WHO Shot JFK and WHY????????

JFK Assassination
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: WHO Shot JFK and WHY????????

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

j.j.c.bruinsma wrote:Alex Hidell wrote:Let me be more specific-9/11 was a result of Islamic Fascists who believe anyone who isn't Muslim deserves to die. It,s better than the crap from Pasquale DiFabrizio who go the easy wayblame it on the Jews.gtz.Hey, j.j.c. buinsma,Below is something I wrote on my other topic here. I'm talking about you. I suspect that you're a spook...a disinformation personality. Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:THE DEFAMATION TACTIC OF CALLING SOMEONE "ANTI-SEMITIC"In this clip, you'll see former Israeli minister, Shulamit Aloni, saying that calling someone "anti-Semitic" is a TRICK that is often used to try and stop people from being critical of Israeli policies or critical of anything having to do with Israel or Jewish entities regardless of whether they are criminal or not. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUGVPBO9_cAHere's a link to more information on the trick of calling someone "anti-Semitic."http://rediscover911.com/2010/06/the-an ... ism-trick/This goes to the heart of a recent discussion I had with forum member j.j.c. bruinsma, who used the same TRICK (calling me anti-Semitic) without actually having any logical or real reason to do so. If you look at this topic and the other topic I started regarding the media hoax on 9/11, you can clear see how j.j.c. bruinsma, for example, used the same defamation tactic. It's a trick that is used by disinformation people like him to throw the point of the discussion off. For the record, I can call j.j.c. bruinsma a disinformation entity because he clearly misrepresented my position and words and then attacked me for them. Even when I asked him to show proof of his accusations, he provided none. All he seemed to provide was inconsistent and grammatically incorrect babbling. Who does this? LOLI even gave him the example of talking about the Italian mafia not being the same as talking badly about ALL Italians, and he still didn't seem to get it and continued to resort to name calling. In my personal opinion, he is clearly a disinformation entity.His agenda is unclear to me, but it seems to have to do with criticism of Israel. What a coincidence. This is how disinformation entities work. They get into a group and say all the right things to get accepted, and then they viciously attack other arguments at critical points where it doesn't suit their agenda. I'll give another example of what I mean. Many of us here have read the book called Final Judgment by Piper. It's all about providing evidence that the Israeli's were a major player behind the JFK assassination. I can only imagine that j.j.c. bruinsma would have a HUGE problem with that book as well, no? If he doesn't have a problem with that book, that would make him a hypocrite. See what I mean?Here's a link to the topic on the media hoax on this forum. The last couple of pages is where I went round and round with him. Look for yourselves.viewtopic.php?f=1&t=2005Notice how, in the topic on the media hoax regarding 9/11, I repeatedly asked him to show me any evidence that I'm anti-Semitic or that the information I presented was anti-Semitic. As of me writing this sentence, j.j.c. bruinsma has provided NO EVIDENCE at all. I also noticed that he recently posted on another topic here on this forum. His mysterious silence on the issue appears to be of his own volition.Let me bring my point home for those of you who may not feel it. The defamation tactic used by j.j.c. bruinsma is the same that is used by people who don't agree with the idea that there was a conspiracy to murder JFK. Those "lone nut theorists", for example, call people like us "conspiracy theorists" or "conspiracy nuts" which is just a label they use to take away our credibility. There are even people who agree with the idea that JFK was murdered by a vast conspiracy, but they think the James Files information is not credible. In the past, here on this forum, we have seen those people too engaging in disinformation tactics by first misrepresenting the Files information and then attacking it...king of like a straw man tactic. Many of those same people have often said derogatory things about us here as well, but it doesn't change the facts.
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Re: WHO Shot JFK and WHY????????

Post by j.j.c.bruinsma »

j.j.c.bruinsma wrote:Alex Hidell wrote:Let me be more specific-9/11 was a result of Islamic Fascists who believe anyone who isn't Muslim deserves to die. It,s better than the crap from Pasquale DiFabrizio who go the easy wayblame it on the Jews.gtz.I HATE anti-Semitic and i hate people who blame The Jews with BS films on Internet.I got nothing more too saySHALOM.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: WHO Shot JFK and WHY????????

