Pinpoint the entrywound

JFK Assassination
kjell roald
Posts: 32
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Pinpoint the entrywound

Post by kjell roald »

Explaining the images below : The first one is frame 312 from the Zapruder film, the frame before the headshot, and it has a red spot at the location that would have to be where the bullet exited if the shot came from behind.The second image is frame 314 from the Zapruder film, just to illustrate the location.The third image shows the location of the entrywound, according to the HSCA.The point with it all, is if you then go back to the first image, and try pinpoint the alleged entrywound.And then look at the angle you get when you draw a line from the alleged entry wound to the alleged exit wound. Now that angle does not in any way point back to the sixth floor of the school book depository, does it?Images :
Kit Carp
Posts: 9
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: Pinpoint the entrywound

Post by Kit Carp »

I expect the whole exercise is moot, as the HSCA's "entry point" has, in reality, no basis of evidence backing it up.1. NO witness- no one in Dallas, no one in Bethesda, including the doctors who presumably disected JFK's skull, saw any such wound anywhere near this location. Try to find one.2. The autopsy report has no such wound listed in it.3. Not one photo in the "official record" shows a hole through bone at this location.4. No bullet hole exists at this spot in the xrays.The reason the HSCA picked this spot is because:A. It lines up better than the spot where the autopsy doctors claimed there was a hole, way, way down low at the very lower edge of the President's hairline, (actually would have probably gone through his neck into his chest if came from the Ozzie window).B. There were two visible "trails" of metal particles scattered through different parts of the President's head, making fudging or guessing at least hopeful.C. In the color photos, (but completely missing in the black and white), there is a photo showing a round spot that could be blood or any of a number of things on the SCALP. There isnt anything to suggest it is a hole. The HSCA had an artist draw up a rendering for evidence that makes it appear MORE like a hole. A drawing of a hole in someone's scalp doesnt mean there is a hole there in Kennedy's actual skull, and all the evidence proves rather solidly that there WASN'T.D. There was an apparent "artifact" in the xrays near, but not at, this location, which multiple experts have since determined is an alteration of the the xrays to try and clumsily place a rather ridiculous 6.5mm circular metal object at this spot to incrimnate Oswald. Instead of doing that, it incriminates the evidence as being tainted, once and for all. The object is impossibly dense when measured optically, meaning it was thicker by a lot than all of JFK's fillings all stacked one on top of each other. It was made by taking the original xray, and redoing the xray with some object setting in place on the xray after the fact.That forged xray is one of the real "smoking guns" in the case, and that smouldering firearm isnt held by Lee Harvey Oswald.So- no little hole in JFK's head near this spot, even without considering the trajectory.