did Goldwater knew?

JFK Assassination
Christian Hansen
Posts: 4
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

did Goldwater knew?

Post by Christian Hansen »

did Barry Goldwater (republican presidential candidate in 1964) knew anything the LBJ involvment in the murder of JFK and if he did why didn't he use it in his campainwas he told by the lame Warren Commision to SHUT UP?
Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
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Re: did Goldwater knew?

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Chriatian Hansen, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:Christian - What is your total analysis of this entire scenario ?Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
barney 1961
Posts: 34
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Re: did Goldwater knew?

Post by barney 1961 »

Dave Morales and his brother, were recruited by Goldwater, his employer- patron since college days, to come up with and participate inOperation Gila or Gila Monster. This involved the elimination of Kennedy prior to 1964, with Goldwater figuring that people would blameLBJ for the Kennedy Texas motorcade tours and his death, thus Goldwater's main opponent would be Nixon, who was universally unpopularwith large numbers of voters. But, we know the good ole boys from Yale and elsewhere were not going to be denied a Tricky Dick Nixonpresidency at all costs so the hunt began on Goldwater as he toured the country. One person was arrested on a high hill overlooking thefamous Hollywood Bowl area in Calif., where famous performances are held. This person had a scoped high power rifle in his car. He was later released by the LA police dept. for lack of sufficient cause to hold him longer. Goldwater began to employ a body double to make brief entrances and exits before speeches, just to be more secure even with a fair size security detail under McDonald's directions, to blinder his comings and goings. Hugh McDonald, an ex-FBI man, former LA Sher. Deputy Chief, and CIA associate contract agent, was eventually hiredto provide advance and on-scene security for Goldwater. Mr. McDonald wrote the early on book," Appointment in Dallas," which contains somerather provocative black and white photos that make one wonder about the shooters and their positions next to Elm Street.
Christian Hansen
Posts: 4
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: did Goldwater knew?

Post by Christian Hansen »

I think that Goldwater knew about the aasasination of JFK and that LBJ was deeply involved in the JFK assasination and he was told the the false Warren commition that he couldn't use it in his campaign cause i think if Barry Goldwater had used what he knew about LJB's criminal past he had used it and he would have became president and Johnson, Hoover, Dulles and Merkeson would have gone to jail