Strong Evidence Of Fake Planes And A Media Hoax On 9/11

JFK Assassination
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Strong Evidence Of Fake Planes And A Media Hoax On 9/11

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Alex Hidell wrote:Can we all agree that this discussion has virtually nothing to do with the JFK assassination?Can we all agree that the terrorists who flew the plans into the buildings weren't even alive in 1963 when JFK was killed?Can we all agree that you are not the director of discussion here on this forum? LOL Some of us have been here and doing this for much longer than you have, so you kind of need to know your place. What IS relevant then? There are lots of other topics here that aren't directly related to the JFK assassination. Are we not supposed to talk about them too? There are discussions about Iran-Contra, for example, and bankers. Are those off limits too? Other people have made positive contributions to this topic. Are they supposed to stop too? Who do you think you are? Also, who said that this discussion has "virtually nothing" to do with the JFK assassination? You said it. Who are you anyway? I seriously question your motives here on this topic and on this forum in general. I don't know if you are some sort of controlled opposition or if you are just kind of not really serious about your input here. LOL I haven't really read anything you have written anywhere on this forum that actually held my interest at all or that's worth anything. Seriously. I don't know if it's the way you write or if you actually have nothing important to say. Also, don't read this topic if you don't like it.
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Re: Strong Evidence Of Fake Planes And A Media Hoax On 9/11

Post by kenmurray »

I concur.
Alex Hidell
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Re: Strong Evidence Of Fake Planes And A Media Hoax On 9/11

Post by Alex Hidell »

PD- I am all for free speech and don't care if you want to swap cupcake recipes- My only question- why do it on a board dedicated to the JFK Assassination???????????????????Why not post on a board about the 9/11 attacks????By the way, easy dude, on trying to tell me I should know my place. Self-righteousness does not usually lead to positive results in this life.
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Re: Strong Evidence Of Fake Planes And A Media Hoax On 9/11

Post by Bob »

Alex...some of us see a CLEAR connection between the JFK assassination and 9/'s called Operation Northwoods. ... -bush.html
Alex Hidell
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Re: Strong Evidence Of Fake Planes And A Media Hoax On 9/11

Post by Alex Hidell »

Let me get this straight-Bush family is largely evil, which I won't argue.Bush family members have profited from wars and assassinations, which I won't argue.The Bush family is a member of the American power elite, which I won't argue.But somehow you are trying to connect the dots from the Bush family's dirty deeds throuhgout the 20th century, to Muslim terrorists who flew planes into American Bldgs??????? Sorry, you've lost me and 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of all American citizens.By presenting such far-fetched conjecture on this board, you taint all of the posters on this board with your naive silliness and compromise the intellectual integrity that many on this board have spent 48 years in establishing.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Strong Evidence Of Fake Planes And A Media Hoax On 9/11

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Alex Hidell wrote:PD- I am all for free speech and don't care if you want to swap cupcake recipes- My only question- why do it on a board dedicated to the JFK Assassination???????????????????Why not post on a board about the 9/11 attacks????By the way, easy dude, on trying to tell me I should know my place. Self-righteousness does not usually lead to positive results in this life.Cupcake recipes? That's something my girlfriend would talk about. Guys like me don't discuss cupcake recipes. If you do, more power to you. LOLIt also seems that you are the one being self-righteous here by telling people, and me, that this is not a valid topic for this forum. There is a clear connection between the perpeTRAITORS of the JFK assassination and the 9/11 attacks. As for Muslims having done 9/11, I don't think so. The evidence doesn't support that idea. I think Israelis were the major players in it, or at the very least Israeli organized crime or Jewish mafia. That's what I think. These are the same guys who run with the AIPAC crowd, in my opinion. Like I said before, many of us have been doing this for much longer than you have. You need to know your place. You need to know when YOU are being self-righteous. It's extremely ignorant of you to come onto a forum like this and pretend like you are the director of discussions. Rather than understand the connections, you shoot your mouth off and tell people what they can and cannot talk about here. So, you are the one being self-righteous and ignorant.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Strong Evidence Of Fake Planes And A Media Hoax On 9/11

