Nicolleti..No obviuos concern for self preservation?

JFK Assassination
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Nicolleti..No obviuos concern for self preservation?

Post by Davyjones »

Imagine you are a serial mob killer about to strike again from the Dal Tex building in Dealey Plaza. After you have killed your next instinct must be to escape. So what has Nicolleti done! He has sent his driver(with the car keys) to the grassy knoll to risk a shot of his own and possibly shoot his way back to the car. Should Files be shot or captured at this point you are likely to be in deep trouble at some point by association. If you dont have any car keys you are in a bad place to ask a passing cop for assistance! Surely the only place Nicolleti would want his driver to be during his perilous visit to the Dal Tex and back would be IN THE CAR with engine running.
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Re: Nicolleti..No obviuos concern for self preservation?

Post by Jsnow915 »

Davy....I think you might have missed the was predetermined that Oswald was to be set matter where the shots came from....possibly other people were lined up also in other areas...but no need to when shots frrom behind...Oswald gets framed...Ferry could have been on the overpass...ok shots from the front...Ferry gets set up...I think it was a well thought out plan...and again...FBI wasnt going to put the blame on the mob...Hoover wouldnt touch it.
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Re: Nicolleti..No obviuos concern for self preservation?

Post by Davyjones »

Sure Oswald was the patsy...but are you saying Nicolleti and Files had a no risk situation at the kill time? They could just stroll around knowing that the patsy was going to get the rap.Come on even Files says he would be shooting first if he felt threatend on the way back to the car. Even the FBI would have had a problem if Nicoletti and Rosselli had been seen locked out of the car waving rifles around a few yards from JFKs body. I note with interest that Files says that Nicolleti and Rosselli where in the cars passenger seats when he got back. Hope he didnt leave the car unlocked! That means they had a spare set of Files car keys,he did well to remember to bring them to Dealey as he would not have expected to need them until 2 hours to go. Even then he would have been extra bright to have brought them from say his motel room on the off chance he might lose his keys that day( I presume you all keep your spare car keys out of the car in a safe place,like home) Anyway in most crime movies the get away driver is IN THE CAR
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Re: Nicolleti..No obvious concern for self preservation?

Post by Davyjones »

Sorry I spelt Obvious wrong Oh yes you have worked out that Files must have given the car keys to Nicolleti if he only had one set. Well thats bright as well as what if Nicolleti had not made it to the car or had to make a fast get away from the scene? Files should have been in the car ready to go when the shots were fired.
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Re: Nicolleti..No obviuos concern for self preservation?

Post by Jsnow915 »

it was Nicolettis car...I would imagine he had his own set of keys...I think along the lines of there were a few abort teams on site...why wouldnt there be a few patsy's on hand also.
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Re: Nicolleti..No obviuos concern for self preservation?

Post by Davyjones »

Thanks for your responses I get your point about many teams and patsys. Nicolleti had his own keys fair enough but would you have sent your driver to the Grassy Knoll to take potshots at JFK when you would be wanting to get away asap?
Phil Dragoo
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I thought YOU had the keys!

Post by Phil Dragoo »

Thank you for the comedy, Cheech and Chong LIve in the Big D. believe James Sutton-Jimmy Files and Mr. Nicoletti had been to the rodeo before.Still chuckling, though--"Dave's not here!"Angleton was not privy to who struck John, Johnson was just a poor schoolteacher, and the merest coincidence accounted for Chuck Nicolleti and George DeMohrenschildt leaving the building on March 29, 1977.
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Re: Nicolleti..No obviuos concern for self preservation?

Post by ChristophMessner »

Files said, Nicoletti said, it would be safe after the shooting. The whole interpen team was present. Many cars to leave. No problem to blend into the crowd at all. Nicoletti could rely on a protected getaway. He and Files and Morales and all the others could rely on several shots coincidently and nobody of the separate teams will be blamed for anything or stopped.
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Re: Nicolleti..No obviuos concern for self preservation?

Post by Davyjones »

Firstly thanks for the keys clarification,subject closed. You say Nicoletti said it would be safe after the shooting.Really? What if a cop like Roger Craig had seen something, say Files on the Knoll do you think he would have backed off? Dont think so.Files says clearly he was ready to shoot his way out,he didnt think it was safe out there.So Nicolleti et al had safe passage,what, from the whole of the DPD and SS .!It would only take one honest cop to get lucky to cause him big problems Putting a young gun happy kid on the Knoll with the OK to shoot if he thought he should strikes me as a risk too far. I presume Nicolleti ,if Files failed to show, knew the route to his other getaway vehicle?