Judith Baker's Evidence

JFK Assassination
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Judyth, Jimmy vs. strawmen

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Phil Dragoo wrote:PasqualeI, too, find both Judyth and Jimmy credible. I shall be getting both their books, in due course, in my queue of books. Right now I'm into Jim Fetzer Murder in Dealey Plaza, a buffet of excellent stuff.Your point is well-taken that in this matter the usual angle of attack is on the Strawman Tangent, that and Argument to the Absurd, Argument to the Authority of Government Investigation, basically Judge Judy's peeing on our leg, telling us it's raining.The tenth part of Jim DiEugenio's review of Bugliosi is a good exercise in countering this arguing to facts not in evidence.http://www.ctka.net/2008/bugliosi_10_review.htmlThere are many excellent works on the subject, e.g., Douglass' Unspeakable, Horne Volumes I-V, Fetzer Murder in Dealey Plaza--Robert Morrow has a great list approaching 200--none of which are at the Confusatory.Len the other night selling some more of those shirts.Lol,The 6th Floor Confusatory, eh? LOL I'll check out those sources. For the record, when I went on my soap box about Martin Hinrichs and the whole Israeli issue, the ONLY thing that got me ruffled was the combination of the name calling and lack of actual debate. I enjoy discussing things with all of you here because it's not about being "right" or "wrong." It's about learning AND getting the information out there. Lots of people read our forum too, and many of them follow our discussions.So, for example, when I started questioning whether the supposed Holocaust was exaggerated or even made up, I showed examples, such as the Auschwitz memorial museum changing the number of dead there by over 2 million less. Then I showed that the "6 million" number was being thrown around as far back as World War ONE! Martin's answer was...NOTHING. LOLAnyway, I'm getting way off point of this topic/thread, so I'll tone it down. LOL
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Re: Judith Baker's Evidence

Post by kenmurray »

Phil, I saw Len wearing the 6th floor Confusatory shirt on the last episode of BOR too. I just may have to buy one of those shirts. I bet Gary Mack likes them too.
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Re: Judyth, Jimmy vs. strawmen

Post by Bob »

Phil Dragoo wrote:PasqualeI, too, find both Judyth and Jimmy credible. I shall be getting both their books, in due course, in my queue of books. Right now I'm into Jim Fetzer Murder in Dealey Plaza, a buffet of excellent stuff.Your point is well-taken that in this matter the usual angle of attack is on the Strawman Tangent, that and Argument to the Absurd, Argument to the Authority of Government Investigation, basically Judge Judy's peeing on our leg, telling us it's raining.The tenth part of Jim DiEugenio's review of Bugliosi is a good exercise in countering this arguing to facts not in evidence.http://www.ctka.net/2008/bugliosi_10_review.htmlThere are many excellent works on the subject, e.g., Douglass' Unspeakable, Horne Volumes I-V, Fetzer Murder in Dealey Plaza--Robert Morrow has a great list approaching 200--none of which are at the Confusatory.Len the other night selling some more of those shirts.Superb work Phil. You are not just talented with your words, as this image shows. The photo also reminds me of all the press secrataries for the Presidents of the U.S. since JFK died. Everytime they open their mouths...they lie. Especially since the CIA became part of the White House. Goebbels would be proud.
Edward Haslam
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Were LHO time cards published in the WC Volumes?

Post by Edward Haslam »

Does Commission No. 589 question JVB / Haslam research on LHO time cards?Some rascal from another forum copied my entire post about JVB Evidence above and posted it on their forum, so their members could criticize it. I guess they were having problems getting original material from their own membership, so they lifted mine as a result. In the ensueing discussion on their forum, one of their members attacked the claim that I had made about Lee Oswald’s time cards not being published in the Warren Commission Volumes. In fact, in a fit of self-righteous delight, she claimed that she had easily found the missing time cards on the Mary Ferrell Foundation website, bearing the label Commission No. 589.Image: Commission No. 589

Edward Haslam
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Re: Judith Baker's Evidence

Post by Edward Haslam »

Ooops! Mis-stated this one... a little correction is needed here.Edward Haslam wrote:which was signed by FBI agent Warren DeBrueysThe FBI's cover memo from the Dallas office about LHO's time cards was technically not signed by DeBrueys, but it referred to LHO's time cards as an exhibit in a report on Oswald which Special Agent DeBrueys (New Orleans office) had filed with the FBI, and which he presumably would have signed, as a matter of routine procedure. Such are the details that others will attack...It is DeBrueys's connection to Monaghan, Oschner, and Reily at the New Orleans Metropolitan Crime Commission that are important here./eth
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Re: Judith Baker's Evidence

Post by Barney »

To: Ed HaslamEd, I recall seeing your interview either on the Dankbaar dvds about Jimmy Files, or the Men Who Killed Kennedy.Were you ever able to determine the reasons for the research Dr. Mary Sherman, David Ferrie, and Dr. Oschner weresecretly conducting on the green monkey primate project with cancer cells, and whether or not, it was used as a precusor forthe outbreak of AIDS and HIV viruses first among the blacks, hispanics, and then among the whites in our society. The otherthing being even if it was pre-planned, why didnt the patients immediately become quarantined much like the lepers weredone throughtout history to control the spread of the disease until a curative could be found. Population control, perhaps??
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Ed Haslam On The Real Deal

Post by kenmurray »

Ed talks about Judyth's book "Me And Lee" with Jim Fetzer:http://radiofetzer.blogspot.com/2010/10/ed-haslam.html