Oswald photos

JFK Assassination
Kit Carp
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Re: Oswald phots

Post by Kit Carp »

Geneve Hines often dolled out change to Oswald and others for their drinks from the pop machine on the 2nd floor, according to her testimony. Oswald apparently annoyed her because he did this all the time. With motorcycle patrolman Marion Baker confronting a coke toting Oswald on the 2nd floor immediately after the assassination, and then striking the words "drinking a coke" from his written testimony himself, (he initials the damning change in his testimony), one has to wonder about this drink. How could Baker possibly write this down, and then decide to strike in on his own? I mean, either Oswald was holding a coke, or he wasnt....and it's not something you would be unsure about.I've always found this a very suspicious change in Baker's intial written statement.It would be a brilliant stroke of detective work if Groden did indeed garner information from Hines that Oswald was getting his change for that nefarious coke just before Baker encountered him. It's a very logical event. It would further buttress the large amount of evidence that suggests Oswald fired no rifle that day. I'd love to see Groden be the one to make such a massive break in the case. He has worked a very long time on the case, made real contributions, and deserves a lot more respect than he recieves.Anyone heard anything at all on his book?
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Marion Baker's Four Accounts

Post by kenmurray »

Kit Carp
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Re: Oswald photos

Post by Kit Carp »

Film exists of Officer Baker as he absolutely tears towards and into the depository at top speed after the moments of the shots. The WC in their tests had their man walk briskly and jog....Baker didnt do that. He is moving about as fast as a younger person can possibly run....he is practically flying, which cuts greatly into the "theoretical" time the WC assigns for Oswald to move from said window, hide alleged rifle, peer out the window on the other side of the building per the famous shadowy photo, run down 5 flights of stairs, get change, buy the infamous coke, and be in time for Truly and Baker to find him calm and not out of breath or excited in the lunchroom on the 2nd floor.In Truly's testimony, he describes Baker as putting his pistol practically against Oswald's stomach. I do wonder if this might have been the "preferred moment" when Oswald was to perish in our little playlet, but Oswald's innocent behavior stopped Baker from shooting him. He could hardly shoot Oswald without cause in front of a witness, and Lee simply wouldnt react in any manner showing guilt. (Perhaps because he hadnt done anything.)Baker describes Oswald as being calm, unruffled, not-out of breath or showing any signs of doing anything except enjoying his drink. What made Baker suspect Oswald-in the lunchroom-holding a coke to begin with? Did he think he shot the President with the pop-bottle from the lunchroom?You dont read much about Baker's mad dash exactly-straight to Lee, and his almost-shooting of the soon-to-be alleged assassin. Baker seems to have been rather ominescent on this day.Baker's mad sprint always struck me as peculiar, even before I had read much about the case. It's odd.
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Re: Oswald photos

Post by Barney »

The young man who witnessed the arrest of LHO and seeing Jack Leon Ruby sitting in the very back of the theater, only came forward in1979, stating that reading about some 200 plus dead witnesses due to the Kennedy murder, convinced him to keep his mouth shut. He stateshe even spoke to Ruby, saying hey man maybe we better get out of here, these guys are wrestling with some guy holding a gun, but Rubyjust turned back to watch and uttered not a word to this witness.
Kit Carp
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Re: Oswald photos

Post by Kit Carp »

I wonder if the timing of Ruby being at the theatre and also at Parkland in time to plant the magic bullet is workable? It is pretty much indisputable he turned up at Parkland shortly after Kennedy and Connally were brought in on the 2nd floor. One of the WC's most easily proved fibs and hard to explain away bits of evidence is Ruby's presence at Parkland.The WC had to make two perfectly credible witnesses liars, and trust Ruby's word and fine reputation to remove Jack Ruby from Parkland to avoid the obvious suspician of conspiracy. He was certainly present.I dont remember the exact times of these two events, and the distances involved. An actual "Ruby Timeline" would be an interesting project to explore.
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Re: Oswald photos

Post by Bob »

Kit Carp wrote:I wonder if the timing of Ruby being at the theatre and also at Parkland in time to plant the magic bullet is workable? It is pretty much indisputable he turned up at Parkland shortly after Kennedy and Connally were brought in on the 2nd floor. One of the WC's most easily proved fibs and hard to explain away bits of evidence is Ruby's presence at Parkland.The WC had to make two perfectly credible witnesses liars, and trust Ruby's word and fine reputation to remove Jack Ruby from Parkland to avoid the obvious suspician of conspiracy. He was certainly present.I dont remember the exact times of these two events, and the distances involved. An actual "Ruby Timeline" would be an interesting project to explore.In addition to that Kit, Jimmy Files saw Ruby in Dealey Plaza shortly before the assassination. Plus, I also think Ruby was at the murder scene of Tippit as well. He may not have pulled the trigger, but I believe he was there. As Joe keeps saying, the Oak Cliff area has quite a few pieces to the JFK assassination puzzle.
Phil Dragoo
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Ruby Texas Theater, Parkland Hospital

