Drainage firing point

JFK Assassination
Glen Riding
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Re: Drainage firing point

Post by Glen Riding »

I've just been on youtube and found the clip i remembered from all those years ago of the man in a combat jacket getting into the sewer drain on Elm Street. His name is Jack Brazil.Cheers Ken for pointing me in the right direction.
Kit Carp
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Re: Drainage firing point

Post by Kit Carp »

I've always thought that both sewer locations, the one on the street, and the one above to the right of the underpass, were logical locations for a shooter. Mark Lane, who I greatly respect, probably was more responsible for pushing the "grassy knoll" location into the forefront...but that doesnt mean there couldnt also be someone here as well. Maybe the early researchers stayed away from these quite logical spots because it seemed too "out there" and crazy a location to pursue. Frankly...they represent the best cover in the plaza. I'm a decent marksman myself, and frankly...that is where I would be.The spot at street level is certainly perfectly viable for the headshot. There was another 6" of open space there back when JFK was assassinated, making for plenty of room for visiblity. A marksman would not only gain 6" of extra shooting space...also, JFK would be 6" lower, in relationship to the gun. It's true you could only see JFK's head and neck but, isnt that what you would have needed to see? The "X" currently on the street isnt as exact a placement as one might think, with all the fabrication of the evidence, the car could have been some feet closer to the sewer drain for the final shot. The published information on shot placement in the WC commission volumes is baloney, as we all know.Placement of a shot from the drain solves a number of issues long pondered.1. The smell of smoke at street level. It's very strange that people following up in the cavalcade, (I love that word), smelled smoke at about this location. Several did, including Ralph Yarborough. That would explain that.2. The visible smoke. Several witnesses reported smoke "in the trees in front of the picket fence. near the overpass". This location could be that source, if the smoke drifted from sidewalk towards the trees.3. The angle of the entrance/exit wound. The closer you get to the front of Kennedy, the better the angle for a temple to right rear shot. The picket fence really doesnt do it at all. Oswald's nest obviously dosent work. Kennedy's head is very much tilted down at 312, and becomes even more so for a few moments thereafter, if there were two shots to the head. Both sewer locations seem perfectly viable, compared to the knoll.It seems to me that these two locations "line up" from a ballistic perspective, better than any other locations.4. The sewer was open to the river, and it was a clear escape path about a 30-40 minute route. The route was tested, and timed multiple times, all underground. There was a written report of a man with a rifle cited at this location in Dallas, after the assassination, which certainly is interesting.5. At least one witness mentions a chrome plated revolver "in or very near" the car during the assassination. His testimony seems confused. With this happening so very fast, might not they have caught a glimpse of the firing pistol, there at the drain, feet from the car?6. The closer to the car one gets to those describing that final shot, the more you hear of that shot "sounding different"- like a pistol, closer. Kellerman hear's a double shot from his right. Greer describes two shots nearly instantaneously, one atop the other. Clint Hill describes it as sounding like a pistol shot into a hard object.With Jackie so close by on JFK's immediate left, it's hard to figure out how he could have been shot in the left temple. The right front is the most logical area. The famous grassy knoll is to his right...not his front. The two sewer drains seem like the likliest spots, (to me), that line up with that rearward exiting wound- and they are also very probably the best cover in the plaza to the President's front. Anyone who visits the site can see how little cover the knoll really offers.I do like the sewer drains as possible sniper spots.
Alex Hidell
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Re: Drainage firing point

Post by Alex Hidell »

A guy could have fired from the storm drain with a pistol. No one said only a rifle bullet can kill:) Don't assume a rifle bullet killed JFK.The drain leads out to the Trinity River, a twenty minute stroll via sotrm drains from the persumed point of fire.Remember, virtually every eye witness said the last shot sounded different than all other shots and there was an echo with the last shot.One would get a pretty good echo if one fired a .45 caliber handgun in a stormdrain.I'm just sayin- it's possible.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: Drainage firing point

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

10.14.2013Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:01.23.2011 - Mr. Glen Riding Posted this inquisitive Headline.A short discussion followed with some conjecture, facts, information,and personal theories. No real substantive material from a livingperson who has been there other than Mr. Joe Hall.Mr. Joe Hall is the only person that I know of who has actually been toDealey Plaza hundreds of times and actually analyzed the "real crimescene," even though they were later dates. Joe dispelled this idea asbeing borderline impossible, and an improbable location when I conferredwith him directly many times. I am reading from notes that I made whiletalking to Joe on a cell phone when he was at Dealey Plaza.Next to being there myself, I know Joe Hall to be an accurate, honestinvestigator as we have worked on many matters over the years.Is there anybody who has actually been there and studied this subjectmatter in person ?Can anybody add more recent analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, studies, thoughts, or writings on this subject matter ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.