OK. City Truck Bomb-Was Tim McVeigh A Patsy?

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OK. City Truck Bomb-Was Tim McVeigh A Patsy?

Post by Barney »

12/14/10Well members, as usual, intense research by leading scientific minds and demolition experts with hands-on experience of over 30 years, say the OK.CityMurray Federal Bldg. demolition is an impossibility, using an ANFO- fuel-ammonium nitrate mixture Ryder truck bomb of any weight. Their scientific and practical usage theory is that ANFO does not generate enough reactive and air pressure volume to tear down steel reinforcedconcrete pilings under the Murray Bldg. esp. when the Ryder truck never got more than 20-30 feet from the outside of the bldg. and not upunder it . Nor, would an ANFO truck or car bomb, throw debris several blocks away and into other bldgs. Some state that even if it was driven up under the bldg., as in the Kobar Towers and the WTC first bombing attempt, the columnsdid not collapse and showed little damages other than cosmetic in nature. Jim Loftis, one of the orig. bldg. architects states that his firmwas tasked with making the Murray Fed. bldg. earthquke and bomb resistant as much as possible. Mr. Loftis stated that from an engineering perspectiveit took bomb outward pressure of from 2500-over 4000 psi from a bomb detonation, however the ATF and FBI allege this was all done byan ANFO truck bomb that generated approx. 30-50 psi. Military grade detonation materials such as C-4, haveover 8,000 psi of pressure and shock waves from the center point of the explosion. Lt Col. Craig Roberts formerGreen Beret Special Forces officer trained in military demolitions, states that even with C-4 one must prepare thebldg. concrete pilings and pillars for cutting with C-4 to implode the bldg. into itself as prescribed procedure.Other scientists who worked at Los Alamos laboratory, & the Lawrence Livermore Labs, stated that the bombs signature was that of a closely kept military munitions secret bomb, known as a"A-Neutronic bomb," a fuel-air bomb, using exotic chemicals including, Lithium 6, Plutonium 239, Tritide,,Tritium, Beryllium, & Uranium 238 components, nicknamed SADM'S, of which the German firm of Messerschmitt-Blohm company provided blueprints and materials to SaddamHussein's manical regime, used to detonate a mini- nuclear reaction bomb. It was invented demoliton expert, Samuel Cohen, 40 year long career of high yield explosives and studies of the A-bomb effects on Hiroshima and Nagasake air dropped over Japan ending WWII. Cohen inJapan in 1945 made reports to the US military depts., President, and NSA. Mr. Cohen penned the name of his bomb, " the blue and orange pineapple death bomb,because of its peculiar blue/orange signature when detonated, and the fact the total sizeof this very highly explosive device was about the size of an average pineapple fruit. It can be carried in a suitcase, amusical instrument case, a paperbag,lunchbox, or in vehicles quite easily and devastate any buildings and surrounding bldgs. The US militry intended to load cruise missiles and artillery shells with this devastating materials.Two witnesses saw just such a pineapple bomb, blue-orange signature, from thecenter interior of the bldg. that tore thru the upper floors and out the roof. Only after the detonations of otherinside bombs did the Ryder truck bomb detonate, leaving a huge dust cloud, black smoke, fumes of nitrates that werechoking and gagging in nature to witnesses both inside and outside this bldg.- Two female employees of this fed.bldg. saw 3-4 young men under the bld. in the garage area around 8:20-8:35 and said they looked to be telephonelinemen doing work, and that they had cardboard boxes containing sqaures of about 2x3 ft. size and about 4 inchesthick of some putty like materials in sheets and they had elec. wires or cords, and were stationed near some of theconcrete support columns/pilings under this bldg. The only thing was they were not in a uniform, and had no company owned truck.Please get a copy of; " The Okla. City Bombing and the Politics of Terror." Author; David Hoffman with foreward by Okla. State RepresentativefCharles Key. published 1998 by Feral House, 2532 Lincoln Blvd. Venice, California 90291. Settle back and enjoy. Barney