WHO Shot JFK and WHY????????

JFK Assassination
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Re: WHO Shot JFK and WHY????????

Post by j.j.c.bruinsma »

The problems and issues, when examined, look like those "planes" were fake computer graphics. ......OK the brothers Naudet are Jews and the filmis a computer graphics.......http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IIpLLYadyeo&NR=1
Phil Dragoo
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JFK declared an Enemy of the State

Post by Phil Dragoo »

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FcKR5X5c ... latedAbove are the links for parts 1-12 of Enemy of the State (1998) with Gene Hackman, John Voight, Will Smith.I had seen it in the late nineties and watched it again last night.In The Assassinations by Jim DiEugenio and Lisa Pease is an article from DiEugenio's research for his book on the Garrison investigation, Destiny Betrayed.The CIA at the time, and the FBI, put as many as ten (10) moles in Garrison's team, stole their files, paid for the defense attorneys, fought Garrison's subpoena's, coached defense witnesses, intimidated prosecution witnesses, set up a teletype in the New Orleans CIA office to communicate with Langley where Helms each day per Marchetti would inquire, “How are our people down there?”With that in mind—in 1967-9—watch the National Security Agency as depicted in 1998 wherein Hackman says Ft. Meade has “acres of computers”.NSA is building another million-square-foot data center in Utah.The government from Cass Sunstein to Todd Sorensen to the Air Force McDill solicitation is building the capability to anonymously manipulate tens of virtual persona per operator in an extension of the C.D. Jackson propaganda created for the Eisenhower psyops effort.Johnson required the Tonkin Gulf incident, a fabricated nothingburger as a casus belli a la The Maine, The Alamo, Pearl Harbor, Reichstag Fire, et cetera, et cetera.Videos exist which show anomalies in re the airliners in the four incidents of the last decade.As Phillip Agee in Inside the Company showed, there are movements. The Agency insinuates itself within the dynamic to alter the outcome.Clinton needed OKCBomb for eleven points and re-election. It is suggested a consortium of interests needed the Vietnam War, and Kennedy's public execution served that and auxiliary purposes.To suggest that the official version of Dealey Plaza is an obscenity would be an understatement.It is proposed by some that September 11, 2001 was not as reported in the official version.I had initially argued with Fetzer that concentration on that diluted the public's attention on JFK—but he would not be moved, and doubled down with Moon Launch and Wellstone Crash and now O.J. Simpson.I see the orchestrated destabilization of the North African arc and see war coming.As though the extant commitment and cost is not sufficient.One thing is certain: That festering sore on the Sixth Floor is an abomination to decency.The murderers high-five each other there.
Dealey Joe
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Re: WHO Shot JFK and WHY????????

Post by Dealey Joe »

Alex Hidell wrote:Guys,There are obviously a lot of smart people on this board and I did not mean to crticize any of you.My biggest concern when I see someone trying to tie 9/11 to the JFK assassination is that is begins to make us all look like "Conspiracy Nuts". Pretty soon we will be talking about UFO's and Elvis living in northern Michigan.JFK's assassination and resultant government sponsored cover up is the worst mis-carriage of justice I have witnessed in my lifetime and if I could play any small part in reversing that mis-carriage of justice, I would be honored.Tha's why I chose to post on this forum. To exchange ideas about JFK. I would prefer to limit the discussion to facts as established by eyewitnesses to the event.I don't pretend to be an expert on 9/11 but I am a bit of an expert on JFK. 47 years of research and counting.I just hate to see this board get bogged down in conjecture and certainly would hate to see our collective credibility be compromised by giant leaps of faith relative to 9/11 and JFK.With that said, regarding 9/11- if there is a quick synopsis of the general belief as to what actually happened and why- pls feel free to start a thread on that. I am always eager to learn.I am glad to see anyone who is concerned.There may be some very smart people on this forum but one thing is for sure we do our research in the areas we are interested in and then play on one another's expertise so we all don't have to do the whole thing over and over.One of the main problems of Conspiracy Nuts is that we are fronted with all kinds of situations that do tend to confound. especially when you separate all the possibilities.One thing for sure is we cannot believe nor trust our own government officials. WE can be sure of one thing, they cannot tell the truth.when you start to isolate all the issues it tends to play into their plan of confusion. If we do not lump it all together it will never make sense. In stead of locking in on the players we need to look at the entire team.What do we see or hear or know that would lead us to believe that a lying government would tell the truth about anything.What about Waco, OKC, Ruby Ridge ect? The criminals came right out into the open and we still can't figure it out.Witnesses are hard to sort out. Who you going to believe?which witness is telling the truth? or actually can recall exactly what happened? or just want to be in the spotlight.We do not need to prove that LHO is innocent, everyone accepts that fact.You seem to want to isolate who may have been responsible for the assassination by picking one group when in fact it was most likely a combination of all the possible players.An assassination would be no different than a large corporation, made up of different areas of authority.That is what the lone nutters do, they pick one path and stick to it, true or not. We are confounded by the fact that it is not that simple.There are areas that we do not agree on but most keep an open mind and are willing to look and at some point may actually change their opinion.with that being said I want to welcome you to the forum and congratulate you on your depth of study of the JFK assassination.
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Re: WHO Shot JFK and WHY????????