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

j.j.c.bruinsma wrote:j.j.c.bruinsma wrote:Alex Hidell wrote:Let me be more specific-9/11 was a result of Islamic Fascists who believe anyone who isn't Muslim deserves to die. It,s better than the crap from Pasquale DiFabrizio who go the easy wayblame it on the Jews.gtz.I HATE anti-Semitic and i hate people who blame The Jews with BS films on Internet.I got nothing more too saySHALOM.The information I provide is a lot more than just "films on the internet," and you know it. You need to stop lying about me and the information. Also, you're going to have a really hard time convincing critical thinkers that "Muslims" were behind 9/11 even if they DON'T agree with my information. That's how silly you are. I think you're a disinformation personality. You seem to bring nothing to the table as far as discussion goes. All you seem to be doing it throwing insults that are very inflammatory. You're taking the EASY WAY OUT by just calling me "anti-Semitic." Instead of actually talking about the information I have presented, you take the easy way out and just use the "anti-Semitic" trick. It won't work. Shalom to you too. For the rest of you, here are the topics that j.j.c. "SHALOM" buinsma seems to have a problem with. Here they are.http://forum.jfkmurdersolved.com/viewto ... &t=2005THE DEFAMATION TACTIC OF CALLING SOMEONE "ANTI-SEMITIC"In this clip, you'll see former Israeli minister, Shulamit Aloni, saying that calling someone "anti-Semitic" is a TRICK that is often used to try and stop people from being critical of Israeli policies or critical of anything having to do with Israel or Jewish entities regardless of whether they are criminal or not. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUGVPBO9_cAHere's a link to more information on the trick of calling someone "anti-Semitic."http://rediscover911.com/2010/06/the-an ... ism-trick/
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Re: WHO Shot JFK and WHY????????

Post by Bob »

