Strong Evidence Of Fake Planes And A Media Hoax On 9/11

JFK Assassination
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Re: Strong Evidence Of Fake Planes And A Media Hoax On 9/11

Post by Darcy »

Yes. Insulted. That is exactly the word for it. All you have to do is a slight amount of research to see what total bs this is. I'm not the brightest crayon in the box by any means but when I think about the absurd lies that they expect me to believe, it makes me angry. What's worse is that I try to show my friends and family. I try to talk to them about it. Open their eyes. They pretty much just pat me on the head and give me the "okay crazy lady, whatever you say" smile. I sometimes feel like i'm standing in a crowded room screaming and no one hears. And if they did listen? What then? Is there any hope that something can be done about it?Sorry for the rant, you just got me with "insulted". Ignore me. I just had to get that out.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Strong Evidence Of Fake Planes And A Media Hoax On 9/11

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Darcy wrote:Yes. Insulted. That is exactly the word for it. All you have to do is a slight amount of research to see what total bs this is. I'm not the brightest crayon in the box by any means but when I think about the absurd lies that they expect me to believe, it makes me angry. What's worse is that I try to show my friends and family. I try to talk to them about it. Open their eyes. They pretty much just pat me on the head and give me the "okay crazy lady, whatever you say" smile. I sometimes feel like i'm standing in a crowded room screaming and no one hears. And if they did listen? What then? Is there any hope that something can be done about it?Sorry for the rant, you just got me with "insulted". Ignore me. I just had to get that out. Well, don't give up on sharing the information. Also, don't lose your temper with them. I know it's difficult. You see, what they need is a change in the way they view reality. They assume that the mainstream media is basically honest. They are not. Also, a lot of the not-so-mainstream media, many of the supposed media types who make themselves appear to be open to ideas like we talk about, are also controlled too. It's called "controlled opposition." They also lead us astray too. I'm not the brightest crayon in the box either. It takes work, analysis and informing yourself, to be set free. You are experiencing it like the rest of us are here. Our primary obligation with this information is to SHARE it. Sharing it with people who don't want to hear it can be VERY difficult and frustrating. You want to slap them. Often times, even when you present them with facts they can look up, they will stubbornly refuse to and still pat you on the head. All you can do is try your best to remain calm and keep trying to open their eyes. You're doing just fine as far as I can see. Just keep on doing it. The truth is on our side.
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The New American Century

Post by kenmurray »

A great documentary about 9/11 from Italian Massimo Mazzucco who did the "The Second Dallas" documentary:
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D.B. Cooper

Post by kenmurray »

Woman claims 1971 hijacker D.B. Cooper was her Uncle. ... 47811.html
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Re: Strong Evidence Of Fake Planes And A Media Hoax On 9/11

Post by Shane »

Pasquale,I am currently reading Marrs book on 9/11. One of the possibilities he points to regarding the planes is this, in case of terrorist, or of a pilot has issues in the air, commercial airplanes can be manualy controlled from the ground. I am not saying this (planes) is what hit the WT towers, but the incompetent pilots the Commission claims flew the planes were not in fact needed. All that was needed was for the planes to take off, and someone on the ground could fly the plane from there.Regardless, from my previous posts you probably know my stance on this. Planes, missles, fire did NOT bring down the towers. Explosives did. There is even witness testimony stating workers in the towers were asked, prior to 9/11, to empty the building for varying tests/emergency simulations that enabled the explosives to be placed in the buildings.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Strong Evidence Of Fake Planes And A Media Hoax On 9/11

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Shane wrote:Pasquale,I am currently reading Marrs book on 9/11. One of the possibilities he points to regarding the planes is this, in case of terrorist, or of a pilot has issues in the air, commercial airplanes can be manualy controlled from the ground. I am not saying this (planes) is what hit the WT towers, but the incompetent pilots the Commission claims flew the planes were not in fact needed. All that was needed was for the planes to take off, and someone on the ground could fly the plane from there.Regardless, from my previous posts you probably know my stance on this. Planes, missles, fire did NOT bring down the towers. Explosives did. There is even witness testimony stating workers in the towers were asked, prior to 9/11, to empty the building for varying tests/emergency simulations that enabled the explosives to be placed in the buildings.I am definitely on the same page as you are. I don't know what hit those buildings. Witnesses did seem to see aircraft or missiles hit the buildings. We also know that commercial jets cannot fly anywhere near 500 mph at basically sea level. The air is too thick. We also know that various videos show, particularly the second plane, coming in contradictory directions. They contradict each other. So, there clearly was a ruse going on. Back to your point, I agree. The planes did not bring those buildings down. In fact, those towers were built to specifically withstand airplane hits. I think they sold the public the plane idea so that they wouldn't have to answer questions about who might have been complicit in the event. For example, if the authorities admitted that explosives brought down those buildings, that admission would open up a can of worms, such as, HOW did those supposed terrorists get all those explosives into the buildings? Didn't the security notice anything at all? Who had access to all the points in the building? The terrorists or people who were in charge of those buildings? You get my point. Anyway, keep up the analysis, and don't stop sharing. The truth will set us free.
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Re: Strong Evidence Of Fake Planes And A Media Hoax On 9/11

Post by Shane »

I get your point, and agree. You also point to the problem the Commission had. How do we explain how WT7 fell? Obviously a plane didn't hit it. We can't publicly state we brought down that building because it fell the same way the other towers fell. How about we just say fire brought down the towers? That should cover all the bases. It's not like the media will say anything different A side note, which points to the complete lack of true media remaining, Mayor Gulioni was stationed in WT7. He stated publicly that he received a call to evacuate WT7 because it was about to fall. Who told him this? And why didn't anyone tell the firefighters working the other towers? That is how many of them lost their lives. They were busy battling the fires and then the towers fell, carrying the firefighters down with them. My theory is, the firefighters were witnesses; Guiliani was an accomplice. For those that may not like that statement, ask yourself who organized the clean up crew to remove the debri in the middle of the night. Also, did you realize FEMA arrived in New York the evening of Sept. 10.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Strong Evidence Of Fake Planes And A Media Hoax On 9/11

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Shane wrote:I get your point, and agree. You also point to the problem the Commission had. How do we explain how WT7 fell? Obviously a plane didn't hit it. We can't publicly state we brought down that building because it fell the same way the other towers fell. How about we just say fire brought down the towers? That should cover all the bases. It's not like the media will say anything different A side note, which points to the complete lack of true media remaining, Mayor Gulioni was stationed in WT7. He stated publicly that he received a call to evacuate WT7 because it was about to fall. Who told him this? And why didn't anyone tell the firefighters working the other towers? That is how many of them lost their lives. They were busy battling the fires and then the towers fell, carrying the firefighters down with them. My theory is, the firefighters were witnesses; Guiliani was an accomplice. For those that may not like that statement, ask yourself who organized the clean up crew to remove the debri in the middle of the night. Also, did you realize FEMA arrived in New York the evening of Sept. 10.Very good observations. I was also aware of FEMA having been there the night before. Keep up the momentum and good work.