garner, both told Johnson many manytimes, dont ever run for VP, "cause even if you should win, it aint worth a warm bucket of piss."
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Re: Lyndon Johnson wanted JACKIE to ride in his car in Texas!!

Post by Bob »

Robert Morrow wrote:I think there is a LOT of truth in the following passage by Trenton Parker. Remember that Lyndon Johnson and GHW Bush were friends and ALSO backed by the exact same people: Texas oil and military contractors such as Brown and Root, George Brown, Halliburton:From Defrauding America, Rodney Stich, 3rd edition 1998 p. 638-639]:“The Role of deep-cover CIA officer, Trenton Parker, has been described in earlier pages, and his function in the CIA's counter-intelligence unit, Pegasus. Parker had stated to me earlier that a CIA faction was responsible for the murder of JFK … During an August 21, 1993, conversation, in response to my questions, Parker said that his Pegasus group had tape recordings of plans to assassinate Kennedy. I asked him, "What group were these tapes identifying?" Parker replied: "Rockefeller, Allen Dulles, JOHNSON of Texas, GEORGE BUSH, and J. Edgar Hoover." I asked, "What was the nature of the conversation on these tapes?" I don't have the tapes now, because all the tape recordings were turned over to [Congressman] Larry McDonald. But I listened to the tape recordings and there were conversations between Rockefeller, [J. Edgar] Hoover, where [Nelson] Rockefeller asks, "Are we going to have any problems?" And he said, "No, we aren't going to have any problems. I checked with Dulles. If they do their job we'll do our job." There are a whole bunch of tapes, because Hoover didn't realize that his phone has been tapped. Defrauding America, Rodney Stich, p. 638-639]: In order to understand the JFK assassination, you have to understand the criminality of Lyndon Johnson BEFORE the JFK murder and the criminality of George Herbert Walker Bush AFTER the JFK murder. Lyndon Johnson: in addition to stealing the 1948 Senate election with vote fraud, LBJ also made a career of taking $$ millions in bribes. Lesser known is that LBJ had a hit man named Malcolm Wallace who would kill people who could have gotten LBJ indicted, thrown in jail or endangered his political career. Billie Sol Estes fingers LBJ, his top aide Cliff Carter, & Malcolm Wallace in the murders of Henry Marshall, JOHN F. KENNEDY and 6 others. Go to this web page to read about who LBJ murdered: . Lyndon Johnson was one sick, evil son of a bitch who would do anything to get ahead, including murdering John F. Kennedy. In Nov. ’63, LBJ was a dangerous, cornered animal. He was about to be dropped from the 1964 Demo ticket and he was possibly headed to JAIL because of the Bobby Baker scandal. LBJ and the CIA murdered JFK, with the equally corrupt LBJ friend Hoover of the FBI in charge of covering it up. Six weeks after the murder of JFK, on 1/1/64 LBJ’s beloved mistress Madeleine Duncan Brown asked LBJ who killed JFK. She says LBJ got angry, hopped out of bed and started pacing and waving his arms; then Lyndon Johnson said, “It was Texas oil and those f__king renegade intelligence bastards in Washington!” [Texas in the Morning, Madeleine Brown, p.189] In other words: the CIA (Bush), LBJ’s biggest campaign contributors (Texas oil) and closest friends murdered John F. Kennedy.George Herbert Walker Bush:“F__king Renegade Intelligence Bastard” George H.W. Bush, despite his lies, has been CIA for a very LONG TIME. Bush helped organize the failed Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba in April of 1961. The Bush family was heavily vested in the Bay of Pigs operation against Castro. After the Bay of Pigs fiasco, the CIA and the anti-Castro Cubans hated JFK as much as they hated Fidel Castro. Eventually LBJ, the CIA and George Bush would use this hate to murder JFK. Read this web page: covering GHW Bush’s very probable involvement in the killing of JFK. Google 1) “JFK II – The Bush Connection.” (video) 2) “Tom Flocco George Bush photo” 3) Google the “Nixon-Bush Connection to the Kennedy Assassination” by