Alex Hidell wrote:Let me be more specific-9/11 was a result of Islamic Fascists who believe anyone who isn't Muslim deserves to die. Many have declared a Jihad on any non-Muslims. In addition, Muslims hatred for Israel and its mis-treatment of the Palestinians has been directed towards the US because of our support for Israel.None of this has anything whatsoever to do with the JFK assassination.It does a great dis-service to those of us who have spent a lifetime unraveling the clues to the JFK assassination to lump JFK's death together with the 9/11 Islamic Fascists' terrorist attacks.There is simply nothing that links these 2 events- nothing.Everyone in this forum has a right to state their personal opinions...EVERYONE. As long as there isn't name calling, profanity and insults. Alex...you also have a right to your opinion as well. But I think you are wrong. For one thing, there definitely are Muslim extremists no doubt. Just as there are Christian and Jewish extremists. ALL can be equally dangerous. In terms of the JFK assassination and the events of 9/11 not being connected, again I believe your thesis is flawed. This forum has produced hundreds of posts and links about who really was behind the events that occurred on 9/11. Please check them out. To really put the pieces of the puzzle together about JFK's murder and 9/11, one has to go back to WWI, when Samuel Bu$h was selling arms to BOTH the United States and Germany. All of this while the U.S. was involved in the conflict. I would call that treasonous. Samuel's son Prescott went two better than his dad. Prescott (along with other right wing wealthy businessmen) was involved in a coup to overthrow FDR in 1933. General Smedley Butler blew the whistle on the coup, as he was recruited to lead the coup from a military standpoint. However, none of the perpetraters were ever brought to justice and the situation was swept under the carpet. In addition to that, Prescott and his Union Bank invested in and profited from the Hitler war machine in WWII. Prescott was actually charged with trading with the enemy in 1942. I would call both of those situations VERY treasonous. However, Prescott had all of that also swept under the carpet and he soon became a Senator in Connecticut in 1952. In addition, Prescott was very close friends with the Dulles brothers, men who had also had a legal track record of dealing with the Nazis in WWII. Allen Dulles became head of the CIA in 1947. John Foster Dulles was President Eisenhower's Secretary of State. Prescott Bu$h was one of the men who recruited Richard Nixon to politics and it was he who persuaded Ike to name Nixon as his VP. Bottom line, Prescott Bu$h was VERY powerful in the 1950's. Also, Prescott's son Poppy became an operative for the CIA in the late 50's. Poppy had ties to the Bay of Pigs and Operation 40, where he was a recruiter. When Nixon lost to JFK in 1960, the Bu$h boys were aligned with most of the Military Industrial Complex and the CIA to seek JFK's removal from office by any means necessary. The right wingers pushed an agenda on JFK that called for the invasion of Cuba, and the escalation of the military in Southeast Asia, namely Vietnam. One of the plans that was presented to JFK was Operation Northwoods.http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICL ... mlEveryone of the Joint Chiefs approved this plan. So did the CIA. So did Prescott and Poppy Bu$h. A plan that called for innocent people to be shot on American streets; for boats carrying refugees fleeing Cuba to be sunk on the high seas; for a wave of violent terrorism to be launched in Washington, D.C., Miami, and elsewhere. People would be framed for bombings they did not commit; planes would be hijacked. Using phony evidence, all of it would be blamed on Castro, thus giving Lemnitzer and his cabal the excuse, as well as the public and international backing, they needed to launch their war.The plan sounds a lot like the events of 9/11. JFK refused the plan that was presented to him in March of 1962. Then came the Cuban Missile Crisis in October of that same year. All the Joint Chiefs called for invasion then. So did the CIA. JFK refused and decided on a blockade instead. History has proven JFK's decision as the biggest and best decision of the 20th century, as the Soviets were prepared to launch nuclear weapons from Cuba in the face of an attack. They had some ready for launch as a matter of fact. An invasion would have caused a nuclear exchange and WWIII. JFK saved the world from that ugly scenario. JFK also refused to send more troops to Vietnam. At the time of his death, there were only 16,000 troops/advisors in Nam. LBJ took that troop total to 500,000 by 1965. JFK was also trying to dismantle the CIA. Because of these actions by JFK, along with his back channel negotiations with Cuba and the Soviet Union, certain members of the CIA and the Military Industrial Complex made sure that JFK would die. These agents were backed financially by big oil and big banking. WHY? JFK was going to make big oil pay it's fair share and not get away with tax loop holes that it was presently enjoying then, while at the same time JFK was make drastic changes to the Federal Reserve. These forces, along with some folks in the mob, who the CIA was married to, took part in the assassination of JFK. Poppy Bu$h had a key role in the conspiracy. Again...he was a recruiter for Operation 40. OP 40 was an assassination group put together to kill Castro. OP 40 decided that JFK had to go after he refused to invade Cuba. Several members of OP 40 were in Dallas that day.Since 11/22/1963, the power elite has held power. When the HSCA tried to investigate the JFK and MLK assassinations, President Ford (Warren Commission member and the man who changed the postion of JFK's back wound to make the single bullet theory plausible) made Poppy Bu$h CIA Director. Bu$h immediately stopped any and all cooperation to the HSCA. In addition to that, several key witnesses were murdered in that same time frame. People like Roger Craig, Sam Giancana, Johnny Roselli, Chuck Nicoletti and George DeMohrenshildt (Nicoletti and Demorenshildt were killed on the same day). I also believe that every President after Ronald Reagan has been a CIA operative at some point in their lives. Back