ufo's real

JFK Assassination
Michael Dell
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Re: ufo's real

Post by Michael Dell »

There's so much about life and existence we still don't understand, or even approach understanding. But I love how we think we're the epitome of intelligence and evolved life, and that our science can explain everything. In truth, we're little more than cavemen still. Think about it. A hundred years ago we were still riding horses. Think how far technology has progressed. Less than 20 years ago, the internet was little more than a rumor. Consider how far communication has come in even the past five years with the rise of social networking, cell phones, texting, iPads, etc. What will it be like in 10 years? Or 20 years? Or 50? Now consider a society that started 100 years before us. What about a society that had a 1000-year head start? When you mix in the ideas of quantum physics, string theory, multiple universes, and the rest it becomes all the more apparent how arrogant our limited beliefs are. Study the holographic universe theories and there's a better than average chance we're all nothing but characters in an advanced computer simulation, like Sims 50.0. But getting back to the UFO subject, anyone interested in such things should definitely visit the MUFON web site. They have a swell map of all the recent UFO sightings reported in the United States...http://www.ufostalker.com/?mufon=true
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Re: ufo's real

Post by kenmurray »

Michael Dell wrote:There's so much about life and existence we still don't understand, or even approach understanding. But I love how we think we're the epitome of intelligence and evolved life, and that our science can explain everything. In truth, we're little more than cavemen still. Think about it. A hundred years ago we were still riding horses. Think how far technology has progressed. Less than 20 years ago, the internet was little more than a rumor. Consider how far communication has come in even the past five years with the rise of social networking, cell phones, texting, iPads, etc. What will it be like in 10 years? Or 20 years? Or 50? Now consider a society that started 100 years before us. What about a society that had a 1000-year head start? When you mix in the ideas of quantum physics, string theory, multiple universes, and the rest it becomes all the more apparent how arrogant our limited beliefs are. Study the holographic universe theories and there's a better than average chance we're all nothing but characters in an advanced computer simulation, like Sims 50.0. But getting back to the UFO subject, anyone interested in such things should definitely visit the MUFON web site. They have a swell map of all the recent UFO sightings reported in the United States...http://www.ufostalker.com/?mufon=trueInteresting indeed Michael.
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Re: ufo's real

Post by andries »

Ufo,s are most like to be seen in russian area,the chances in russia and canada are far better,cause their mutch larger than any other country so far over there, no real or self made ufo,s spotted.for those who have doubts about that http://worldmediaconsulting.com/images/ ... ia_PDF.pdf
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Re: ufo's real

Post by ChristophMessner »

Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:ChristophMessner wrote:Pasquale, why should the aliens fly around in US airspace, this tiny, unimportant fraction of the earth's surface, and not take a sunbath in let's say New Caledonia or the Maledives? Ok, because it's cooler ... ChrisChris,What is your point? I honestly do not believe that UFO's ONLY fly in U.S. airspace. Is that what you are saying? LOL Sorry,I can't write much right now, an ufo is watching me through the window, lol. Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote: ... As for the U.S. being a "tiny," "unimportant fraction" of the earth's surface, ask the state of Israel how "tiny" and "unimportant" the U.S. is. LOL They will definitely say: "Important but tiny cause we have them in our pocket.", because in Israel they always say one lie and one truth in one sentence. Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote: ... Without U.S. taxpayer money and military equipment, Israel would have a BIG problem on their hands, don't you think? No, they just would have to integrate into the other semites there finally and benefit from sharia which is better than interest rate bubbling. Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote: So, "tiny" and "unimportant" are relevant terms. That's true. The people in that tiny and unimportant perturbance called USA are not tiny and not unimportant. Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote: For example, there are people who are members of this forum that is all about the JFK assassination. JFK was an American president. Why do people from around the world want to discuss it like we Americans do? Cause everywhere you find some crazies, haha! (Ok that was irony finally.)Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote: So, how "tiny" and "unimportant" is the JFK assassination to you? Good question! Very difficult to answer to me. Most probable the JFK assassination will be still of eternal indicator value after the US as a political system will have disappeared long ago. Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote: Christopher,When you look at the night sky and see all those stars, they are basically all suns, like the sun at the center of our own solar system. Many of those other suns out there differ in size and strength, but there are millions and millions and millions of other suns out there. If you do your research, you will find that it is actually very statistically likely that there is life on other planets. Those life forms don't necessarily have to have more advanced than us, but it's basically a sure bet that there is life out there.Five hundred years ago, "scientists" thought the world was FLAT. Before that, they thought all the planets in the solar system revolved around the Earth. One hundred years ago, if you told someone that one day they'd be able to cut metal without touching it or put a man on the moon, they'd laugh at you. So, don't underestimate what you don't know.You are right and you have written that down very much like how I feel it too, thank you! You know, I'm just trying to answer whether we already know what our life actually is, what it means. We can list or visualize thousands of creatures we can think of on millions on planets we can imagine and derive numbers out of billions statistically convincingly, but do we touch the question, what each life form has got a self-consciousness and a consciousness about all the others and their meaning by that already? If you sum up all your impressions and deeds of your life, what does it mean? Do numbers mean anything here? Are there completely different worlds or creatures anywhere at all and if yes, are they relevant for us at all if we can't imagine nor touch them at all, or is all life in the universe under the same one rule? Is all life an error and non-being is the better alternative? Is life just a movement into infinite possibilities or forms on the edge between all dualisms? ... I'm certain any intelligent life-form doesn't waste it's time to fly nonsense-distances into nonpleasant areas with nontasty machines just to bother around with CIA-people, who don't even know whether they lied about the lies they told about the lies they told about ... The whole ufo thing is for those who don't realize that we don't identify almost any identifyable object yet anyway. Best greetings from Chris
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Re: What's Alienese for "do you have any grey Poupon?"

