JFK the movie (The Oliver Stone one ;) )

JFK Assassination
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JFK the movie (The Oliver Stone one ;) )

Post by katisha »

Finally got around to buying the DVD of this; loving it so far. I have a question: Why are Ruth and Michael Paine referred to in this movie as "Janet and Bill Williams"? Legal stuff?
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Re: JFK the movie (The Oliver Stone one ;) )

Post by kenmurray »

Katisha, I'm sure Oliver Stone used the names Bill and Janet Williams due to the fact they are still alive and for legal repercussions.
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Re: JFK the movie (The Oliver Stone one ;) )

Post by Barney »

The Paine family have close intel ties to Military and CIA govt and family sources, therefore, out of an abundanceof caution, Oliver Stone, just substituted names for them. What I find strange, is that Marina Oswald and RuthWilliams, in the movie, have not contacted each other, now in almost 50 years once Marina was placed underUS government protections. Strange friendships there I would think, and odd as well.
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Re: JFK the movie (The Oliver Stone one ;) )

Post by Barney »

Have any of you members noticed that not one word is mentioned of the Israeli Mossad having an interest in the murder of JFK over anumber of key issues, nuclear power plant at Dimonia and another secret location, flat refusal to permit Atomic Energy inspectors to review Israeli nuclear building sites and their purposes, abolishment of the Federal Reserve, and Federal Laws, 12 Federal Reserve central banks,Reserve Notes.Stone who is half Jew, found his primary financier and movie promoter in Hollywood, also a Jew. Whodathunkit???
John Prewett
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Re: JFK the movie (The Oliver Stone one ;) )

Post by John Prewett »

Barney wrote:Have any of you members noticed that not one word is mentioned of the Israeli Mossad having an interest in the murder of JFK over anumber of key issues, nuclear power plant at Dimonia and another secret location, flat refusal to permit Atomic Energy inspectors to review Israeli nuclear building sites and their purposes, abolishment of the Federal Reserve, and Federal Laws, 12 Federal Reserve central banks, Reserve Notes. Stone who is half Jew, found his primary financier and movie promoter in Hollywood, also a Jew. Whodathunkit??? I don't think the Vatican is mentioned either,.... and the Vatican had a lot more incentive to want JFK dead than Israel did.Vatican didn't want "Cardinal Spellman's war" tied to a Roman Catholic president. JFK became worth more as a dead martyr than a living president. Lot more RCs in key hi level positions than Jews.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: JFK the movie (The Oliver Stone one ;) )

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Barney wrote:Have any of you members noticed that not one word is mentioned of the Israeli Mossad having an interest in the murder of JFK over anumber of key issues, nuclear power plant at Dimonia and another secret location, flat refusal to permit Atomic Energy inspectors to review Israeli nuclear building sites and their purposes, abolishment of the Federal Reserve, and Federal Laws, 12 Federal Reserve central banks,Reserve Notes.Stone who is half Jew, found his primary financier and movie promoter in Hollywood, also a Jew. Whodathunkit??? Barney,I'm sure you might know about this book already, but just in case, I'll mention it anyway for others who are browsing this forum.Take a look at Final Judgement by Michael Collins Piper.I'm finally reading it, and it pretty much spells out how the Mossad was involved. I discovered this book after I started researching 9/11 and the Isreali issue there. I remember certain people telling me to read it before, but I put it on the back burner, so to speak, until after I started looking at the 9/11 issue.Pasquale
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Re: JFK the movie (The Oliver Stone one ;) )

Post by Barney »

Members; I strongly urge each member to purchase the book, "George H W Bush, An Unauthorized Biography," Authors, Chaitkin, Tarpley, which will give you immediateknowledge and forewarning of the entire Bush elitist family, going back to the 18th and 19th century in US history. After this it moves forward to Yale years following WWII, interconnections to some of the most powerful individuals and families in this country. It was theirmodus operandi to " use other people's money" in their numerous financial and governmental, political maneuverings to run this countrythru their friends lock, stock, and barrel.
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Re: JFK the movie (The Oliver Stone one ;) )

Post by Bob »

Barney wrote:Members; I strongly urge each member to purchase the book, "George H W Bush, An Unauthorized Biography," Authors, Chaitkin, Tarpley, which will give you immediateknowledge and forewarning of the entire Bush elitist family, going back to the 18th and 19th century in US history. After this it moves forward to Yale years following WWII, interconnections to some of the most powerful individuals and families in this country. It was theirmodus operandi to " use other people's money" in their numerous financial and governmental, political maneuverings to run this countrythru their friends lock, stock, and barrel. The book is excellent Barney. Yes, it can be purchased, but it is also available online...for free.http://tarpley.net/online-books/george- ... biography/