Discovery News: JFK Requested Bodyguards to Back Off

JFK Assassination
Michael Dell
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Discovery News: JFK Requested Bodyguards to Back Off

Post by Michael Dell »

JFK Requested Bodyguards to Back Offby Emily Sohn Four days before the fateful 1963 motorcade in Dallas when John F. Kennedy was fatally shot in the head, the young president had requested that his secret service agents give him some space."President Kennedy made a decision, and he politely told everybody, 'You know, we're starting the campaign now, and the people are my asset,'" said agent Jerry Blaine. "And so, we all of a sudden understood. It left a firm command to stay off the back of the car."And so the distortion continues. Some people have already started posting in the article's comments section to try and set the record straight... ... rvice.html
Kit Carp
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Re: Discovery News: JFK Requested Bodyguards to Back Off

Post by Kit Carp »

I've read numerous in depth Secret Service interviews by Vince Palamara that firmly indicate that President Kennedy was exceedingly easy to protect, and never got in the way of security issues. He apparently was one of the most down to earth, easily accessed Presidents to those around him...considerate and always seeing other's points of view. The record shows this. Johnson was the opposite, and terrible at dealing with those under him. I've always personally found it especially heinious and frustrating when people close to Kennedy make claims that suggest he was responsible for his own death, in order to cover up what in fact was a massive, in-house conspiracy.An accessory to treason, is what this sort of nasty propaganda amounts least in my eyes.
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Re: Discovery News: JFK Requested Bodyguards to Back Off

Post by Bob »

As soon as I saw that Discovery was the source of this "news", I knew it was a crock of shit. There is NO doubt that certain agents from the Secret Service were complicit in the murder of JFK, both in Dealey Plaza and the cover up of his wounds at Bethesda. This story is trying rewrite or retell history, just like almost everyone else in the MSM does. Discovery has done this time and time again, whether it's news items like this, or on any JFK assassination specials. The specials always give the viewers the opinions of folks like Gary Mack or Dave Perry, but NEVER give the opinions of Jim Marrs or Robert Groden.Please see this information by Jim DiEugenio at CTKA... line, anything regarding the JFK assassination that comes from Discovery is a crock.
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Re: Discovery News: JFK Requested Bodyguards to Back Off

Post by kenmurray »

Oh no another Discovery Channel propaganda piece on the JFK assassination. I heard this was coming. And I'm sure once again one Gary Mack will be in the center of it. As Vince Palamara has interviewed several of the SS agents that JFK did not order the bodyguards to back off. And Gerald Blaine knows it.
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Re: Vince Palamara strikes back

Post by Bob »

Phil Dragoo wrote: ... tmlAWESOME stuff there Phil. I'm sure Discovery never contacted Vince Palamara before they put this story out. Why? Because too many facts will ruin this and all the other bullshit that they offer as evidence in their stories or specials.Getting back to Blaine for a moment...we now know the guy is a bullshitter, plus he is trying to sell a book. If you thought the story headlining this thread was a whopper, wait until you read this... ... ation.html
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Re: Vince Palamara strikes back

Post by kenmurray »

Bob wrote:Phil Dragoo wrote: ... tmlAWESOME stuff there Phil. I'm sure Discovery never contacted Vince Palamara before they put this story out. Why? Because too many facts will ruin this and all the other bullshit that they offer as evidence in their stories or specials.Getting back to Blaine for a moment...we now know the guy is a bullshitter, plus he is trying to sell a book. If you thought the story headlining this thread was a whopper, wait until you read this... ... on.htmlBob, thanks for bringing this up. I didn't know this. If wonder if the guy that wanted to assassinate LBJ was Harvey Lee
Phil Dragoo
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Just in: JFK Killed JFK; film at ten

Post by Phil Dragoo »

Gee, that Telegraph article solved this thing—Oswald, alone, all that wacky conspiracy stuff to the contrary notwithstanding.Regarding the Secret Service, according to Doug Horne, they destroyed their records rather than surrender them to the ARRB.Unlike the other motorcades that year, the Secret Service ordered the motorcycle escort cut in half and kept back behind the limo's rear wheels.Emory Roberts ordered agents off the back of the limo leaving Love Field, and it would be he who would later confess to badgering Malcolm Perry to recant his characterization of the throat wound as one of entry.It was Floyd Boring who ordered the agents off the limo in Florida and later blamed JFK.Elmer Moore later made the remark that Kennedy was a traitor.Greer stopped for the head shots.He and Kellerman stole the body and bullied everybody at the Bethesda autopsy.And they were all, all honorable men. ... .htmlVince Palamara JFK Medical Evidence BlogCheck out that Zedlitz letter. 5 mm to 7 mm hole in the throat—that Emory Roberts spent ALL Friday night on the phone badgering Dr. Malcom Perry to deny was a wound of entry, that caused Arlen Specter and Allen Dulles and J. Lee Rankin to badger Perry to stop calling a wound of entry.Hey, they're all, all honorable men.
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Re: Discovery News: JFK Requested Bodyguards to Back Off

Post by Barney »

10/23/10 members, please read Sec. Service Agent Abraham Bolden's book on his tour of duty as the first black agent to be assigned to the WhiteHouse detail by none other than Pres. Kennedy himself. Kennedy met Bolden in the restroom where he was assigned duty, when Kennedy was in Chicagofor a dinner speech to drum up support for himself and the Democratic Party. He asked Bolden rather than working the restroom detail if he would preferto work the White House detail, and Bolton saw an opportunity he could not turn down. Jack often called Bolden the Jackie Robinson of the Secret Serviceshowever, Bolden resigned just before the Dallas trip, due to harrassment and what he felt were treasous behaviors and language used towards JFK.
mark ferguson
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Re: Discovery News: JFK Requested Bodyguards to Back Off

Post by mark ferguson »

I am "so glad" we have the Discovery Channel. In spite of their best efforts, they continue to prove the JFK assassination was the result of a conspiracy. The Single Bullet Theory, all shots from behind, lone nut assassin, and now Kennedy requesting less protection from secret service, in all these cases actual film footage shows the opposite of their point of view. In the private school where I teach speech, I give my students a JFK speech every year and let them see the Zapruder film and none have ever said they thought the shot to the head came from behind. These kids had no prior knowledge of the events in Dallas and even they can see the head shot was from the front. Keep up the fight forum members.