Why the Grassy Knoll?

JFK Assassination
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Re: Why the Grassy Knoll?

Post by Slav »

Jerry Craig wrote:deputy sheriff roger craig was at the tsbd when the weapon was found he was my uncle he testified at the warren commissionThey found 2 weapons and Roger seen the other one besides the carcano.
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Re: Why the Grassy Knoll?

Post by Deborah »

There were many separate teams operating that day. They each had their own specific instructions in isolation from the instructions to the other teams. I do not think James Files ever said that he 'knew' when he went to Dealy Plaza that day that Oswald was going to be set up as a patsy. Do they all realize that in hindsight? Sure. Files was covering Nicoletti and was not to take the shot unless Nicoletti was missing it, the head shot. In the 1/1000th of a second he saw his shot and took it.It was an orchestrated assassination and government coup meant to disorient, cause chaos and confusion and no one person who took shots that day could say in the end that they knew who actually orchestrated the whole thing or who was shooting from where, just their own team. They knew just their one thing and then only to a certain point. Being people in the business of assassination and killing for hire, they all knew each other or at least who each other were, but they were, each team, or individual, taking instruction from a different handler. And then there's the wild card, that unidentified someone. Single person, lone individual, taking a shot from somewhere, just in case. I still don't understand why we aren't calling the killing of JFK a coup d'etat. I wonder why Jimmy Hoffa was murdered, really? How many of the mafia leaders in this coup were murdered so they wouldn't talk, like Giancana? Count them up. There's a list. Government factions couldn't control them after all, so they took them out it seems to me. Who did Ruby get his instruction from, really? And when the Government has him, they won't listen to him. Pretty powerful that Government,CIA,Military Complex. They won't let the truth be told in any of their lifetimes and the lifetimes of their immediate families. Even the Kennedy Family kept quiet. Its called letting it go. Not one Kennedy is in politics today. Food for thought.
Kit Carp
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Re: Why the Grassy Knoll?

Post by Kit Carp »

"Why the Grassy Knoll" is a very, very good question.If you look at this little park from the perspective of professional assassins striving to very publically make a statement and strike down an American President in an efficent fashion, the site makes perfect sense.The huge turn is more than a standard 90 degree one. It forced the president's car down to a crawl. The assassins in the high buildings behind the president actually had better shots earlier, before the turn. Waiting until after the turn though, allowed the President to come into a position where he could be fired upon from a variety of angles...from the rear, the side and the front, all at the same time.This made the death of the President much more likely.It's a classic sort of ambush. The teams would probably have begun firing on a signal...perhaps Greer's opening and closing of the Presidential car's door, to give the final green light for the event to go down. Probably each shooter had someone to spot for them, and no doubt there was a radio man or two orchestrating the entire event.Perhaps the kill zone was even brazenly marked with yellow paint on the curb, on the visible side facing the assassins, to ensure a well timed series of shots.Should the President have survived the initial barrage, almost certainly someone was staioned at Parkland hospital to adminster the final blow...probably someone willing to sacrifice their own life in a desperate attempt...or even perhaps a Secret Service man in on the plot, and saved for such an emergancy.The President's security was stripped to ensure success. Dallas sheriffs were forced to stand down. Motorcycle policemen, normally along the car, were told to stay back no matter what happened. Some of them abandoned the car moments before the shots. A Secret Service agent who expected to ride on JFK's rear bumper was told repeatedly to stay back at the airport. When the shooting started, the agent in charge of the followup car ordered the agents to stay where they were, and later blatantly lied about the cars speed and distance from the President. The passenger Secret Service agent in JFK's car did precisely nothing during the entire attack. His job was to protect the President, and for over 8 seconds he sit's motionless. The driver of the President's car admitted to knowing shots were being fired. Instead of speeding up, or zigzagging, he slowed down, looking back until he was sure the President's head was blown open.Jackie and Clint Hill, alone, tried to aid the President. It's some sort of miracle she wasnt struck.The obviousness of the plot and triangulated attack against a President stripped of his security is frankly astounding.Yet, here we sit in 2011, with the American press blandly blaming Oswald still.They picked the Grassy Knoll area because they were not afraid of failing, and wanted it very public, as a demonstration to any politician or lawman who might dare to strive for peace in a country run by warlords. JFK was the bravest of men, wise enough to see that a nuclear war would burn the entire world, selfless enough to risk his own life for a try at peace, knowing full well that the men behind the curtain would have none of that.Why the Grassy Knoll, indeed.James Douglass's wonderful book, "JFK and the Unspeakable" ought to be read by everyone here, and in fact, by every American citizen.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Why the Grassy Knoll?

Post by Dealey Joe »

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Re: Why the Grassy Knoll?