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Alex Hidell wrote:Let me get this straight-Bush family is largely evil, which I won't argue.Bush family members have profited from wars and assassinations, which I won't argue.The Bush family is a member of the American power elite, which I won't argue.But somehow you are trying to connect the dots from the Bush family's dirty deeds throuhgout the 20th century, to Muslim terrorists who flew planes into American Bldgs??????? Sorry, you've lost me and 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of all American citizens.By presenting such far-fetched conjecture on this board, you taint all of the posters on this board with your naive silliness and compromise the intellectual integrity that many on this board have spent 48 years in establishing.Bob just told you one of the major connections. Operation Northwoods. Did you not read it or read about it? It's fact, and you haven't even addressed it. Also, who cares what 99.9% of ANY group thinks if they are being misled. Is your character that weak that you actually care what the majority might think even if what the majority thinks is wrong? There was a time when most Americans, and most of the world, thought Lee Oswald was guilty of killing JFK. They were WRONG. By your flawed and weak logic, they were right? LMAO!!!That's the difference between people like you and people like most of us here. We deal in facts and information no matter what the majority of people think because we follow the information. You don't seem to, and you have a remarkable self-righteousness about your ignorance. Seriously.Also, it seems that you are the one of the ones who has tainted this forum. Look at your nonsense. LOL
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Re: Strong Evidence Of Fake Planes And A Media Hoax On 9/11

Post by Bob »

Alex...did you even read my blog? In it I said...Back to Reagan, after he was shot, he basically was a mouthpiece only and the real man in charge was Poppy Bush. Several events that occurred point directly at Poppy. Events like Iran/Contra. Events like the CIA drug smuggling into Mena, Arkansas, when Bill Clinton was Governor there. Events like arming and funding a couple of guys named Osama and Saddam in their fights against the Soviets in Afghanistan and the Iranians respectively.The bin Laden family and the Bush family are very tight. Osama was a CIA operative. See Afghanistan. How about a couple of other connections? The bin Laden's were investors in The Carlyle Group, the (defense contractor) company that Poppy was the head of at one time. They were also investors in Arbusto, a failed oil company (a CIA front) started by Dumbya Bush. Al qaeda was created by the CIA when they armed their operative Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan. The creators were a couple of guys you might be familiar with...Robert Gates (who was a major player in Iran/Contra, Poppy's CIA Director and the Secretary of Defense under both Dumbya and Barack Obama) and Zbigniew Brzezinski.There is much more to 9/11 than some Arabs flying planes into buildings. It was a CIA operation, with help from other intelligence agencies in the world, including the MOSSAD.Prescott and Poppy Bush endorsed Operation Northwoods, just as they endorsed an invasion of Cuba during the Cuban Missile did ALL the Joint Chiefs.It was Dumbya Bush who knew of and allowed an Operation Northwoods type plan to take place on 9/11/2001. The MSM has helped to cover up that lie, just as they STILL try and cover up what happened on 11/22/1963. ... ngton-hoax
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Re: Strong Evidence Of Fake Planes And A Media Hoax On 9/11

Post by kenmurray »

Excellent analysis from both Pasquale and Bob. I agree wholeheartedly.
Alex Hidell
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Re: Strong Evidence Of Fake Planes And A Media Hoax On 9/11

Post by Alex Hidell »

Nowhere in your postings or in the documents you cite is there a conclusive argument that states clearly, concisely and inarguably a connection between Bush/JFK/9-11 attacks.NOWHERE Now if you choose to spew this nonsense and your buddies on this board choose to pat you on the back for doing it- bully for you.Unfortunately, this nonsense taints all others who attempt to discuss the JFK assassination via facts and logic and not stoop to wild, irrelevant speculation.In fact, I would say this silliness you are spouting relative to 9/11-JFK is one of the most damaging things you could do to the credibility of this board.What's next? Oswald was an alien sent from another dimension thru a wormhole and Ruby had his love child??????????????????????????????????????????????Sorry, dude, for the reality check