E Howard Hunt's confession to his son

JFK Assassination
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E Howard Hunt's confession to his son

Post by katisha »

What do you guys think about this StJohn Hunt/father's confession tape biz?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OlpL7qZx ... latedSorry if this has been discussed before...
Dealey Joe
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Re: E Howard Hunt's confession to his son

Post by Dealey Joe »

Patriot?Would not make up anything?Which tramp "looks like him?"What am I missing here?
Kit Carp
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Re: E Howard Hunt's confession to his son

Post by Kit Carp »

Well, there is quite a lot of strong other evidence that puts Hunt in Dallas on the night before the assassination. This tends to suggest there is something to his claim, more than any simple admission...which, like any admission without proof, means nothing in itself.1. An American jury, in a real trial, found that Hunt was likely guilty of being involved in killing the President in a plan put together by the CIA. It was a unanimous verdict, and the lawyer that proved the case was Mark Lane. That's as close to the Truth as America has gotten. Lane destroyed Hunt's alibi as to where he was, and placed him in Dallas. Lane won the day, the jurors told the press the CIA killed the President...and then, *poof* away this case went into the mists of the "free press". (Lane, Plausible Denial....a must read!)2. The House Select Committee on Assassinations uncovered a document between CIA bigwigs Helms and Angleton where they discussed hanging Hunt out to take the rap for the Assassination, if the investigation got too close to the CIA, in a kind of limited hangout.3. A fellow CIA member, under oath, described Hunt and Sturgis and others, traveling to Dallas from Miami, bringing guns, and meeting with Ruby, the night before the assassination. She related her story to the FBI, immediately after the assassination. She told the HSCA. The HSCA moved to look into the CIA, and the HSCA's leadership was quickly replaced for some "CIA friendlies".4. Hunt despised Kennedy for the Bay of Pigs debacle, and worked out of the Mexico City CIA branch....where the "Oswald visits a Russian Assassin" playlet was invented. The fabrication of this pretend "WWIII" scenerio is the hard proof that the CIA set the assassination up before hand. They buried this "information" in the FBI and other intelligence agencies files, carefullly arranging things so they wouldnt be discovered until after the assassination. Then, bang, the FBI and everyone else felt they were culpable for not doing something beforehand, and the new President, and everyone else, were forced to pretend Oswald "did it alone" to avoid a probably war with the Russians.Why fake Oswald meeting with a KGB assassin and plant the info in other intelligence agencies files? Obviously, because you are about to kill the President, and need to stop a real investigation. (Newman, Oswald and the CIA, newer edition...and even bigger must read).5. Hunt is the Hunt of Watergate burglery fame as well. There is strong evidence, in non-conspiracy oriented books, that in his desperation to avoid prison, he threatened Nixon with blackmail. He was thinking about telling all. The key to understanding how Tricky Dick knew what was up is to be found in those famous damning tapes, and in his right hand man H. R. Haldeman's book, The Ends of Power. In the tapes, Nixon is often heard talking about how the CIA should help him out of the mess, and how Hunt knows all about the "Bay Of Pigs" and how his blabbing about this would cause a firestorm. He directs Haldeman to talk to Helms, the head of the CIA, and has Haldeman try to blackmail them on the "Bay of Pigs" info, (which Haldeman HIMSELF in his book explains is really the JFK assassination!!!) Helms goes absolutely ballistic, banging his fists and screaming and Haldeman doesnt know exactly why. Why would the CIA care about that?Then, of course, Hunt's wife's plane goes down with her holding 100k and amidst a big interview with a reporter in a fiery crash which itself has all maner of suspcious circumstances.Hunt- doesnt talk about "The Bay of Pigs" in his testimony. I guess it's no wonder why!Obviously, all of this adds great weight to E. Howard Hunt;s claims. He was there, in just the right places, with exactly the right sort of credentials. He didnt pull any triggers...that wasnt his sort of job. The guy had a lot of cubans working under him who felt betrayed by JFK, and Hunt had helped to overthrow a duly elected official or two before this in South America...What he actually says in his "confession" is vague and typically murky like a good CIA guy would be. A pity. He was near death at the time he spoke it, very sick with a recently amputated leg. He really ought to have told all to his son, and found a little bit of redemption at the end of his nasty and colorful career.
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Re: E Howard Hunt's confession to his son

Post by Barney »