Paul Kangas. During Watergate one of Nixon’s aides mentioned that he had spoken to George H.W. Bush about the “Bay of the Pigs” thing. Nixon asked what was Bush’s response? The aide said that George H.W. Bush “broke out in assholes and then shitted all over himself.” Haldeman said that “the Bay of Pigs thing” were Nixon’s code words for the JFK assassination. George H.W. Bush has the blood of JFK all over his hands and he might s__t all over himself if YOU ever find out the Ugly Truth about his murderous ways. George Bush has a long criminal career of massive CIA DRUG SMUGGLING. Google the video: “Mena Connection: Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA, Drug smuggling” IT IS VERY LIKELY GEORGE H.W. BUSH, JEB BUSH ANDOLLIE NORTH MURDERED BARRY SEAL IN FEB., 1986 Barry Seal was a CIA asset and legendary drug smuggler. It is very likely that VP George H.W. Bush, his son JEB BUSH and Ollie North MURDERED Barry Seal in 1986. Barry Seal was about to spill the beans in court about GHW Bush’s criminal drug involvement. You can read about it in Al Martin’s book The Conspirators: Secrets of an Iran-Contra Insider. Here are some good web links:1) 2) Google “Barry Seal Spartacus.”George Herbert Walker Bush used CIA Pegasus unit Assassins to Terrorize Ross Perot in the 1992 campaignGoogle “Chip Tatum Pegasus” for the Ugly Truth about Bush George H.W. Bush is a career criminal with a lot of dirty, evil secrets to hide. Ross Perot, while he was hunting for US POWs in Asia, came across clear evidence of US CIA heroin smuggling from Burma. This is in addition to the HUGE amounts of cocaine that Bush/Clinton/CIA/Jeb Bush/Oliver North were bringing in from Central America. Google “Bo Gritz letter to George Bush.” GHW Bush was very scared of what might happen to him if a hard ass like Perot ever became president. Bush was giving his CIA assassins the green light to murder/terrorize Ross Perot. George H.W. Bush said: “you are authorized to use whatever means necessary to recover said documents and insure that this criminal [Ross Perot] is brought to justice. You are authorized to exceed existing regulations and FTM’s to accomplish this mission. If loss of life occurs as a result of the performance of your duties, you shall be exempt and protected from prosecution.” [Chip Tatum, Pegasus Files – Google it!]Robert Morrow for President!!! Seriously...good stuff there Robert. But the MSM sweeps all of that under the carpet with Poppy, just like they did with his father, son's and close associates.
tom jeffers
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Re: Lyndon Johnson wanted JACKIE to ride in his car in Texas!!

Post by tom jeffers »

regarding ross perot:By the summer Perot commanded a lead in the presidential race with thirty-nine percent of the vote,[19] but on July 16, Perot unexpectedly dropped out.[20] Perot eventually stated the reason was that he received threats that digitally altered photographs would be released by the Bush campaign to sabotage his daughter's wedding.[21] Regardless of the reasons for withdrawing, his reputation was badly damaged. Many of his supporters felt betrayed and public opinion polls would subsequently show a large negative view of Perot that was absent prior to his decision to end the campaign.[22]In September he qualified for all fifty state ballots. On October 1, he announced his intention to reenter the presidential race. He said that Republican operatives had wanted to reveal compromising photographs of his daughter, which would disrupt her wedding, and he wanted to spare her from embarrassment. Scott Barnes, a private investigator and security consultant who had testified to that effect, later recanted his story. He revealed in 1997 that he had deceived Perot about the existence of the photographs, and that he had created the hoax with others who were not involved with any political campaign. Barnes was a Perot supporter, and believed that if it were revealed that Republicans were involved in dirty tricks, it would harm Bush's candidacy.[23]you can bet that scott barnes was working for bush.