Post by ChristophMessner »

Phil Dragoo wrote:George Noory, Coast to Coast AM, September 15, 2010, “Cosmology & The Universe” ... Big Bang ... And speaking of laws of physics, back and to the left, back and to the left. And even the aliens acknowledge that! They know, too, that Big Bang is just a thinking model compared to the unmistakenable facts of what happened on Dealey Plaza on 22/11/63! Michael Dell wrote:There's so much about life and existence we still don't understand, or even approach understanding. But I love how we think we're the epitome of intelligence and evolved life, and that our science can explain everything. In truth, we're little more than cavemen still. Think about it. A hundred years ago we were still riding horses. Think how far technology has progressed. Less than 20 years ago, the internet was little more than a rumor. Consider how far communication has come in even the past five years with the rise of social networking, cell phones, texting, iPads, etc. What will it be like in 10 years? Or 20 years? Or 50? Now consider a society that started 100 years before us. What about a society that had a 1000-year head start? When you mix in the ideas of quantum physics, string theory, multiple universes, and the rest it becomes all the more apparent how arrogant our limited beliefs are. Study the holographic universe theories and there's a better than average chance we're all nothing but characters in an advanced computer simulation, like Sims 50.0.Wow, you speak out of my heart, Michael! And the JFK assassination was where the computer simulation made a mistake, haha! Jsnow915 wrote:Joe....ramblings welcome....with this subject...the more I seem to find out,the more I wish I was an idiot. That's the right approach to really getting to understand the aliens! Dealey Joe wrote:Speaking of "nothing"to me that is a term that is relative to our comprehension and understanding.Nothing is the beginning of what we know. Parmenides told that Dike (the goddess of justice) told him to never engage his thinking into the try to answer what nothingness is, cause it would lead to nothing. Dealey Joe wrote:The problem with God is that the religious world has conspired to get us to think of God as a person. nothing is further from the truth. "God" is nature, Gravity, The elements, The knowledge the the things we see every day that are unchangeable and dependable. The Sun becomes visible every day so precisely we can base our time on it ect. Wow, Joe, you speak so much out of my heart! We are very like-minded! That does so good! Dealey Joe wrote: We use the term Theory to explain things we cannot explain. things we know that work but we can't understand how they work.Most of us are just as afraid of contemplating other life forms and life in other unknown places just as they are afraid to think there are conspiracies.Please excuse my ramblings I bow to your "ramblings" in veneration! Chris
Michael Dell
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Re: ufo's real

Post by Michael Dell »

andries wrote:Ufo,s are most like to be seen in russian area,the chances in russia and canada are far better,cause their mutch larger than any other country so far over there, no real or self made ufo,s spotted.Andries,Are you trying to say there are no UFO sightings in Canada and Russia? With all due respect, nothing could be further from the truth. UFOs are a world-wide phenomena, and Russia, in particular, has a long storied history with the subject. Here's a recent sighting that garnered plenty of attention... http://www.allnewsweb.com/page1199999432.php
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Re: ufo's real

Post by andries »

sure michael, sutch objects or events are spotted more than once worldwideevenso worldwide more than 90 % of this events can be explained, in the us however this number is lower,because the events observed in the us were mainly real ufo,s overfilled with nastygouverment aliens worldwide it,s known that there must have been at least one shot cq shooter from the frontin the us however there were a dozen who fired the fatal shot without a doubt.