CIA aaset, Marita Lorenz, former lover of Fidel Castro and Frank Fiorini, aka Frank Hunt, Frank Sturgis testifiedthat she and a group of Cubans drove from Miami to Dallas in a convoy of three vehicles where they stayed at a"safe house." During their stay, Frank told her some of the secrets of this mission, she grew scared so he took herto the airport and she flew home to Miami on 11/20 0r 11/21. Lorenz said one day or night, Hunt and later Jack Ruby, showed up with loads of cash for the members in the safe house. Lorenz, also said the members of this threecar caravan had many firearms in the trunks of their vehicles. Shortly after this testimony, her former lover,Sturgis, called her in NY and tried to set up an appointment to meet, but she refused him, fearing for her verylife and the life of her daughter who lived with her. NY Intel detectives arrested an armed Sturgis later in her apt.bldg. checking out mailboxes and snooping about, described by the arresting officers as acting very suspiciously. Inthe recorded interview, one of the arresting officers stated that Sturgis was booked and almost immediately, somegovt. people arrived at the police dept. and he was released into their custody and all charges were remanded to thefile. Sturgis before this incident had warned Lorenz on several occasions to keep her damned mouth shut, that what sheknew and what she might let slip out could get other persons and herself killed.
Phil Dragoo
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The Hunt for Red November

Post by Phil Dragoo »

I have the Saint John Hunt ebook BOND OF SECRECY which I emailed Saint John is E. Howard Hunt's deathbed deflection. Ever the loyal Company man, Hunt hangs the blame on LBJ, not CIA.I echo Kit on Mark Lane's PLAUSIBLE DENIAL, the must-read demolition of Hunt's Washington, DC, Chinese grocery alibi for November 22, 1963. Hunt was in Dallas that day; not as a tramp.Hunt in Mexico City at the time Oswald was framed for contacting KGB assassin chief Kostikov was part of Angleton's WW III virus, insuring the coverup by all agencies.Hunt's GIVE US THIS DAY (1973) reveals his rage at JFK blocking the final B-26 raid on Castro's T-33s, and refusal to use the on-scene Navy assets to prevent the execution of 100 Brigade members. Others would be tortured unspeakably.Hunt served the function of Nixon's ouster with the botched Watergate job, and Dorothy Hunt's death was likely due to sabotage.PLAUSIBLE DENIAL Mark Lanehttp://www.marklane.com/writings/books/Plausible_Denial.htmE. HOWARD HUNT DIEShttp://www.ctka.net/hunt_obit.htmlPlease ponder this statement included in the above link: Hunt was a co-founder of the Office of Strategic Services during World War Two. Now add that other OSS veterans included CIA officials James Jesus Angleton, Allen Dulles, Richard Helms, and Secret Service Deputy Chief Paul Paterni, as well as the General Counsel of the Treasury Department, “Don” Belin, who was acting Secretary on November 22, 1963.Hunt's “confession” is a “deflection,” a limited hangout. The one-legged Hunt darts from the CIA huddle to the sideline where he barks like a dog, drawing everyone's attention.Away.From the True Sponsors.
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Re: The Hunt for Red November

Post by Bob »

Phil Dragoo wrote:I have the Saint John Hunt ebook BOND OF SECRECY which I emailed Saint John is E. Howard Hunt's deathbed deflection. Ever the loyal Company man, Hunt hangs the blame on LBJ, not CIA.I echo Kit on Mark Lane's PLAUSIBLE DENIAL, the must-read demolition of Hunt's Washington, DC, Chinese grocery alibi for November 22, 1963. Hunt was in Dallas that day; not as a tramp.Hunt in Mexico City at the time Oswald was framed for contacting KGB assassin chief Kostikov was part of Angleton's WW III virus, insuring the coverup by all agencies.Hunt's GIVE US THIS DAY (1973) reveals his rage at JFK blocking the final B-26 raid on Castro's T-33s, and refusal to use the on-scene Navy assets to prevent the execution of 100 Brigade members. Others would be tortured unspeakably.Hunt served the function of Nixon's ouster with the botched Watergate job, and Dorothy Hunt's death was likely due to sabotage.PLAUSIBLE DENIAL Mark Lanehttp://www.marklane.com/writings/books/Plausible_Denial.htmE. HOWARD HUNT DIEShttp://www.ctka.net/hunt_obit.htmlPlease ponder this statement included in the above link: Hunt was a co-founder of the Office of Strategic Services during World War Two. Now add that other OSS veterans included CIA officials James Jesus Angleton, Allen Dulles, Richard Helms, and Secret Service Deputy Chief Paul Paterni, as well as the General Counsel of the Treasury Department, “Don” Belin, who was acting Secretary on November 22, 1963.Hunt's “confession” is a “deflection,” a limited hangout. The one-legged Hunt darts from the CIA huddle to the sideline where he barks like a dog, drawing everyone's attention.Away.From the True Sponsors.NO doubt Phil. Hunt told little morsels of the truth, but kept the real truth under wraps, while he protected his buddies at the CIA.
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Re: E Howard Hunt's confession to his son

Post by Barney »

Why would anybody believe anything a " bastard " like this guy was says, from start to death. He was willing andcapable of doing anything,a soul-less, heart-less murderer, in the guise of a highly placed public servant, likeHitler's elite SS, " we were just following orders." Hunt should have been publicly executed for his treasonous high crimes;:twisted: