What if the whole forum here would be erased suddenly?

JFK Assassination
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Re: What if the whole forum here would be erased suddenly?

Post by kenmurray »

Jerry Craig wrote:thank you all for the support if it was not for joe the website would not exist i have sold very few books i think 3 is all so im not pushing the bookif it was not for joe and this fourm helping me i probably would have just walked away and not shared anything with anybody.Well Jerry, we here are glad that you have shared your Uncle's story and the memories you have of him.
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Re: What if the whole forum here would be erased suddenly?

Post by turtleman »

I think you have a lot of your uncle in you Jerry. And I mean that in the most sincere way.
Jerry Craig
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Re: What if the whole forum here would be erased suddenly?

Post by Jerry Craig »

thank you for saying that
Kit Carp
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Re: What if the whole forum here would be erased suddenly?

Post by Kit Carp »

I agree that this website is particularly thoughtful in it's treatment of others. A lot of the "big name" researchers on other websites fight with each other like gradeschool children over what amounts to "who is right" on often inconsequential matters. They see questioning of even the least of their conclusions or theories as personal attacks, and hold their research much too personally. They have invested too much of their personal reputations into bedrock conclusions, and havent allowed themselves room to be wrong about anything.When one does this, objectivity flies out of the window. One becomes trapped in the same "flat earth" mentality that the lone-nutters have. That sort of logic runs something like "Oswald did it alone, therefore, all evidence showing others were involved is mistaken."I like this site because, while it does have a narrow focus involving James Files, everyone's perspective, for the most part seems to allow for fresh opinions and other ideas. (Myself, I fully support that a massive conspiracy killed the President involving members of our government and military, with at least a section of the CIA "setting the scene" beforehand and actually organizing the hit. But, I remain neutral about the lowest rung of that ladder, the actual shooters. I feel that it requires too much "faith" in taking what these individuals say as gospel and that the hard evidence is lacking that exists in other aspects of the case. Files, Hunt, Holt, Harrelson, Sturgis....I dont know who pulled any triggers, because I dont see the evidence.)It is natural for this to be the state of things. In all other aspects of the case, you have at least partial paper trails of evidence left behind. Much can be established with altered evidence by observing whom had access to it when. The case has advanced to the point where evidenciary alteration is indisputable, if an honest judge and jury examined the case.But with these shadowy, spectral CIA or mafia hitmen sorts of guys, you naturally have a largely paperless, ghostlike existance. It's just how it is. Finally, I've read just about everything that exists about Roger Craig. He strikes me as one of the most honest and heroic individuals in the entire case. He seemed to be everywhere and among the most honest and alert people in Dealy Plaza and the Police Station. Everytime he made a statement that ran against the "Oswald did it alone" scenerio, someone would turn up as a witness to call him a liar. Each time, a photo would be eventually uncovered, proving Roger to be the honest one, and the other person guilty of fraud. I Suppose it is possible that someday Lee Harvey Oswald might turn out to be an innocent man who was a loyal patriot who worked for the intelligence community, and who was framed because he leaned to the left. We may even owe him heroic status for giving his life to foil the Chicago plot against the President. (Has anyone heard that the person who tipped off the authorities was known only as "Lee"?)The jury is still out on Oswald's exact position....but not on Roger Craig.Heroes are people who give of themselves for the sake of good. They are often modest, and only trying to do what is right. Roger could have caved in like so many others, and "went along to get along" for the sake of his career. But, this simple, honest man was not going to corrupt himself and lie about what he saw. He told the truth, he stuck fast to the side of justice and the law. In a city with many corrupt cops, under the pressure of the new government to hide the truth, Roger Craig fought the good fight. It cost him his health, and then his life.Perhaps someday, if there is any justice in this world, and if Lady Liberty and our Constitution win in the end, this truth will be exposed, and they will name something important after this heroic man, and scrap the names of the evil-doers from airports and parks who are guilty of the most heinious treason against The United States of America.
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Re: What if the whole forum here would be erased suddenly?

Post by ChristophMessner »

Full approval, Kit, would put my signature under all you have said! And a very optimistic vision in the end ...
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Re: What if the whole forum here would be erased suddenly?

Post by Bob »

To answer your question Chris, I would hope we would start anew, just like we have done when this forum has crashed before. Wim has taken measures with his technical team to make sure any glitches aren't permanent. Like most of our forum members, I am very persistent. Starting from scratch is never good, but I also know that some of us have accumulated enough information in our own personal data base to keep this research ongoing. Plus we have Mr. Wizard's (Ken's) library. That man can find ANY information at ANY time. That is why he is Art Linkgetter, aka Link Murraydale, aka Abraken Linkin. The Wizard of Link. We have put together a great group here, and we will not be stopped in our quest for the truth, no matter what the dark side tries.
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Re: What if the whole forum here would be erased suddenly?

Post by ChristophMessner »

Bob wrote:To answer your question Chris, I would hope we would start anew, just like we have done when this forum has crashed before. Wim has taken measures with his technical team to make sure any glitches aren't permanent. Like most of our forum members, I am very persistent. Starting from scratch is never good, but I also know that some of us have accumulated enough information in our own personal data base to keep this research ongoing. Plus we have Mr. Wizard's (Ken's) library. That man can find ANY information at ANY time. That is why he is Art Linkgetter, aka Link Murraydale, aka Abraken Linkin. The Wizard of Link. We have put together a great group here, and we will not be stopped in our quest for the truth, no matter what the dark side tries.You have an admirable, unrelentless spirit, Bob! "... Art Linkgetter, aka Link Murraydale, aka Abraken Linkin. The Wizard of Link." Art Truthspreader, aka Bob Fox-the-truth-trott, aka Fox Bop Radio. The Blizzard of RevelationLet's hope we are not only extra in the games of wealthy intelligence abroad!