The German Mauser & British Enfield

JFK Assassination
Rich Negrete
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The German Mauser & British Enfield

Post by Rich Negrete »

I am asking for your help. My interest lies in accumulating facts on this case that have an absolutely solid source, which I can reference in my notes. I have heard, and read, in several areas, of the reporting of the Mauser (which is a matter of official record) and the reporting of the Enfield .303 rifle on the news broadcasts. I would like to know if anyone can pinpoint me to the source, by the minute, of where I can listen to these for myself, whether it be on Youtube, or perhaps on a CD or DVD......I contacted the current program director of WBAP radio who directed me to a, I think it was a 9 part Youtube series of broadcasts (and even he claimed to not know about the Enfield). Perhaps I'm being lazy but in the interest of time management I would like to know where I can go DIRECTLY to the source and listen for myself, without having to listen to several hours of news footage. Thank you and I hope I can be of help to a JFK researcher myself someday!
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Re: The German Mauser & British Enfield

Post by kenmurray »

Rich, welcome to the forum.Here is a segment from "Evidence of Revision" where the MSM says it was a Mauser initially.
Rich Negrete
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Re: The German Mauser & British Enfield

Post by Rich Negrete »

Ken,Thank you for taking the time to reply and post that excerpt. I should have been more clear, however. I know that the Mauser report is a matter of record, because of the police that signed affadavits, Roger Craigs refusal to change his testimony, and DA Wades reporting of the Mauser. It's the Enfield reporting I'm really trying to track down, because of it's tie-in to the possession of such a rifle by Oswalds ride to work (don't have his name right here). But thank you, it was good to watch, especially Cronkite's mis-pronounciation at the end. But if anyone knows of such broadcasts involving the Enfield that's what I'm really looking for.
Jerry Craig
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Re: The German Mauser & British Enfield

Post by Jerry Craig »

rich i have never heard a broadcast of a 303 but people talkabout it and roger never said anything and he would have known ive heard it was found on the roof of the TSBD but dont know how true that is.
Rich Negrete
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Re: The German Mauser & British Enfield

Post by Rich Negrete »

Thank you Jerry, that's exactly what I'm trying to do-separate the provable from the questionable....any other input is greatly appreciated.
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Re: The German Mauser & British Enfield

Post by kenmurray »

Guys, there was report of a British .303 rifle found on 11/22/63 BY WBAP TV. However, it seems that footage has been taken off You Tube. I will keep looking.
Rich Negrete
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Re: The German Mauser & British Enfield

Post by Rich Negrete »

Yes I had heard it was taken off YouTube. Well I went through all my materials again and I think I got a pretty close answer. According to the article "The Guns of Dealey Plaza" by John S. Craig (I either got this from CTKA or MaryFerrell) the source note says "Reported by Tom Webb of WBAP-TV News Coverage of the Assassination of JFK etc, MR-74-52:1 tape, The John F Kennedy Library Waltham Massachusetts."Now I wish I would have come across this before I posted the question but it's one of several bits of "evidence" I come across that don't USUALLY have an original source citation, and I'm kind of a stickler for that. Thanks for your replies!
Dealey Joe
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Re: The German Mauser & British Enfield

Post by Dealey Joe »

The Guns of Dealey Plazaby John S. CraigOn the afternoon of the shooting, KBOX, a Dallas television station, broadcast that "a rifle has been found in a staircase on the fifth floor ... Sheriff's deputies identify the weapon as a 7.65 Mauser ... " [25] To add to the confusion WBAP-TV reported that a British Enfield 303 had been found in the Depository. [26]26. Reported by Tom Webb of WBAP-TV, Fort Worth, Texas, News Coverage of the Assassination of President Kennedy, MR 74-52: 1 (tape), The John F. Kennedy Library, Waltham, Massachusetts.
Rich Negrete
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Re: The German Mauser & British Enfield

Post by Rich Negrete »

Thanks Dealey Joe!
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Re: The German Mauser & British Enfield

Post by JDThomas »

Does anyone here have experience with either a Mauser or a Carcano? I know enough to know that rifle models are very different in their handling and being expert with one rifle type does not mean that you can make qualified statements about another. I have a good deal of experience with the Lee Enfield 303, albeit some years ago. I don't think anybody is seriously suggesting that a 303 was used in Dallas that day - even it it were, you would certainly never confuse it with a firecracker!