Post by Phil Dragoo »

Seth Kantor/Parkland: 1:30 p.m.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgDXFqIjAO0Texas Theater arrest--enters theater 1:40 p.m.; at police headquarters 2:00 p.m.:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8-m7-W5 ... /cron/Ruby, having spoken with Hoffa's enforcer November 7 for 17 minutes (in addition to other calls) was stalking Oswald.The Conspiracy (oops, I mean The Commission) chose to disregard the CIA-mob gunrunning of Ruby, and the multiple-agency intelligence activities of the Patsy Who Passed The Paraffin Test Proving ZeRo Rifle (ZR-RIFLE).Ruby was probably on the ride from Tippitt to Parkland to Theater to press conference, "That's Fair Play for Cuba Committee, Son, I say, Son."Gee: lone nut without motive shot by patriotic dirtbag vice lord. Nothing to see here, folks.
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Re: Oswald photos

Post by Barney »

I think the time frames are so iffy, that Ruby could easily have been seen in Dealey Plaza, ran to the Parkland Hospital, dropped the MagicBullet on a stretcher, left and gone to the theater where he was suppose to either help Oswald or his imposter escape via Red Bird airport,or shoot Oswald, but then what would be his legal justification, since Oswald was an unknown to the police at that point. One black womanwitness observed the shooting of Officer Tippit from her front porch where she was sitting. She said she saw the car and recognized Tippitin the squad car as he regularly patrolled that general area. She observed him slow down and stop beside the sidewalk right beside two men.One man was slender and young, about 30, and the other man was older and stocky build using her language for him. She said that OficerTippit seemed to be talking to the two men thru the car window, and then started to exit his car and walk around to the two men, when theshort stocky older man pulled out a gun and began to shoot the officer even after he pulled his gun but fell to the ground on top of it. He then went around the back of the squad car and came within feet of Tippit and shot him in the right side of the head. He then waved for the younger man on the opposite sidewalk, to run and then they both ran away in opposite directions. Police detectives later called on herand she repeated to them what she saw. Upon folding up his notebook, the DPD detective looked at her harshly and told her she better shuther mouth and speak again to nobody or she might just get herself hurt or in trouble. After this she refused to discuss this matter until manyyears later and then was very cautious of whom she spoke to. Mrs.Clemons was never called to testify before the Warren Commission or any other court of law.
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Re: Oswald photos

Post by Barney »

Back to the Texas Theater episode and LHO's arrest, the previous post covers the arrest of LHO inside the theater by Officer McDonaldand several other officers after a brief scuffle. McDonlad escaped with his life after being knocked silly by LHO who then whipped out arevolver and shoved it within inches of McDonalds face and the revolver misfired for some unknown reason. LHO said the revolver boughtunder the name Alex Hidell was not his, that he purchased his S & W snubnose .38 Special from a store in Fort Worth for protection whenthey lived there earlier. His alleged revolver had 4 bullets in the chamber, two Win. and two Rem. rounds and two empty chambers however 5 or 6 live rounds were seized from the pockets of LHO. Why not a fuly loaded revolver if he felt in danger???He alleged murder weapon of Tippit, was a .38 Colt revolver, that had the cylinder bored out to fire .38 Special rounds, and the barrelhad been reamed with some object such as a rattail file, so that it is difficult to get a forensic reading on the lands and grooves of firedrounds. Another tidbit of info, Dr. Earl Rose the county coroner stated that Tippit had been shot only 4 times once in the temple and threetimes in the chest and stomach areas. However, the chief coroners assistant, stated that she counted five bullet holes in Officer Tippit. UmhCan anybody count?????????????????
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Re: Oswald photos

Post by Barney »

Texas Theater scene was in chaos outside the front, so the store owner next door went out the back of his store and found several DPDsquad cars outside the theater empty. About that time the back door near the screen, I suppose a fire exit doorway, the door flew openand out came two officers wrestling with a young man in a beige pullover type shirt or sweater in handcuffs, who obviously had been insome kind of fight or tussle with these officers. This was observed as he was very redfaced, flushed, out of breath, agitated, and wasquickly thrown in the back of a squad car and rapidly driven away via the back exit street. Later, after watching tv that night and thefollowing days, he determined that he man he was not LHO, but was about the same age, size, haircolor, body build, skin coloration.Now, who was this person, and why was he arrested and was he ever charged or booked at the Dallas Police Department booking office??DPD did some very strange things on 11/22 up thru 11/24/1963 did they not????????