Post by Bob »

Good discussion. Nice takes by Deborah and Kit as well. The Grassy Knoll was also policed by the fake Secret Service agents that were supplied IDs by Chauncey Holt. The REAL Secret Service...see Emory Roberts, Roy Kellerman and Bill Greer...made sure that JFK would never leave Dealey Plaza alive.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XY02Qkuc_f8
Phil Dragoo
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Coup, said the Hertz pigeons, coup d'etat

Post by Phil Dragoo »

CIA's Walton Moore tasked George DeMohrenschildt with leading Lee to Ruth Paine whose neighbor provided the Depository job—no mind Ruth buried the agency call of a better job loading cargo for Trans-Texas.DeMohrenschildt's wife Jeanne was partners with Zapruder whose business was in the Dal-Tex, source for rear shots, perch for Roselli, Nicoletti, Braden.DeMohrenschildt and Nicoletti had a date with the Reaper March 29, 1977.A pumping umbrella and a walkie-talkie manA Secret Service driver singing “I Brake for Snipers”Per Palamara 59 witnesses saw himStop for Files on the fenceline with the flaming FireballBut The Church Lady of the Confusatory In her Perpetual WedgieInsists it was the Bugs Bugli cartoon
Kit Carp
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Re: Why the Grassy Knoll?

Post by Kit Carp »

Here is a picture of the latin looking "radio-man" moments after the assassination. Instead of running around in a panic or up the knoll like everyone else on scene, he and the "umbrella man" who opened up and and pumped an umbrella up and down as JFK was being shot, these two just sit down as the motorcade speeds desperately, chaotically by, and radio-man is seen apparently talking into what appears like a big walkie-talkie with tall antennae, as he glances back towards the picket fence. What is he doing? Nothing would have been on broadcast radio yet about the shooting, which happened a minute or two before.He and the Umbrella man then stand, and casually walk off in different directions, after Radio-man tucks his radio under the back part of his jacket, which is also photographed.This guy has never been identified. Right as Kennedy is shot, he pumps one fist in the air, which is visible on Zapruder.It's possible the guy is merely some innocent bystander who acted very weirdly at the time of the shots and had a big assed radio he was listening innocently to, being unphased with the events happening around him. Apparently he found the whole assassination thing boring, had no interest in hanging around, and presumably went home to listen to a baseball game, or something. There arent any photos of him in zillions taken at the plaza, after he and UM part ways forever.You can see the antennae sticking up above him quite clearly, against the black jacket of the person behind him in this photo.But, does all that seem likely- or was this guy coordinating the shots?While there isnt any hard proof about Radio-man, I find him to be one of the more interesting characters visible in the plaza on that sad, sunny afternoon in Dallas.
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Re: Why the Grassy Knoll?

Post by Bob »

Kit Carp wrote:Here is a picture of the latin looking "radio-man" moments after the assassination. Instead of running around in a panic or up the knoll like everyone else on scene, he and the "umbrella man" who opened up and and pumped an umbrella up and down as JFK was being shot, these two just sit down as the motorcade speeds desperately, chaotically by, and radio-man is seen apparently talking into what appears like a big walkie-talkie with tall antennae, as he glances back towards the picket fence. What is he doing? Nothing would have been on broadcast radio yet about the shooting, which happened a minute or two before.He and the Umbrella man then stand, and casually walk off in different directions, after Radio-man tucks his radio under the back part of his jacket, which is also photographed.This guy has never been identified. Right as Kennedy is shot, he pumps one fist in the air, which is visible on Zapruder.It's possible the guy is merely some innocent bystander who acted very weirdly at the time of the shots and had a big assed radio he was listening innocently to, being unphased with the events happening around him. Apparently he found the whole assassination thing boring, had no interest in hanging around, and presumably went home to listen to a baseball game, or something. There arent any photos of him in zillions taken at the plaza, after he and UM part ways forever.You can see the antennae sticking up above him quite clearly, against the black jacket of the person behind him in this photo.But, does all that seem likely- or was this guy coordinating the shots?While there isnt any hard proof about Radio-man, I find him to be one of the more interesting characters visible in the plaza on that sad, sunny afternoon in Dallas.A lot of us in the forum believe walkie talkie man was Orlando Bosch. There is definitely a resemblance.
Kit Carp
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Re: Why the Grassy Knoll?

Post by Kit Carp »

That is certainly possible. The guy was a zealot, and right at this point in time, the Cubans living in America really felt horribly betrayed by JFK. Plenty of ties to the CIA, it would actually be surprising if the CIA didnt use their outraged, patriotic Cuban assets against the President.
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Re: Why the Grassy Knoll?

Post by Deborah »

Glen Riding wrote:I would have put somebody firing in that window with that rifle and said to them look just fire a couple shots from this window with that rifle, it doesn't matter if you hit Kennedy or not, we have other guys taking care of that. The important thing was to stage the scene and leave the evidence.I agree with you one hundred percent.