JFK Assassination
Dealey Joe
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Post by Dealey Joe »

What really surprises me is the lack of comments on two separate actions by the Government directly against its citizens. Waco and Ruby Ridge. People were murdered in plain site by federal officials with direct approval of the white house. Even the locals stood by and cheered at Waco.If nothing is being said or done about these horrendous events, then what do we think would ever be done about JFK, RFK, MLK, JL, ect.When we stand by and watch our neighbors murdered by their own Government agencies,How can we ask God to help us?
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Post by Barney »

12/15/10Dealey Joe: In the book I am reading about the Okla. City bombing which killed 169 people and wounded hundreds more, this building wasdemolished, taken to an offsite area and inspected by govt. agents, and then buried in an excavation site many feet underground. The samething occurred following the Branch Davidian shootout and fire which killed many people, particularly women and children trapped inside.This book states, the reasons in both cases the crime scene evidence was so quickly demolished, hauled away, and then quickly buried deepwas to hide incriminating evidence of crimes by our own Justice Dept. and even highter ups in the administration in power. In the case ofOkla. City, several scientists went to the burial site but were denied access by armed guards. However there was small bits of rubble lyingall about, so these guys grabbed a few rocks of concrete and hauled ass outta there. When they were examined by geiger counter typeradiation equipment, this rubble had 50-60 times normal, the amount of radiation still generating from the concrete rubble.In the Ruby Ridge and Waco incidents, the ATF and FBI shot into the buildings from a helicoper with full auto rifles and injured numerousoccupants is the reason they wanted to bury the roof materials so quickly, hide the evidence from the world. Nice guys all.
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WACO: A New Revelation

Post by kenmurray »

Phil Dragoo
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WACO/OKCBOMB Fourth Reich Reichstag Op

Post by Phil Dragoo »

The ATF raid on the Davidians was to be a machismo-fascismo funding stunt.Propaganda to demonize a “cult” which “abused children” (false), “manufactured meth” (false), “made and sold illegal weapons” (false), and “harbored a dangerous and elusive fugitive” (false) was the pretext for horse trailers full of horses' asses.Agents fired into the front doors, and—surprise, surprise—got as good as they gave.Boo hoo.According to Farah at WND it was Wesley Clark who provided the tanks.The CS gas was flammable. The Feds cut the power. The occupants were forced to barricade with hay bales against hostile fire, and rely on kerosene lamps for light.The consequence was foreseen, anticipated, and intended. A windy day, the careful puncturing of the building envelope to create a Dresden.The shaped charge placed on the roof of the Concrete Room killed twenty women and children.FLIR analysit Carlos Ghigliotti was finalizing proofs the Feds had fired over 200 shots INTO the occupied building even as they used their obnoxious PA system to prod the victims to come out.The fire department and press were kept away.And the FLIR analysis—oh, Carlos Ghigliotti was found “dead of natural causes”--and who publicly jeered? Gerald Posner.The Federal traitors and cowards who slew our 35th president and eighty men, women and children take their place on The Great Mandala.There is no waiver for Karma—no executive order valid at St. Peter's Commission Hearings.And OKCBomb?Jayna Davis and Evans Ambrose-Pritchard raise unanswered questions about John Doe Number Two, Andreas Carl Strassmeier, Dennis Mahon, Carol Howe, the foreknowledge of the judge across the street, and more.http://carolmoore.net/waco/http://www.jaynadavis.com/
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Post by kenmurray »

Phil, excellent links. Just like Jonestown, there was no mass suicide in Waco. The majority of the people found dead at Jonestown were murdered.
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Post by kenmurray »

Death of Carlos Ghigiotti:http://www.hardylaw.net/Carlos.html
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Post by Bob »

I'll say it again, Poppy Bu$h, Bill Clinton, Dumbya Bu$h and Barry Obama are ALL tied to the CIA. Every President since Poppy Bu$h has had CLEAR CIA connections. Wayne Madsen has said that President Obama was a CIA operative while at Columbia University. Dumbya was like his dad Poppy, in terms of being tied in with failed oil businesses that were fronts for the CIA. In fact, the bin Laden family were investors in Dumbya's failed oil venture called Arbusto. Slick Willie and Poppy were tied at the hip in Mena, when the CIA was doing the massive drug running there. Poppy really controlled things in the White House after Reagan was almost assassinated. See Iran/Contra, Mena etc. Also look at all the guys that have been CIA directors under these Presidents. Currently you have Leon Panetta, a former Clinton aide. Under Dumbya, you had Slick Willie's CIA director George Tenet, who allowed 9/11 to take place. Dumbya also had Porter Goss as CIA director, who was a former Iran/Contra player and a former Operation 40 guy. Michael Hayden was someone from the Military Industrial Complex who was allowed to run the CIA with two wars waging in Iraq and Afghanistan. Poppy had current Secretary of Defense Bob Gates as one of his CIA directors. Gates is yet ANOTHER former Iran/Contra player. The CIA helped to assassinate JFK and now they basically run the White House, along with some other foxes (see Wall Street, Big Oil, Big Insurance/Pharma, AIPAC/Israel ) that also run that hen house. Obama went out of his way to clear the CIA of using torture tactics. He has escalated the war in Afghanistan, while nothing has changed in Iraq. There are more private contractors (Blackwater, Halliburton, etc.) on the ground in Afghanistan and Iraq than troops now. Obama also has two clear CIA operatives that are spearheading his foreign policy...Secretary of Defense Gates (former Director of the CIA under Poppy) and the Secretary of State...Hillary Clinton (remember Mena). Just think about these events...Ruby Ridge- happened with Poppy as PresidentOklahoma City and Waco- happened with Slick Willie as President9/11- happened with Dumbya as PresidentIf history is a blueprint to the future, look for something to happen under Barry too.In addition, everyone of these Presidents have improved the wealth and power of Wall Street...a longtime bed partner for the CIA. The same goes with Big Oil as well.
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Post by Barney »

Dealey Joe; I forgot to mention that FBI sniper Lon Horuchi was the sniper who shot and killed the wife of Randy Weaver, the owner of a self constructed cabin on a low mountain ridge, about 40 miles South of the Canadian border, in Northern Idaho. Randy and his wife lived there with their 4 children, trying to escape the evils of thefast changing modern lifestyle which they thought ungodly and evil. His cabin had no running water or electricity. 400 federal agents converged on his Ruby Ridge hilltop cabin to capture this so-named religious zealot, gun nutand terroritst. As the agents showed up in the pre-dawn hours, they aroused the Weaver family and its yellowLab dog. Their teenage son and dog when to investigate, as did Randy. The family dog charged a federal agentwho shot the dog dead in front of the Weaver teenager, who in turned drilled the federal agent dead. After thisRandy went to investigate further and found his son and the dead dog, and surrounding federal agents from allsides. He ran towards his cabin to escape incoming fire as Horucki attempted to kill Weaver. He may have also killed the owners son, who discovered the FBI and ATF agents moving in positions on the property around pre-dawn hours. Senior FBI sniper team member, Horucki missed his sniper rifle and scoped shot, and this errantshot and the bullet hit Weaver's wife in the chest killing her instantly, as she held their infant child in her arms.PLEASE ALSO NOTE IN WACO BRANCH DAVIDIAN SEIGE AND SHOOTOUT;Lon Horucki was also charged with firing over 200 Nato 7.62 rounds from a concealed bunker at people trying to escape the fire burning down the main building at the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas. These peoplewere seeking safety inside a buried school bus just behind the compound. Thus, it would appear no escapes wereplanned for or intended from this govt. action, at the highest level by Clinton, Freeh, and Atty. Gen. Janet Reno.