Why JFK was right - Vietnam

JFK Assassination
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Re: Why JFK was right - Vietnam

Post by Bob »

Mark68 wrote:http://poorrichards-blog.blogspot.com/2 ... nti.htmlNo doubt Mark. JFK was right about not escalating the war in Nam. But JFK was right about a LOT of things. He was also right about not attacking Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis, which would have led to nuclear war and probably WWIII. He was right about the changes he was trying to make with the Federal Reserve. He was right about making big oil paying it's fair share. He was right about warning us about secret societies, just like Eisenhower had warned the American people about the Military Industrial Complex. All of those attempts to change things led to 11/22/1963. Now look at the world. Look at Wall Street and big banking and the BILLIONS in bailouts, not to mention the harm they have caused to the economy and their efforts to decay the middle class. Look at the profits by big oil, and the worst ecological event in U.S. history that was done by BP in the Gulf. Look at the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Caused by 9/11, an event that closely resembled Operation Northwoods, a plan presented to JFK in March of 1962. 9/11 was an obvious inside job. Look at the Bilderbergers, Skull & Bones, Bohemian Grove and their ilk. JFK was an agent of change. An agent of peace. That is why he died. The United States and the world have never recovered since that dark day in late November '63. The evil people that killed JFK are still in charge. Men have died, and names have changed, but the influences that murdered JFK are still with us today.
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Re: Why JFK was right - Vietnam

Post by kenmurray »

Not only JFK was right about Vietnam, but so was Bobby, a man for peace. It got them both killed.
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Re: Why JFK was right - Vietnam

Post by JDB4JFK »

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Re: Why JFK was right - Vietnam

Post by Bob »

JDB4JFK wrote:WELL SAID BOB YOU'RE MY FAVORITE ON THIS FORUM! YOU ALWAYS SEEM TO BE ON QUE!WHY DON'T PEOPLE THINK LIKE YOU AND ME?CARRY ON MY FAVORITE!Thanks for the kind words JDB4JFK. But a myriad of opinions is needed to solve not only the JFK assassination, but other events such as 9/11. This forum has educated me quite a bit about things surrounding the JFK assassination, plus different opinions by some forum members have swayed my beliefs about certain issues regarding this murder. The internet is the only vehicle that the people can use to get true information, as the MSM is bought and paid for by the power elite. However, getting to the crux of the real truth will cause debate in forums like this one. Debate is healthy and educational, as long as it's done respectfully.
Phil Dragoo
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263, 273, and beyond

Post by Phil Dragoo »

The topic of Vietnam was addressed by Fletcher Prouty, then James Douglass, and most recently by Doug Horne.In Robert Groden, The Killing of A President (1993) are document facsimiles of National Security Action Memoranda 263 and 273—behold a smoking gun.In 263 Kennedy removed a thousand advisors a month, all sixteen thousand to be out by January, 1965—but let's keep this under wraps.When Kennedy was under wraps, Johnson signed 273—the Tuesday following Monday's funeral.The next year came the contrivance called the Tonkin Gulf Resolution—but the following year, 1965, the year Kennedy would have had us out, Johnson made sure it was to become the Longest War.Here is a brief but important article by the Marine officer serving as aide for the Joint Chiefs when they were allowed fifteen minutes in Johnson's White House November, 1965, to make their case for bombing Hanoi and mining Haiphong Harbor:The Day It Became the Longest WarLt. Gen. Charles Cooper, USMC (Ret.)http://hnn.us/articles/34024.htmlI first came upon it in the May 1996 issue of Proceedings of the U.S. Naval Institute.It has received little note, not as much as the purported effort of Johnson to “show that little Ho Chi Minh we mean business,” followed by his crying like a little girl when Walter Cronkite publicly stated the Tet Offensive showed we'd lost.I interpret Johnson's November 1965 humiliation of the Chiefs as demonstrating he saw the war as a cash cow, for the Brown & Root donors et al, and for the access to the Golden Triangle drugs—call me cynical.I further stipulate that his refusal to run for re-election in 1968 was NOT in response to CIA asset Cronkite's wrong interpretation (the North had lost, and relied upon the Jane Fonda-John Kerry fifth column for victory).The real reason Johnson retired to wait for his heart attack (the year after Hoover's, the year before Nixon's flight) was in response to an offer he couldn't refuse from the national security shadow government.The figureheads rotate—and when they attempt to be more than figureheads, they are terminated with extreme prejudice.Consider the partners in detente, Kennedy and Khruschev, 1963-4 saw their replacement.A global commonality not unlike the Oceania-Eurasia-Eastasia presents.
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Re: Why JFK was right - Vietnam

