Me and Lee

JFK Assassination
Phil Dragoo
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Spooks in drag

Post by Phil Dragoo » committee did obtain evidence that military intelligence person-nel may have identified themselves as Secret Service agents or thatthey might have been misidentified as such. Robert E. Jones, a retiredArmy lieutenant colonel who in 1963 was commanding officer of themilitary intelligence region that encompassed Texas, told the commit-tee that from 8 to 12 military intelligence personnel in plain-clothes were assigned to Dallas to provide supplemental security forthe President's visit. He indicated that these agents had identificationcredentials and, if questioned, would most likely have stated that theywere on detail to the Secret Service. (30) ... er02.pdfAn important note: “The [HSCA] did obtain evidence that military intelligence personnel may have identified themselves as Secret Service or that they might have been misidentified as such. [Colonel] Robert E. Jones … told the commit-tee that from 8 to 12 military intelligence personnel in plainclothes were as-signed to Dallas to provide supplemental security for the President’s visit. He indicated that these agents had identification credentials and, if questioned, would most likely have stated that they were on detail to the Secret Service. The committee sought to identify these agents so that they could be questioned. The Department of Defense, however, reported that a search of its files showed ‘no records … indicating any Department of Defense Protective Services in Dallas.’ The committee was unable to resolve the contradiction.”113 Jones testified under oath to the HSCA: “Our people were under the control and supervision of Secret Service. We never assumed responsibility for the President’s protection … We provided a small force—I do not recall how many, but I would estimate between 8 and 12—during the President’s visit to San Antonio, Texas, and then the fol-lowing day, on his visit to Dallas, the regions also provided additional people to assist, that is additional people from Region 2 … [James W. Powell] was a Cap-tain and also wore civilian clothes and was assigned to Region 2 of the 112 MI Group … Yes he was [on duty the day of the assassination] ….”114 This is the same Robert E. Jones who contacted the FBI offices in San Antonio and Dallas and gave those offices detailed information concerning Oswald and A. J. Hidell, Oswald’s alleged alias, from the Army Intelligence files. The HSCA rightly felt this information suggested the existence of a military intelligence file on Oswald and raised the possibility that he had intelligence associations of some kind. Jones was directly responsible for counterintelligence operations, background investigations, domestic intelligence, and any special operations in a five-state area.115 When the Oswald military intelligence file was requested by the HSCA, the Department of Defense relayed that they “destroyed the file as part of a gen-eral program aimed at eliminating all of its files pertaining to nonmilitary per-sonnel.”116 For his part, James Powell told the ARRB on April 12, 1996 that “… I asked for time off, a leave of absence from my regular duties so I could see the motorcade, so I could go out to the airport and see the president. And I was hoping to get a few pictures … [regarding later events in Dealey Plaza, during the assassination]. When someone pointed up at the building and said they’d heard shots coming from up there, I wheeled around with my camera and took a picture of the building at that moment.”117
Phil Dragoo
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And more spooks--don we now our fake apparel

Post by Phil Dragoo » Military Intelligence DetachmentIn 1956 Jack Alston Crichton started up his own spy unit, the 488th Military Intelligence Detachment in Dallas. Crichton served as the unit's commander under Lieutenant Colonel George Whitmeyer, who was in overall command of all Army Reserve units in East Texas. In an interview Crichton claimed that there were "about a hundred men in that unit and about forty or fifty of them were from the Dallas Police Department."In November 1963 Jack Alston Crichton was involved in the arrangements of the visit that President John F. Kennedy made to Dallas. His close friend, Deputy Police Chief George L. Lumpkin, and a fellow member of the the 488th Military Intelligence Detachment, drove the pilot car of Kennedy's motorcade. Also in the car was Lieutenant Colonel George Whitmeyer, commander of all Army Reserve units in East Texas. The pilot car stopped briefly in front of the Texas School Book Depository, where Lumpkin spoke to a policeman controlling traffic at the corner of Houston and Elm. As Russ Baker points out in Family of Secrets (2008) Crichton served as the "intelligence unit's only commander... until he retired from the 488th in 1967".
mark ferguson
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Re: Me and Lee

Post by mark ferguson »

I just finished reading Me and Lee and found it very interesting. The documentation is convincing. The fallout from all that happened is really sad for Judy and her family not to mention the Oswald children. It is a must read for those who are interested in the JFK assassination and the goings on in New Orleans.
Phil Dragoo
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Me & Lee

