Was John Lennon's murderer Mark Chapman a CIA hitman?

JFK Assassination
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Was John Lennon's murderer Mark Chapman a CIA hitman?

Post by Bob »

Wednesday will mark the 30th anniversary of John Lennon's assassination. Notice I said assassination...not just a murder. Please read this...http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... eory.htmlI talked a bit about this with Jim Fetzer on The Real Deal show last week, and the theory fits. Mark David Chapman was yet another "lone nut". Just like Lee Harvey Oswald. Just like Sirhan Sirhan. Just like James Earl Ray. Just like Arthur Bremer. Just like John Hinckley. LHO and Sirhan were also just patsies. It could be that Chapman is one as well.Remember Lennon was killed on December 8th, 1980. Ronald Reagan has just been elected President in November. Poppy Bu$h was Ronny's VP waiting in the wings. Not long after John was assassinated, an attempt was made on Reagan's life in March of 1981. Then there was an attempt made on the life on Pope John Paul II in May of 1981. Both men were "lone nuts". Just like Chapman. And Oswald. And Sirhan.Please see this as well...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i46RI2twVaoThink about John's assassination. No one was more anti-war than Lennon. The new Reagan/Bu$h administration was going to return the U.S. foreign policy to one of aggressiveness with the implementation of the Star Wars defense system, plus aiding folks like Saddam and Osama as well with funding and weapons. Mena was right around the corner, as was Iran/Contra. Lennon would have been a threat to that type of behavior. Who spoke out earlier and louder than Lennon about Vietnam? No one. Others joined him, like Jim Morrison etc., but he was the leader of the opposition to the war in Vietnam in the entertainment industry. Lennon had also just hit the top of the music charts again in 1980 with his album Double Fantasy. There were strong rumors that the Beatles were going to get back and do some studio work together again. That reunion would have electrified the music world. Also, look at his contemporaries that are STILL playing today. The Stones, Neil Young, Eric Clapton, etc. Men in their 60's still rocking like it's 1968 to full houses. Neil Young is also still very political. His Rocking in the Free World was a classic when Poppy Bu$h was President, as was his Living with War album, when Dumbya Bu$h lied us into two wars. Bottom line, Lennon was definitely still a threat to those in power. After all, he was the man who wrote this... You Say You Want a Revolution Well, You Know We all Want to Change the World You Tell me that its Evolution Well, You Know But When you Talk About Destruction Don't You Know that you Can Count Me Out You Know Its Going To Be All Right All Right All Right You Say You've Got a Real Solution Well You Know We'd All Love to See the Plan You Ask Me For a Contribution Well You Know We're All doing What We Can But If you Want Money From People With Minds That Hate All I Can Tell You is Brother You'll Have To Wait You Know Its Going To Be All Right All Right All Right You Say You'll Change the Constitution Well You Know We All Want to Change the Land You Tell Me it's the Institution Well You Know You Better Free Your Mind Instead But If You Go Carrying Pictures of Chairman Mao You Ain't Going To Make it With Anyone Anyhow You Know Its Going To be All Right All Right All Right All Right All Right Here is another article that might shed some light on what really happened...http://www.jfkmontreal.com/john_lennon/ ... htmFinally, as most of you know, I had a very strange experience the night Lennon was assassinated. I told the story on Jim Fetzer's show as a matter of fact. Here is the story again, in case you haven't heard it...I was on a date with my girlfriend at the time, and as the evening wore on, she noticed that my pocket watch had stopped. She had given the watch to me the previous Christmas. Anyway, I told her I would go to the repair shop the next day and get it fixed. I dropped my girlfriend at home later, and then headed home in my car. On the radio, all I heard was Beatles music. Then, I heard the announcement about the murder of John. I was devastated. I stayed up all night watching TV and listening to the radio. I heard that Lennon was shot and killed at 10:50 pm in New York city, at the entrance of his home at the Dakota across the street from Central Park. Then I realized something. My pocket watch had stopped at 9:50 pm, but I was in the Central time zone at the time. Basically, my watch stopped when John Lennon died. I have NEVER had the watch repaired. It STILL sits out for me on my dresser as a reminder about what happened. Finally, John Lennon was my favorite musician ever. Neil Young is my next favorite. When the events of 9/11 transpired, there was a music special on TV that week for the victims of that tragedy. Neil was one of the artists. He did one song. Not one of his either. It was a classic Lennon tune. I still get teary eyed every time I hear it...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3T8xr274q8
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Re: Was John Lennon's murderer Mark Chapman a CIA hitman?

Post by Bob »

Also see this link that was mentioned on The Real Deal with Jim Fetzer last night...http://www.jfkmontreal.com/john_lennon/ ... erdomo.htm
Michael Dell
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Re: Was John Lennon's murderer Mark Chapman a CIA hitman?

Post by Michael Dell »

My favorite link about the Lennon assassination is to Mack White's website. Lot of great info there...http://www.mackwhite.com/lennon.html
Michael Calder
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Re: Was John Lennon's murderer Mark Chapman a CIA hitman?

Post by Michael Calder »

Bob,1975 was the last time mkultra had been used, (the two girls who tried to shoot President Ford) so the shooting of John Lennon may have been a trial run before attempting Reagan's assassination. Big Jim is having me on his show thanks to you. Dec 22, is the date. I'll bring everyone up to date on my RFK research at that time. Thanks. www.jfkcia.com
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Re: Was John Lennon's murderer Mark Chapman a CIA hitman?

Post by Bob »

Michael Calder wrote:Bob,1975 was the last time mkultra had been used, (the two girls who tried to shoot President Ford) so the shooting of John Lennon may have been a trial run before attempting Reagan's assassination. Big Jim is having me on his show thanks to you. Dec 22, is the date. I'll bring everyone up to date on my RFK research at that time. Thanks. http://www.jfkcia.comNo problem my friend. I am really looking forward to the show!
bob franklin
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Re: Was John Lennon's murderer Mark Chapman a CIA hitman?

Post by bob franklin »

I know it's been covered elsewhere on the forum, but I just wanted to mention again that the doorman present at the time of the assassination was rumored to have been Brigade 2506. Things get buried as we keep posting.
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Re: Was John Lennon's murderer Mark Chapman a CIA hitman?

Post by Jsnow915 »

to answer your question Bob.....yes I believe Lennon was taken out by a manchurian candidate
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Re: Was John Lennon's murderer Mark Chapman a CIA hitman?

Post by Jsnow915 »

even Yoko thinks about comspiracy.....http://www.musicrooms.net/rock-and-pop/ ... death.html