Post by Barney »

Members; I just began a book by Kai Bird, " The Color of Truth, Brothers in Arms, McGeorge and William Bundy." Touchstone Books, copyright1998, purchased by an excellent new and used book online service, Alibris Books. Com for only $2.00, plus S & H. You cannot beat the selection and prices for these books, most of the time, the shipping costs as much or more than their books from many bookstores nationwide. Many of the more out of date selections they can provide from all manner of sources incld. public libraries outing older books.In browsing this book, I found a particular poignant episode at a large Christmas dinner party in Dec. 1965, attended by the elite of theWashington and White House crowd. On a sofa sat Sec. of Defense McNamara, and Washington Post asst. managing editor, Ben Bradlee'swife, Toni Bradlee, weeping tears almost uncontrollably after being chastized by Mrs. Bradlee for the conduct of the war. One should recall,that Toni Pinchot Bradless, was the sister of JFK's on again- off again lover of some years, Mary P. Myer, former wife of CIA officer, CordMyer. Following this unusual outburst of crying, the DC crowd of elites were to see this on a number of occasions. The Bundy brothers whoknew McNamara agreed that Mac was deeply troubled about the Vietnam war, its directions, and the stubborn obstinate opinions of theJohnson gang, that a defeat of the North Vietnamese was essential to saving the South, and teaching the Commies a lesson. Whenever, Macwould suggest alternatives to actual combat and aerial bombings in the North, Johnson would fly into a rage and charge that he was surrounded by peace doves, pussycats, and no-win type guys with desk jobs, and order them to go on these fact finding tours in US Vietnamcontrol. Although, in private he would express his serious intellectual doubts about winning a conventional war and peace in SE Asia unlesswe committed some 2-4 million ground and air troops to the fields of combat, he refused to evidence such feelings in press conferences.
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Re: Why JFK was right - Vietnam

Post by Barney »

Yes, Kennedy was right about Vietnam and a lot of other matters of concern for the American public. Based upon extended conversations over manymonths, Kennedy sought out advise from Pres. Truman, Eisenhower, Gens. McArthur, DeGaulle, and others over a land war in SE Asia, and was told toget out, there was not way the USA could win an insurgency war, or civil war, some 6,000 miles from our shores. People dont know or have forgottenthat at several points in our history with Vietnam, we were friends with Ho Chi Minh until he decided to kick the French out of Indochina for good. Hewarned the Brits, French, and the Americans, that SE Asia was the home of Asians, and the white rulers for many decades must go. He also told them inprivate and public conferences, that if he lost a ratio of 10-15 vietnamese soldiers for every one of ours, he would still win the war, and outlast us. Weunlike the Vietnamese in the North, were never able to convert the villages to become Americanized as so many Washington politicians and prognosticatorswould quickly predict in the New York times and Washington Post and other media outlets. We should have heeded the advice of oru betters.Does not Iraq and Afghanistan have the hollow ring of Vietnam written all over it??????
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Re: Why JFK was right - Vietnam

Post by kenmurray »

Virtual JFK: Vietnam If Kennedy Had Lived:http://www.virtualjfk.com/http://www.ct ... jfk_3.html