to Reagan. Just four months after John Lennon was assassinated in December of 1980, Reagan was almost assassinated by John Hinckley, a man whose family is close associated with the Bu$h family. Both of those events were classic Manchurian Candidate types of murders, where there is a patsy ready for delivery after the shooting. There is evidence in both situations that there was another person that actually did the shooting. Jose Perdoma was the doorman at the Dakota when Lennon was shot. Perdoma was part of Operation 40. Again, OP 40 was an assasination group. It also appears that Reagan was shot near the heart AFTER Hinckley was subdued. Some people point the finger at one of the Secret Service agents near Reagan. Seem far fetched? Thanks to Doug Horne's book, it is obvious, that the Secret Service was complicit in the death of JFK, namely Roy Kellerman and Bill Greer. Also, think about the RFK assassination, where a similar method was used. Back to Reagan, after he was shot, he basically was a mouthpiece only and the real man in charge was Poppy Bu$h. Several events that occurred point directly at Poppy. Events like Iran/Contra. Events like the CIA drug smuggling into Mena, Arkansas, when Bill Clinton was Governor there. Events like arming and funding a couple of guys named Osama and Saddam in their fights against the Soviets in Afghanistan and the Iranians respectively.We know that Poppy was big time CIA. Mena connects Slick Willie Clinton to the CIA. It was also under Clinton that the deregulating of big banking first started (Wall Street helps the CIA with money laundering). Dumbya Bu$h was like his father, being part of failed businesses that were actually fronts for the CIA. Dumbya put together Arbusto, a failed oil venture that had investors like the bin Laden family. After he left office, Poppy became the head man at the Carlyle Group, another venture that also had investments by the bin Laden family. The Bu$h family and the bin Ladens have always had a tight relationship. The bin Laden family is one of the richest families in Saudi Arabia. We all know about the Bu$h's and their LOVE for Saudi Arabia. Add to that, Poppy armed and funded Osama in Afghanistan in the 1980's. It was there when al qaeda was formed, with help from the CIA. Okay, I have given you the treasonous transgressions of the Bu$h family that date back to Samuel. Prescott was part of a coup to overthrow FDR, plus invested and profited from the Hitler war machine, WHILE the U.S. was in the war. WE know that Poppy was part of the JFK assassination conspiracy. The Joint Chiefs, the CIA and the Bu$h boys (Prescott and Poppy) all endorsed Operation Northwoods. A plan VERY similar to the events of 9/11.9/11 just happens to occur under the watch of Dumbya Bu$h as President. We know Dumbya comes from a treasonous family tree. We also know that the Bu$h family and the bin Ladens are tight. In fact, Osama was a CIA operative. To me, there is NO doubt the core reason for the events of 9/11 was because of an inside job. An inside job that had presence in the White House, the CIA, the FBI, the Miliarty Industrial Complex, the Mossad and other foriegn entities. WHY? Instead of Cuba like in the Operations Northwoods plan, the targets were Afghanistan and Iraq. Here we are 10 years later and the U.S. is STILL in both of those countries. The invasions of both countries has also allowed Israel to stay very militaristic and aggressive with it's neighbors. The war in Afghanistan has been escalated by President Obama. Another President that has clear connections to the CIA. Just like the JFK assassination, the events of 9/11 have been hiden by the MSM and no one has the backbone or guts to tell the real truth. Because they are all in bed together. Another plan by the CIA was Operation Mockingbird, in which CIA operatives were placed in the MSM. Even though the CIA has said that plan has been discontinued, I say BS! Just look at FOX News...a network that Joseph Goebbels would be proud of. Bottom line, Dumbya Bu$h and his minions have tried to blame events like 9/11 on Muslim extremists, while the actual truth is that he and others in our own government were responsible. Meanwhile, the sheeple keep nodding their heads. They tune into FOX News, listen Rush Limbaugh, Gleen Beck and Bill O'Reilly and they believe their drivel. Drivel written by the CIA or people of their ilk. The story continues to this day. Obama campaigned on change. The CIA certainly likes what Obama has done thus far in his Presidency. Barack protected the CIA on torture issues and has refused to prosecute them. Barack has escalated the war in Afghanistan. The U.S. still has 50,000 troops in Iraq. WHY? To protect the oil and the massive bases that were built there. Afghanistan also has a key oil pipeline running through the country. Their is also the opium drug trade being orchestrated by the CIA there. Obama has given Wall Street $700 BILLION dollars, just like Dumbya did. He has treated Wall Street with kid gloves. Obama campaigned about having a public option or a single payer on a new healthcare bill, but he caved in immediately to big insurance and big pharma, and the new plan just has more people for private insurance to rip off. One final point, there are more private contractors in Afhnaistan and Iraq than there are troops on the ground there. Contractors like Blackwater and Halliburton. JFK saw through the ruse of the right wing and that is why he didn't attack Cuba or escalate Vietnam. He knew the war profiteers were drooling like Pavlov's dog. He also saw what big banking and big oil were doing to this country. He knew the CIA was very dangerous. That is why he had policies to correct all of that. That is why JFK died.Now look at the world today. Everything JFK tried to change is causing havoc in the world. Infinite war. Massive war profiteering. Unbelievable greed by big banking and big oil. The CIA has never been stronger. To me, there is NO doubt that the same forces that participated in the JFK assassination were also part of the events of 9/11. Some of the names have changed, but the same agenda exists. The same family exists as well. Right Poppy? Right Dumbya?
Alex Hidell
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Re: WHO Shot JFK and WHY????????

