This STORY is despicable

JFK Assassination
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Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

This STORY is despicable

Post by Bob »

I don't know if anyone here has read this yet... ... story/This story has so many errors in it that even Gerald Posner would blush. They (the power elite) killed John Fitzgerald Kennedy in Dallas on 11/22/1963 because of all the changes he was trying to implement, and now guys like this lying idiot are trying to kill JFK again!
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Re: This STORY is despicable

Post by Barney »

Is is quite easy to cast stones at the dead, who cannot explain or describe from their viewpoint ,the crises whichbefell our Country, during the end of the Eisenhower and the beginning of the Kennedy administrations. Let thedead sleep in peace, for none of us is perfect, each has his or her faults of character, and integrity, great or small.Each human being has made small and colossal mistakes of judgement that cannot be undone tho the changeof mind and heart is willing, but unable to recify the past. Each of us, has but today, yesterday is gone forever,tomorrow has not yet arrived and we may not make it until then for whatever reason, so enjoy today, which is allany of us have. Barney
Phil Dragoo
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Putting the ASS in assassination

Post by Phil Dragoo »

REGARDING TIMOTHY NAEGELE: LIBELING JFK THROUGH HERSH'S RECTUM1933 words: a significant allusion to Adolf Hitler in a business suit, accompanying the Kaiser down Slanderstrasse, doing a walk from Monty Python's Ministry of Silly Walks, the Hersh Smear.I watched the caisson and the riderless horse, saw Ruby shoot Oswald live, bought the whole she-bang until Geraldo aired Zapruder.I wasn't down with the New Frontier; I was with YAF for Goldwater. But that was a long, long time ago.Naegele presents as the former chief of staff of Edwin Brooke upon whom Hillary Rod-'Em cut her teeth, sniping at him in her Wellesley Commencement address.In the extant piece of 23 paragraphs master banking lobbyist lawyer Naegele uses Hersh on the dead president, along with all manner of schoolyard epithets of the poopie-head caliber.This is what passes for “blogging” in the New Millenium. We are impressed by the adolescent fool swinging and missing with his older brother's tool.Naegele whines he once admired Gannet but the travesty of celebrating the Kennedys is a crime calling for the firing of the person responsible.By paragraph three Naegele is off the rails: JFK equals Hitler or Stalin.In paragraph four Naegele stakes his flag on Mount Big Lie: JFK the most corrupt and reckless, almost got us into nuclear winter, plunged us into the Vietnam War. BULLSHIT, Timothy.Tiny Tim likes Reeves and Hersh. So much that he parrots the canard the Kennedys were dysfunctional with nothing decent or moral about them.We must have Kopechne dredged up—though it was five and a half years after JFK was underground. The groaning over Monroe, Exner, Rometsch—Jesus, man, get some new material.Giancana and Exner and oh the bootleggers in the closet.Paragraph nine Naegele is ass backwards, complaining that if only the Brothers Kennedy had used their back channel diplomacy they'd have avoided the grand military display of paragraph ten—hey, Jackass: They Did.In paragraph eleven Naegele claims he was an early Kennedy believer. But now is deceived and disillusioned—try Ex-Lax: it's that CIA/Hersh bullshit.The scandal of the lifelong medical problem kept secret—a nothingburger.Failed Bay of Pigs invasion led to fifty years of Cuban enslavement—Dude, the op was studied; it had flaws. Maybe Bundy and Stevenson should have let the last wave of B-26s through. But it was a Nixon-CIA op and Kennedy wasn't putting the flag on it. I guess you had to be there.Insert Naegele's Eddie Haskell impession over JFK's sexual appetite—I call it nookie envy.Para sixteen has Timbo aping Hersh that Vietnam was Kennedy's War—not by worlds, Jerk—Read Unspeakable and get back to me.Blames RFK for Mob hit attempts on Castro—cart, horse: RFK found out after the fact; besides, deniability is the calling card of the Langley Looney-Tunes.More mumbling defacing—breathing too much of that graffiti spray paint, Dude.Finishes with obligatory dustbin dismissal, that all JFK will be remembered for is assassination.Allow me to clarify the sole glimmer of light in an otherwise unrelieved heap of manure:CIA killed Kennedy for interrupting the silver train of drug and war profits, the free hand of covert action, the fascist exercise of extrastatutory power.CIA uses various facilitators to get the job done, and to implicate elements needed in the coverup: e.g., outfit, military, Cubans, oilmen, Secret Service et cetera.Naegele is part of the downstream garbage men, deflecting blame from the Company, framing the assassination as a suicide by motorcade.There is disillusion over deceit, and it is with the powers that be for their serial slanders.Still peeing on our leg, and insisting it's rain.
Posts: 2652
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: Putting the ASS in assassination

