Help With A College Project

JFK Assassination
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Help With A College Project

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Alec wrote:Due to time constraints, I feel that it is best to persuade people that "Lee Harvey Oswald didn't act alone". I will tell the audience that I, personally believe Lee Harvey Oswald to be innocent, but due to time constraints won't be able to prove he was, but will prove that the shooter in the 6th book depository didn't act alone.I don't like my intro so far, hoping you guys might think of something better?Here is what I have as my intro:“It was voted #6 on the most important events of the 20th century. It was also the crime of the century, and yet, after 47 years, it has still yet to be solved. The interesting aspect of this crime though, is that the victim was our 35th president, John F. Kennedy. Our government “investigated” the murder of JFK, and came to the bone-headed conclusion that a single man fired 3 shots in nearly less than 6 seconds to get the job done. I do not have all of the time to show you that they were purposely lying to us, in an effort to cover up the true assassins, but I will prove to you that Lee Harvey Oswald, the alleged alone assassin, wasn’t alone at all.”How about this for an attention grabber. Tell them that one of our current senators, Arlen Specter, basically invented the magic bullet theory and is still in public office. You could frame your question like "How can a man be in public office today who basically helped to lie to the public with the magic bullet theory?" Then show your proof and discuss how many wounds the magic bullet supposedly caused.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Help With A College Project

Post by Dealey Joe »

"but I will prove to you that Lee Harvey Oswald, the alleged alone assassin, wasn’t alone at all.”I would be interested in how you will prove LHO was not alone?
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Re: Help With A College Project

Post by Alec »

Dealey Joe:Like I said, I will tell the audience my personal beliefs, but, for the sake of time, I will NOT prove that it wasn't Oswald in the TSBD.-Many people saw 2 men in the TSBD-Malcom Wallace fingerprint in the TSBD.-Zapruder shot CLEARLY shows that the fatal shot came from front-right-HSCA concluded that because of the acoustic evidence that a shot was probable from the picket fence area.I know this doesn't necessarily tie the grassy knoll shooter with Oswald...I guess I should re-word the sentence containing LHO wasn't alone.
Phil Dragoo
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Except for the shooter, the gun, the bullet, the wounds

Post by Phil Dragoo »

Yes, Ladies and Gentlemen, it happened just the way the Warren Commission said it did—except for the SHOOTER, the GUN, the BULLET, and the WOUNDS.The SHOOTER Oswald was seen far from the so-called sniper's nest on the sixth floor just before and after the assassination at twelve-thirty, was not credibly identified at the lineup, and tested negative for nitrates in the Dallas Police paraffin test proving he did not fire a rifle that day.The GUN, the cheap Mannlicher-Carcano with the faulty scope mount, cantankarous bolt, and defective firing pin, was never seen in Oswald's possession: the backyard photos are a hoax, and here (passing out copies of ... 5804&page= 10 Reasons Why I Believe the Oswald Weapon Was Never Oswald's) are ten proofs the Oswald rifle was never Oswald's.The BULLET, Commission Exhibit 399, CE 399, the Magic Bullet, that made seven wounds including two through bone yet emerged pristine on the gurney of an injured boy in the Parkland basement and later could not be identified by any witnesses in its chain of evidence is as credible as the rest of the Commission story (passing out—optional--copies of The Impossible One-Day Journey of C.E. 399).The WOUNDS could not have been caused by Oswald or anyone to the rear of the president. The shots allegedly fired by Oswald from BEHIND could not and did not cause the wound of entry in the FRONT of the president's throat so described by Parkland surgeon Malcolm Perry the afternoon of the assassination—NOR could Oswald shooting from BEHIND have inflicted the horrible head wound seen at Zapruder frame 313 which throws the president's head BACK and to the left, BACK and to the left.Yet the Warren Report is a weighty accumulation of twenty-six volumes, ten million words, and could fill that empty space in one's bookcase or prop up one's car when changing the oil.
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Re: Help With A College Project

Post by kenmurray »

Phil, that was hilarious.
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Re: Help With A College Project

Post by Alec »

I am having trouble finding the Officer Joseph Smith photo. Could anyone be of assistance?
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Re: Except for the shooter, the gun, the bullet, the wounds

Post by Bob »

Phil Dragoo wrote:Yes, Ladies and Gentlemen, it happened just the way the Warren Commission said it did—except for the SHOOTER, the GUN, the BULLET, and the WOUNDS.The SHOOTER Oswald was seen far from the so-called sniper's nest on the sixth floor just before and after the assassination at twelve-thirty, was not credibly identified at the lineup, and tested negative for nitrates in the Dallas Police paraffin test proving he did not fire a rifle that day.The GUN, the cheap Mannlicher-Carcano with the faulty scope mount, cantankarous bolt, and defective firing pin, was never seen in Oswald's possession: the backyard photos are a hoax, and here (passing out copies of ... 5804&page= 10 Reasons Why I Believe the Oswald Weapon Was Never Oswald's) are ten proofs the Oswald rifle was never Oswald's.The BULLET, Commission Exhibit 399, CE 399, the Magic Bullet, that made seven wounds including two through bone yet emerged pristine on the gurney of an injured boy in the Parkland basement and later could not be identified by any witnesses in its chain of evidence is as credible as the rest of the Commission story (passing out—optional--copies of The Impossible One-Day Journey of C.E. 399).The WOUNDS could not have been caused by Oswald or anyone to the rear of the president. The shots allegedly fired by Oswald from BEHIND could not and did not cause the wound of entry in the FRONT of the president's throat so described by Parkland surgeon Malcolm Perry the afternoon of the assassination—NOR could Oswald shooting from BEHIND have inflicted the horrible head wound seen at Zapruder frame 313 which throws the president's head BACK and to the left, BACK and to the left.Yet the Warren Report is a weighty accumulation of twenty-six volumes, ten million words, and could fill that empty space in one's bookcase or prop up one's car when changing the oil.Phil...I would give you an A for that presentation. Just superb!!! Funny...but also TRUE. yourself, but Phil just gave you a great example about how to make a magnificent point during your presentation. Keep it loose...but keep it on point.
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Re: Help With A College Project

Post by Alec »

Speech went well guys. Thanks to EVERYONE for their comments and advice.An interesting thing to note is that when I showed them the Zapruder film and the fatal head wound shot that indicated a shot from the front-right, a lot of people remarked that they had never seen the video before.Interesting.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Help With A College Project

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Alec wrote:Speech went well guys. Thanks to EVERYONE for their comments and advice.An interesting thing to note is that when I showed them the Zapruder film and the fatal head wound shot that indicated a shot from the front-right, a lot of people remarked that they had never seen the video before.Interesting.Now you know what a good job the mainstream media have done in basically concealing the truth by talking about other things.Most people, for example, don't even know that a third building, World Trade Center Building 7, a roughly 50-story tall building, collapsed straight down, HOURS LATER, in about 6.5 seconds, on 9/11 and it wasn't even hit by a plane.I blame the media for not educating the public about this type of information.I have a friend who is in his 50s and a former Marine. He never saw the Zapruder film either until I showed him only a few months ago. Until I showed him that film, he used to spout off that Oswald did it and blah, blah, blah. I KNEW that just showing him the video would change his tune because it's common sense. LOLAnyway, I encourage you to stick around here and read some other stuff and participate. We here at the forum enjoy sharing and getting the truth out there.
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Re: Help With A College Project

Post by Kirk »

Alec,Glad the project went well. I think it is up to some in every generation to keep the truth alive and relevant for their generations. Unfortunately I think you will have to be one of them for your generation.Kirk