Could Reports of Abort Team Cause Last min Change in Plans:

JFK Assassination
steve manning
Posts: 17
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Could Reports of Abort Team Cause Last min Change in Plans:

Post by steve manning »

I was reading under the new topic of "The Shooters" and was going to post this there but it started growing so therefore here I am under ""New Topic" instead... Anyone can see the logic of waiting to the last possible moment to take any shot from the front; but clearly, by this time they (particularly the Mob) were more than ready to take a shot from the front if that's what it took to finally get the job done. They were ready enough to plant at least one shooter (Files) in the front...I sense fatigue from just "planning" to kill this guy...Florida, Chicago, etc., he simply had to go this time. The traditional home stretch of the reelection campaign was right around the corner and they would never have a better opportunity to finally get it done than Dallas Texas, on November 22, 1963. In 5 more weeks the typical election media coverage would kick in, and JFK wouldn't be able to use the toilet without triggering an AP report. They need to get rid of this guy while the light on him is relatively dim; and as stated earlier, there would never again be a greater opportunity to finally get rid of him. It had even stopped raining that morning, allowing them to remove the bubble top from the limo. In addition to all this, was the last minute rumor of the alleged "CIA order," and the ensuing “abort team" which could have triggered a collapse in the original plan of triangulation crossfire, with emphasis behind the target? Perhaps upon hearing about the abort team, a lonely Mob shooter on the south knoll was wondering if he was the only one left in the plaza to do the job? Perhaps any confusion brought about by the rumor or order of an “abort team” convinced such a shooter (on the south knoll) to take any shot he could get just to make sure it got done this time? I can no longer find the link to an adaptation of the Zapruder footage by Gill Jesus, in which he depicted a shot from the south knoll, traversing the windshield of the limo and passing over the left shoulder of Governor Connelly, (right past his left ear)...making him flinch just before it hit JFK in the throat. This was an amazing insight into this possibility! I don't know where the shot would have originated but I would guess from somewhere on the south knoll or possibly the south side of the overpass; either from above or below? We do know of course that Tosh was thinking of something along these lines as well. NOTE: Such a shooter I’m sure would not have been aiming at JFK’s throat. Perhaps the only shot he had (from wherever he would have been) was through the windshield? You would think such a shot would have been aimed right between his eyes instead of the Windsor knot of his necktie? No I haven’t done any tests, but at this point, I would be willing to bet the slant of the windshield could have dropped the trajectory of the shot; especially from that distance, even though it was probably less than 200 yards. Back to where we started, I hate to sound like a broken record, but I’m a reasonable guy…in terms of simple likelihood, what am I overlooking here? Please help me specifically rule this out? Yes it made good sense to avoid taking a shot from the front but in the end, did they really care if they took it? They put Files on the knoll. Again, he simply had to go this time. In addition to all this is the evidence of the hole in the windshield. Where is the specific refutation of this? Again, Gil Jesus did an amazing job of tracking down what happened. I wish I could find it again? I believe it has all been removed? In my estimation, we can’t just throw this key evidence under the bus without specifically ruling out; as opposed to disagreeing with it because we already have another view of the matter already in print.Thanx for reading.Steve