Lee Harvey Oswald - Pro-Castro or Anti-Castro

JFK Assassination
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Post by Dan »


My behavior reflects my democrat past. I use terms as I do to show the absurdity of the liberal elite. They like to preach to us then act the opposite. Do you know that RFK jr fought (and still fights) against renewable energy for Martha's Vineyard? It's OK to tell everyone else to get wind power - but he didn't want it in his backyard. How much fuel does his "private jet" consume? Or does he also buy pollution credits?

Biased? Is there something wrong with being biased? I don't think so - when it is based on objective reasoning. Thank God for the ability to discriminate.

But when an inconvenient truth gets in the way of a political objective then this web site and all the Iraq war hating, Dixie Chick lovers won't report on Hussain Al-Hussaini (if you don't know who he is - you have been shielded from the inconvenient truth of Iraq - please see Jaynadavis.com),

It is Ok to learn of Posada because he fits the George Soros mold of what is evil, but let's remain ignorant of Hussain Al-Hussaini because he could justify the war in Iraq.
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Post by Bob »

Dan, it's pretty simple...I'm against the war in Iraq, you are for it. We both have our reasons. We could debate for hours. But I really want your honest assessment of Donald Rumsfeld. How many Generals have come out against him now? Seven? Eight? More? Well respected Generals as well. Your opinion?
john geraghty
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Post by john geraghty »

Hussain Al Hussaini was never cited as a reason for attacking Iraq. WMD were. Were there WMD in Iraq, no there were not. Therefore intelligence was twisted to give a reason for going in.

Long story short war crimes are being committed along the lines of Mai Lai and nothing will be done about it. Inocent people die in war, far more than guilty parties, that is why I am opposed to the war.
I feel that those who support the war are the ones that are 'shielded' from its realities.

This photo depicts the reality of war. (WARNING, not for the faint at heart) If you can support this kind of atrocity, so be it.
By the by I don't trust most things reported on fox news. I am interested in this Jayna Davis story, I am looking further into it.

I would not be at all surprised if this was an attempt to link 9/11 to Iraq as justification for war. My point is, this was not used as a reason and the invasion of Iraq was illegal.

Jim Thompson
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Bob Alert

Post by Jim Thompson »

Bob wrote:Dan, it's pretty simple...I'm against the war in Iraq, you are for it. We both have our reasons. We could debate for hours. But I really want your honest assessment of Donald Rumsfeld. How many Generals have come out against him now? Seven? Eight? More? Well respected Generals as well. Your opinion?

Hey Bob

Did you miss these?


http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/097529 ... e&n=283155

Just out.

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Post by Bob »

Good stuff Jim. I planned to get the Jaded Tasks book by Wayne Madsen very soon. Madsen really takes it to the Bu$hes on his website and I wish more journalists had the guts and tenacity he has.


Speaking of taking it to one of the biggest Bu$h propaganda mouthpieces, did you see Keith Olbermann take it to Bill O'Lielly last week. Again, Keith is one of the few journalists out there interested in the truth and exposing the Bu$hes and O'Liellys of the world for what they are. LIARS!

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Post by Dan »


Jayna Davis reported her story years before the Iraq war or 9/11 - there is no attempt to link Al-Hussaini as a justification. Jayna Davis began reporting this story during the Clinton years and was promptly harrassed and silenced. Why? She is a fascinating investigator - I hope you benefit from the research. I congratulate you on making an effort.

Why were the 750 witnesses that saw a missle shoot down TWA Flight 800 silenced? I'm still trying to figure that one out!

Thanks for the picture - been there done that - I've got better than that though - want to look at some WTC jumper splatter pictures? Perhaps that will remind you of the reality you have been shielded from!

By the way! I don't trust any news outlet.
Jim Thompson
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Post by Jim Thompson »

Bob wrote:Speaking of taking it to one of the biggest Bu$h propaganda mouthpieces, did you see Keith Olbermann take it to Bill O'Lielly last week. Again, Keith is one of the few journalists out there interested in the truth and exposing the Bu$hes and O'Liellys of the world for what they are. LIARS!http://movies.crooksandliars.com/Countdown-OReill.mov

This the one where the victims at Malmedy in December, 1944, were, according to Bill O'Reilly, KRAUTS?

Fools rush in...

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Post by Dan »

If anything, Jayna Davis also implicates Bush 43 in the coverup of Oklahoma City and the failure to prevent 9/11. Maybe you Bush bashers should get some more ammo....but then of course slick Willy is a bigger target of Jaynas so we can forget about any attempt for you to learn the truth!
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Post by Bob »

Dan, I'd still like your take on Rummy. And as a veteran, you have to be pissed at O'Lielly claiming that the U.S. shot down in cold blood 84 Nazis at Malmedy, when it was the exact opposite. No spin zone, huh?
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Post by Dan »


I know nothing of O'reilly - I don't watch him! I know nothing of Malmedy - never heard of it. Rumsfeld is not on my radar screen and has little significance in my life.

The biggest atrocity (other than the extermination of 6 million jews) in WWII was when the US shot "in cold blood" 560 Waffen SS (many of them recovering wounded in the hospital) that were captured at the Dachau Concentration camp- April 29,1945. You know what? I probably would have lined them up and pulled the trigger too.