Post by Phil Dragoo »

I finished Chapter Five last night.I read Files on JFK and have Me & Lee thanks to Joe.The Files book is excellent, but one wants more. The fact that Nicoletti and DeMohrenschildt died by violence March 29, 1977 clinches the connection.Entering the collision of the cancer weapon against Castro, the arrival of Judyth. The tie-in with Ferrie's research and Ed Haslam's account of Dr. Mary's monkeys.And Ochsner and INCA.Nice, nice, very nice:so many people in the same deviceWhich is Chapter 2 of Cat's Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut:Oh, a sleeping drunkardUp in Central Park,And a lion-hunterIn the jungle dark,And a Chinese dentist,And a British queen-All fit togetherIn the same machine.Nice, nice, very nice;Nice, nice, very nice;Nice, nice, very nice-So many different peopleIn the same device.Vonnegut Hardware was on the north side of East 38th near Pennsylvania, just east of the Welch Candy Company, Robert Welch having founded the John Birch Society in Indianapolis in 1957; Joseph Milteer having mingled with murderous racists there in 1963, the year Kurt wrote Cat's Cradle, a couple of years after Judyth presented her revolutionary research at the National Science Fair there in 1961.Ochsner and INCA and nun interruptedThe shadow play on Castrolead three lives:KennedyTippitOswaldThe circus moved to Washington for the winterFifty years is quite enoughLet it be springtime for America
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Re: Me and Lee

Post by kenmurray »

Ed Haslam and Judyth Vary Baker on WWL in New Orleans from Dec 2010: ... -baker.htm
Kit Carp
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Re: Me and Lee

Post by Kit Carp »

I've really got to break down and buy a copy of "Me and Lee".Phil, I really like your creations. They have a sort of Warholish but angrier soul of their own. They strike me as art in the power of their design. Seriously, they are really good.Kit
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Life On The Run

Post by kenmurray »

The latest on Jim Fetzer's blog:
Phil Dragoo
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My review of Me & Lee

Post by Phil Dragoo »

My review of Me & Lee is up at Amazon: ... 0XD1AKBGWI recommend this for the clarity of Lee Oswald, arguably the most important figure of the latter half of the Twentieth Century. I was in high school when I saw him shot down by Jack Ruby. Thirteen years later I was catapulted out of ignorance when Geraldo aired Zapruder and our president's head snapped back from a frontal shot. Before long I would be classified 1-A for a war that president never would have pursued. So it is with wonder that Lee Oswald is revealed, not as some erratic, dark soul of Mailer and Paine, but a strong, bright spirit playing street theater, reading Russian poetry aloud to his lover, sitting in the back of the bus when such was certain to shorten one's life. There is a threshold of disbelief Americans will first face when confronted with the real Lee Oswald versus the two-dimensional black-and-white cardboard stand-up theater lobby creation of Central Intelligence. Judyth takes us day by day through the summer of '63 in a New Orleans of Lee working for Guy Bannister, running errands for Carlos Marcello, checking in with "Bishop" whom we know from Antonio Veciana's description to Gaeton Fonzi is the CIA's David Atlee Phillips. We meet a Dave Ferrie who is not the red-wigged madman but a philosopher arguing for God to the sophomore atheists, a researcher for a cancer weapon with the subject mice moving through his apartment to that of Dr. Mary. Dr. Mary Sherman, subject of Ed Haslam's fascinating work, in conjunction with legendary cancer-research pioneer Alvin Ochsner. The prodigy researcher, teen-age savant Judyth caught the attention of national institutions and of the many opportunities was selected, and self-selected, New Orleans--a simple twist of fate. Thanks to Anna Lewis widow of David Lewis who worked with Guy Banister it is established without question, that, as the Reily pay stubs for Lee and her suggest, they were together that summer, involved in developing a successful cancer bioweapon to kill Castro, as well as sharing the idealism and romance of two remarkably sensitive and spiritually strong personae. I have read many books on the subject; as James Douglass revealed John F. Kennedy the martyr for peace marked out for assassination, so, too, Judyth reflects the hidden hero "Lee" who tipped the Secret Service to the Chicago assassination plot. Lee Oswald, far more than innocent; a Braveheart in the heart of the Cold War.
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Re: Me and Lee

Post by kenmurray »

Excellent review Phil!!!!
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Re: Me and Lee

Post by Bob »

kenmurray wrote:Excellent review Phil!!!!Indeed!!! Bravo!!!