Post by Alex Hidell »

In short- you are out of your mind. Just becasue someone puts together nice little film called JFK II tieing the Bush family to Nazi bankers of the 30's does not tie either of them to JFK's assassination.JFK was most liked killed by the mob for his and his brother's betrayal.LBJ, CIA, Hoover and big money oil interests were quite happy for the mob to do the dirty work becasue they ALL profited from JFK's demise. JFK's death was brought about primarily as a result of the profit motive. All of the above interests stood to gain financially from his death.9/11 was a terrorist plot carreid out by Saudi Arabian Islamic Fascists. This was, at its essence, a religious act. A religious war, if you will, called Jihad by Islamic Fascists. Yes this religious war has political overtones but this is, primarily, a war carreid out on religious principles NOOOTTTTTT the profit motive.Goodness gracious, I feel like I am speaking to a bunch of high school kids.Seriously, you guys really don't believe, for a minute, their is a connection between 1933 Nazi banking interests, JFK's assasination and modern day Islamic Fascism do you? One is a religious war and the other is fundamentally good ole boys trying to make a buck- and never the twain shall meet.
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Re: WHO Shot JFK and WHY????????

Post by Bob »

Alex...or whoever you really are...you have a right to state your own opinion. You have done just that. It's an opinion I disagree with...and I stated a number of reasons why in my response. Also...I've done my own research on the Bu$h family. Sounds to me like you should do a little research there yourself. I also think that my reputation here and in the research community holds some merit. So we will let the people who visit this forum judge your words and mine. Also, I wonder why after 3 years of being a member of this forum, that this is the occasion that you decided to post your thoughts so prominently. Why is that Alex? One other thing...don't ever talk down to anyone in the forum again. We use this forum to research, debate and discuss. Respectfully. You have already broken that rule in the short time you have graced us with your opinions. Please keep that in mind.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: WHO Shot JFK and WHY????????

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Alex Hidell wrote:In short- you are out of your mind. Just becasue someone puts together nice little film called JFK II tieing the Bush family to Nazi bankers of the 30's does not tie either of them to JFK's assassination.JFK was most liked killed by the mob for his and his brother's betrayal.LBJ, CIA, Hoover and big money oil interests were quite happy for the mob to do the dirty work becasue they ALL profited from JFK's demise. JFK's death was brought about primarily as a result of the profit motive. All of the above interests stood to gain financially from his death.9/11 was a terrorist plot carreid out by Saudi Arabian Islamic Fascists. This was, at its essence, a religious act. A religious war, if you will, called Jihad by Islamic Fascists. Yes this religious war has political overtones but this is, primarily, a war carreid out on religious principles NOOOTTTTTT the profit motive.Goodness gracious, I feel like I am speaking to a bunch of high school kids.Seriously, you guys really don't believe, for a minute, their is a connection between 1933 Nazi banking interests, JFK's assasination and modern day Islamic Fascism do you? One is a religious war and the other is fundamentally good ole boys trying to make a buck- and never the twain shall meet.I think you need to present some information to back up what you are saying. If you don't, you're just talking.Bob is a very educated and respected person in this community. If you think we're "high school kids," how about you show us why you came to the conclusions you came to. Talk is cheap. Show us.
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Re: WHO Shot JFK and WHY????????

Post by kenmurray »

I concur with both Bob and Pasquale. Please enlighten us Alex since we are "high school kids." Beside Bob, Pasquale, and I don't need no education! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_bvT-DGcWw
Dealey Joe
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Re: WHO Shot JFK and WHY????????

Post by Dealey Joe »

HAY! I don't need no edicacthun neither.I spend 6 years in the 4th grade.
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Re: WHO Shot JFK and WHY????????

Post by kenmurray »

Dealey Joe wrote:HAY! I don't need no edicacthun neither.I spend 6 years in the 4th grade.Joe did you gaduate?