Post by Bob »

Phil Dragoo wrote:REGARDING TIMOTHY NAEGELE: LIBELING JFK THROUGH HERSH'S RECTUM1933 words: a significant allusion to Adolf Hitler in a business suit, accompanying the Kaiser down Slanderstrasse, doing a walk from Monty Python's Ministry of Silly Walks, the Hersh Smear.I watched the caisson and the riderless horse, saw Ruby shoot Oswald live, bought the whole she-bang until Geraldo aired Zapruder.I wasn't down with the New Frontier; I was with YAF for Goldwater. But that was a long, long time ago.Naegele presents as the former chief of staff of Edwin Brooke upon whom Hillary Rod-'Em cut her teeth, sniping at him in her Wellesley Commencement address.In the extant piece of 23 paragraphs master banking lobbyist lawyer Naegele uses Hersh on the dead president, along with all manner of schoolyard epithets of the poopie-head caliber.This is what passes for “blogging” in the New Millenium. We are impressed by the adolescent fool swinging and missing with his older brother's tool.Naegele whines he once admired Gannet but the travesty of celebrating the Kennedys is a crime calling for the firing of the person responsible.By paragraph three Naegele is off the rails: JFK equals Hitler or Stalin.In paragraph four Naegele stakes his flag on Mount Big Lie: JFK the most corrupt and reckless, almost got us into nuclear winter, plunged us into the Vietnam War. BULLSHIT, Timothy.Tiny Tim likes Reeves and Hersh. So much that he parrots the canard the Kennedys were dysfunctional with nothing decent or moral about them.We must have Kopechne dredged up—though it was five and a half years after JFK was underground. The groaning over Monroe, Exner, Rometsch—Jesus, man, get some new material.Giancana and Exner and oh the bootleggers in the closet.Paragraph nine Naegele is ass backwards, complaining that if only the Brothers Kennedy had used their back channel diplomacy they'd have avoided the grand military display of paragraph ten—hey, Jackass: They Did.In paragraph eleven Naegele claims he was an early Kennedy believer. But now is deceived and disillusioned—try Ex-Lax: it's that CIA/Hersh bullshit.The scandal of the lifelong medical problem kept secret—a nothingburger.Failed Bay of Pigs invasion led to fifty years of Cuban enslavement—Dude, the op was studied; it had flaws. Maybe Bundy and Stevenson should have let the last wave of B-26s through. But it was a Nixon-CIA op and Kennedy wasn't putting the flag on it. I guess you had to be there.Insert Naegele's Eddie Haskell impession over JFK's sexual appetite—I call it nookie envy.Para sixteen has Timbo aping Hersh that Vietnam was Kennedy's War—not by worlds, Jerk—Read Unspeakable and get back to me.Blames RFK for Mob hit attempts on Castro—cart, horse: RFK found out after the fact; besides, deniability is the calling card of the Langley Looney-Tunes.More mumbling defacing—breathing too much of that graffiti spray paint, Dude.Finishes with obligatory dustbin dismissal, that all JFK will be remembered for is assassination.Allow me to clarify the sole glimmer of light in an otherwise unrelieved heap of manure:CIA killed Kennedy for interrupting the silver train of drug and war profits, the free hand of covert action, the fascist exercise of extrastatutory power.CIA uses various facilitators to get the job done, and to implicate elements needed in the coverup: e.g., outfit, military, Cubans, oilmen, Secret Service et cetera.Naegele is part of the downstream garbage men, deflecting blame from the Company, framing the assassination as a suicide by motorcade.There is disillusion over deceit, and it is with the powers that be for their serial slanders.Still peeing on our leg, and insisting it's rain.Magnifico assessment Phil...magnifico!!!