Nicolleti..No obviuos concern for self preservation?

JFK Assassination
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Re: Nicolleti..No obviuos concern for self preservation?

Post by Bob »

Jimmy Files was ready to fight his way out of Dealey Plaza had he needed to. But he had protection on the knoll, as they were fake Secret Service agents protecting his getaway. The same goes for the shooters from behind, whether in the Dal-Tex building or the TSBD. Remember, Files drove Johnny Roselli to the diner the morning of the assassination. Files saw Roselli meet with Jack Ruby. Ruby gave Roselli an envelope that contained key information about what would be going on as the motorcade went through Dealey Plaza. Files only briefly glanced at some of the stuff Roselli was looking at as they drove back th Roselli's hotel. Roselli was with Chuck Nicoletti at the Dal-Tex building. Nicoletti would be privy to the information Roselli received from Ruby. That is why he told Files it would safe.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Nicolleti..No obviuos concern for self preservation?

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Davyjones wrote:Firstly thanks for the keys clarification,subject closed. You say Nicoletti said it would be safe after the shooting.Really? What if a cop like Roger Craig had seen something, say Files on the Knoll do you think he would have backed off? Dont think so.Files says clearly he was ready to shoot his way out,he didnt think it was safe out there.So Nicolleti et al had safe passage,what, from the whole of the DPD and SS .!It would only take one honest cop to get lucky to cause him big problems Putting a young gun happy kid on the Knoll with the OK to shoot if he thought he should strikes me as a risk too far. I presume Nicolleti ,if Files failed to show, knew the route to his other getaway vehicle?Regarding Nicoletti knowing it would be "safe" after the shooting, we know that there were fake Secret Service men on the knoll because Officer Joseph Smith told the Warren Commission that he encountered a man who produced Secret Service credentials to him on the knoll. Officer Smith had his revolver out, pointed at the man, and the man just showed him ID and indicated that the area was already secured.We also know that the Secret Service also told the Warren Commission that they didn't have any agents on the ground in the plaza and that they were all with the motorcade.Of course, no plan is fool proof, and I believe that this is the reason why Files was ready to shoot his way out if he needed to. In the event that a policeman like Roger Craig, or anyone else, would have tried to stop Files, Files could have shot him, and they would have probably blamed it on Oswald trying to make a daring escape from the scene.The Warren Commission ALREADY blamed Oswald for Tippit's murder in a place where Oswald basically couldn't have been. The way that they monkeyed with the evidence (you know, the Mauser that was found being changed to the Manlicher-Carcano, and the shell casings at the Tippit murder scene being NOT from a .38 revolver and more like from a semi-automatic pistol), they could have made ANYTHING up. Just look at what they did with the magic bullet theory.Also, a major red flag for you should be that Charles Nicoletti and George DeMorenschildt were both killed on the same day. Interesting, eh?
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Re: Nicolleti..No obviuos concern for self preservation?

Post by kenmurray »

George DeMohrenschildt- The Security Alarm: ... re=related
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Re: Nicolleti..No obviuos concern for self preservation?

Post by Barney »

What Ifs; what if there were shooters,or even one shooter on The Grassy Knoll, shooting blanks to draw a crowd tothat location so that real shooters had the time to escape unimpeded from the TBDB, the Dal-Tex bldg. and the CountyCourt bldg. so they had clear sailing to their exit strategies whether walking or going to a parked car. There is such a thingas breakdown of weapons, so that several people remove the weapon from a crime scene in pieces, and later re-assemble it.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Nicolleti..No obviuos concern for self preservation?

Post by Dealey Joe »

BarneyI think several things were possiblebut like Jimmy Files I would want as very few involved as possible.I think it was an easy project for them.There was so much shock and confusion that they had some time to do their get away.Jimmy just walked away.I bet it was 10 minutes before most came back to heir sensesand by that time there were several hundred people running from up on Houston causing total confusion.
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Re: Nicolleti..No obviuos concern for self preservation?

Post by Kirk »

Davy,Thanks for posting this. This has always been a problem for me that some of the planning seemed so careless. I was working the idea that no one would park a car so close to the event, and take a chance on being followed, or not be able to even leave by being trapped by traffic or roads being closed. Your questions about the keys is interesting to me. Of course it is possible to answer with several sets etc. But what if one of the parties was caught, and they found the keys. It would be easy to investigate and find out the make and model of the car.Anyway The deed was doneThanksKirk
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Re: Nicolleti..No obviuos concern for self preservation?

Post by Davyjones »

Hi Kirk..Glad you enjoyed the posts. I agree the whole nightmare of JFK is a mess and I still think it was stupid to put Files on the grassy knoll when he was your escape driver. Another point,if files had shot one second earlier then Nicoletti might have missed and the lone assasin story would have blown up there and then. Not so clever either
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Re: Nicolleti..No obviuos concern for self preservation?

Post by Bob »

Davy, there were definitely a lot of mistakes made before, during and after the assassination by the conspirators, including the one you alluded to. There is no doubt about that. But even with all that, you still had the U.S. government and the MSM covering up those mistakes. To this day.
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Re: Nicolleti..No obviuos concern for self preservation?

Post by Davyjones »

Bob... your right! Dont get me wrong I am sure it was a conspracy and has had a massive cover up. If Mr Dankbaar endorses Mr Files as the knoll shooter then thats OK with me.On his own without Murdesolved support I would have to say I would be unconvinced
Phil Dragoo
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Smell the gunpowder--no, it's coffee.

Post by Phil Dragoo »

Cubela in Paris that day was getting a CIA poison pen from a Harvey associate, when the former had requested a silenced FAL sniper rifle.CIA had been working through Harvey with Roselli since 1959—a fact not lost on Kilgallen who was the first to break the story, not in Church Committee hearings in 1975 but in ink in 1959.Files is a man of honor and released a limited amount of information. Thanks to a largely ignorant response, he apparently won't release any more.And who could blame him.Davy, your anomalies are well-noted, and we add them to the thousand aired since that day in November.Witnesses to the right temple/hairline wound are listed in Horne, and in Fetzer MIDP, and elsewhere.We have a spray of metal in the lateral X-ray indicating the frontal wound as its source.And we have the Harper Fragment indicating its rear blowout—and on the Harper right margin is the lead trace from the occipital inshoot.Braden/Brading in Dal-Tex, along with Roselli and Nicoletti according to Files.Files notes the Secret Service agent who shielded his escape—courtesy of Chauncey Holt per Holt's report.Although Files refers to the matter as ad lib, who believes that.Who believes that, if LBJ announced JFK was coming to Dallas for a luncheon, and does this in April, that by November the op wasn't ironed flat as a slab of marble.The CIA was training up teams to get Castro for the previous three years, teams that included Roselli-recruited people.Cubela knew about “silenced FAL sniper rifles” in Paris that day;--that day that Marcello walked out of a Bobby-instigated trial--Because Files says it was a few fellows having coffee and oh let's swing by the Plaza and do that bastard Jack----it is too droll, is it not.Baddabing, baddaboom.Okay, NOW let's do coffee.MM--smell the plausible denial of wise guy cutouts.