Lee Harvey Oswald - Pro-Castro or Anti-Castro

JFK Assassination
Jim Thompson
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Calming Down

Post by Jim Thompson »

Simon West wrote:On the other hand if you choose to believe that Oswald was a communist who had just assassinated the president, motivated by his own political ambitions, then it ( LHO's requesting Abt) makes perfect sense.

It makes sense if you haven't read a book on the JFK assassination, as Simon has admitted he has not done. The CIA has always sought to disconnect from Oswald. In fact that is exactly why Lee was instructed to request Abt. NOW, that's what makes sense. I hope Simon calms down & not, Ostrich-like, insert his head into sand. On the other hand, is it possible that Simon has another agenda & is now taking a powder after dropping a little disinformation? Naaagh. That would suggest a conspiracy on his part.

Simon West
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Post by Simon West »

Yeah... the only one I've discussed this with in any detail is my girlfriend, who frankly couldn't give a shit... so that makes me a lone nut I guess

Yes you are right, Oswald being instructed by the CIA to call Abt would fit the facts. If you think that Oswald was merely an automaton of the CIA and not in fact a guy with his own ideas and agenda.

On JFK you don't really need to read books. I know that may sound like heresy, but there is so much stuff in the public domain that you can read for days on end without being swayed by a particular authors opinion.

Anyway... I'm not going to post on here anymore. I don't like being accused of having an agenda or anything. I found this site like I said on vheadline.com and was really impressed. On further reading I have come to my own conclusions. Sorry about that.

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Post by Dan »


I don't agree with your Oswald theory, but don't take things personally. This is Alice in Wonderland - we've fallen down the rabbitt hole- how else can you explain the extreme hatred for the US, particularly the president, but the absolute love fest for a criminal they call Jimmy - the guy that blows the beloved Kennedy's brains out is adored, but George Bush (who is only connected by extreme fringe relationships) is hated. I think they all want to be little Jimmy's Monica Lewinsky.
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Post by Bob »

Who ever said anything about hating the U.S.? The Bu$hes are another matter. Take off your Republican colored glasses Dan and do some REAL research on their past and their modus operandi. Four generations of Bu$hes. Four generations of treasonous actions. Oh by the way, before you get on your Clinton rant, save it. I'm not especially fond of them either. The current Bu$h/Clinton love fest goes back to the drug running days in Arkansas. Jimmy Files was ordered to do a job. A job I wish he wouldn't have done. America changed in a second. I don't admire him for shooting JFK, far from it, but I do admire that he has come clean on what went down.
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RE; Dan

Post by bobwc »

Hi, I have been away for awhile recovering from some injuries. Hope you are doing ok and welcome to the Forum.
To begin with, there is a very good reason why Bush is hated. RFK Jr. has a very good article on how the last 2 presidential elections were stolen. Also, Mr. Bush refuses to remember or recall the lessons learnes a generation ago in a place called Viet Nam.
For James Files, if I may speak on a personal note. Some time ago, I was priveliged to assist Wim in transcribing letters between Jimmy and Joe West and others. In that time, I felt that I got to know Jimmy a bit. I do not see him as a murderous piece of scum as some do, but as a human being subject to making the same mistakes we are all prone to make,and also subject to receiving the same type of forgiveness that we are all allowed, if he so desires. No one on this Forum that I know of wishes to be Mr. Files's Monica Lewinsky. And from what I understand of Jimmy, he does not fly that way anyhow.
The basic fact of the matter is this: After almost 1/2 of a century, Jimmy is the closest we have come to as far as making a bit of sense out of Nov. 22, 1963. A lot of people have come fourth with info, but have been driven underground and away from Forums because of the lambasting they undeservedly receive. To be a researcher or even an interested observer, we must learn to pay attention to the "intangibles". Those little things that are not easily recognizable or heard.
I would suggest that you obtain te book and also the DVD's. Study them. Also get involved in what is happening in America. I realiz that coming from Texas, GW is a "homeboy". But Dan, it is of extreme importance to really be open and take an unbiased view of this man. Please do this.

A fellow Forum Member

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Post by Bob »

"but George Bush (who is only connected by extreme fringe relationships) is hated." - Dan

Yeah, right.

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Post by Dan »

I may live in Texas now (18 months), but I am from Pittsburgh! Homeboy - I don't think so - I come from a long line of democrats in the democrat stronghold of Allegheny County! I am a loyal union brother as well (yes, I am an attorney but in the union - pretty cool, huh).

RFK JR - theres a real credible source. Elections stolen - in 2000 algore tried but justice prevailed - now he is on the trash heap of history forever to be despised for his stupid action. The 2004 election - look to Pennsylvania where the democrats stole that state. 54 of 67 counties voted for Bush but a few precincts in Philadelphia county voted 100% for Keary - and that is all they needed to rig the election. Election fraud just has to occur in a few isolated areas - the demonrats are so good at it!

If you can grow and love Jimmy and forgive him for blasting the brains out of the president - only to impress a mobster (what orders was he under?) - then I suppose you can grow and love the Bushes and forgive them for keeping the demonrats from power (their only crime).

I am biased in that I believe Files committed the crime and SHOULD BE PUNISHED! I just am amazed that this murderer is adored! You should be calling for his execution. You should want to piss on his grave. But he is forgiven - but not the Bushes for whatever they may have done in the biased minds that attempt to control this board.

As for the Monica Lewinsky comment - I apologize if you were offended - it just seems that there is a strong desire to impress "Jimmy" by members of the forum.
john geraghty
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Post by john geraghty »

RFK JR - theres a real credible source. Elections stolen - in 2000 algore tried but justice prevailed - now he is on the trash heap of history forever to be despised for his stupid action.

Hi Dan,
I know your comment on RFK jnr was sarcastic, but if taken out of context it is entirely accurate, RFK jnr has proven to be a very articulate and well informed person, his articles are both insightful and stimulating.

I would argue that Al Gore is far from on the trash heap. He is making giant strides in promoting enviromentalism at the moment with his book and movie 'an inconvenient truth'. I don't agree with a lot of Al Gores politics, but I must commend him on his firm and realistic stance. He is having somewhat of a renaissance at the moment, a presidential contender he is no longer, but he still holds sway and his input could prove crucial to the enviromentalist movement in years to come.

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Post by Dan »

RFK jr is a clown - CNN won't broadcast him because he is an embarrassment to their cause. Fox puts him on for comic relief. The guy makes feeble arguments and can't mount a persuasive case. I feel sorry for him at times for his weak presence. Even the liberals discount his stolen election article as flawed. The only reason he gets any attention is his name.

algore now claims that he can drive around with an entourage in 5 SUVs because he buys pollution credits and that makes it OK. Ha!

Let's see now, he invented the internet, his mother used to sing the union song to him, Love Story was written about him, and tax returns show that he never contributed to charity while he was the VEEP. Not exactly a believable guy that is free with the dollar. And if he did buy credits - WTF! What kind of an environMENTAL example is that?
john geraghty
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Post by john geraghty »

Hi Dan,
Thats your opinion and I'm not going to change it. One thing I would say is that you let personal opinion cloud your judgement. By using WTF and environMENTAL you bring the tone of the debate down and people are likely to discount your opinion as biased.