Post by Jsnow915 »

SLogan.....sorry to correct you...but it was actually Ringo who said "I got blisters on my fingers"
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: WHO Shot JFK and WHY????????

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

j.j.c.bruinsma wrote:The problems and issues, when examined, look like those "planes" were fake computer graphics. ......OK the brothers Naudet are Jews and the filmis a computer graphics.......http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IIpLLYadyeo&NR=1Who said the Naudet brothers are Jews? I thought they were French. I don't know if they are Jewish or not. Anyway, what's your point? Do you have a point to make?
Alex Hidell
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Re: WHO Shot JFK and WHY????????

Post by Alex Hidell »

Pasquale,Say you are right and there was media manipulation around 9/11-WHAT ON EARTH does that have to do with JFK, murdered 40 years earlier??????????????I fail to see how you are connecting the dots here, sorry.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: WHO Shot JFK and WHY????????

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Alex Hidell wrote:Pasquale,Say you are right and there was media manipulation around 9/11-WHAT ON EARTH does that have to do with JFK, murdered 40 years earlier??????????????I fail to see how you are connecting the dots here, sorry.What I can think of immediately is that 9/11 was the cause of two separate "wars" that the U.S. has been involved in for approximately the last ten years. It's also my understanding that JFK, for example, wanted to stop the Vietnam war. In fact, he intended to have all troops out by 1965, so I understand, by the information I have seen. LBJ, the VP, completely reversed JFK's policies on Vietnam 180 degrees only two days after JFK was shot. That's what I have seen. The Vietnam war then went on for another ten years.Also, LBJ reversed JFK's policies with regard to the middle east, and in particular, Israel. I understand that JFK had a neutral policy toward Israel and the middle east. After JFK was shot, it seems that Johnson reversed JFK's policies on Israel and the middle east as well and started supporting Israel with money and weapons like we continue to do today.These are just two issues that I can think of immediately.Well, there is one more thing. It seems that H.W. Bush, "Poppy" Bush," had a hand in JFK's assassination also and that his son, George W., was one of the ones who was war mongering right after 9/11 and basically using 9/11 as an excuse to go into Iraq and Afghanistan. What a coincidence, eh? Do you see a connection now? Can you connect the dots now? So, those are just a couple of connections between 9/11 and the JFK assassination that I can think of without much effort. Here's a question for you and Mr. J.J.C. "Shalom" Buinsma.WHY ARE YOU TWO TRYING TO STOP OR DISCOURAGE DISCUSSION ABOUT ISRAELI INVOLVEMENT IN 9/11 AND THE FAKE PLANE ISSUE REGARDING 9/11?Do you two have an interest in discouraging this discussion? It kind of looks like you both are trying to do that. Why is that? Between the two of you, those topics are either racist or wrong or they have no connection to JFK at all, according to you two, and yet neither of you seem to be addressing the information at all. For the rest of you who aren't familiar with the topics I started on this forum. Here they are:Israeli Involvement In 9/11 And Spying On The UShttp://forum.jfkmurdersolved.com/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=1261Strong Evidence of Fake Planes and a Media Hoax on 9/11http://forum.jfkmurdersolved.com/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=2005I don't know if you are aware of this, but Mr. JJC also asked the same question you just did. I advised him that he is not the director of discussion here on this forum. Many others who read this forum can see the connections between the JFK assassination and 9/11. JJC "Shalom" Buinsma never answered my question. He then just started calling me names like "anti-Semite" without any proof at all. LOL Are you two together or something? JJC Bruinsma was the one who was praising your words earlier in this topic. Both of you also asked me what 9/11 has to do with JFK. So, my question to you is an honest question that others here are asking too.On another note, I stand by my suspicion that JJC is a disinformation personality. Why is he so protective of Israel and the fake plane issue? Why is he resorting to dishonest and inflammatory tactics to try and stop the discussion? JJC Bruinsma has not presented any evidence or discussion regarding the fake plane issue or the Israeli-involvement-in-9/11 issue. NONE. Can you imagine that? All he has done is call me names and post links to Youtube videos that basically make no point at all. Look at his last post. He is misrepresenting the information I have presented as well. In particular, he is misrepresenting the information I have presented as anti-Semitic. I suspect that he is using the "anti-Semite" trick because it's useful and inflammatory enough to try and get people to not look at the information and just dismiss it. He's not original. I guess you and whoever else can talk all day and night about Italian mafia, and you know that nobody is going to say that you're anti-Italian. You two can also go on and on about Islam and Muslims, and however racist you sound, you're pretty sure that nobody is going to accuse you of being a racist.As soon as someone like me presents valid information about an Israeli organized crime network or Jewish mafia, all of a sudden we're supposed to be anti-Semitic, according to JJC Bruinsma, eh? That's a double standard. He has presented NO real discussion on the issue. He can't even point to one example of me actually being racist. It's like he comes on this forum and calls me names like a school kid, but he won't actually address the information. That stinks of being a disinformation spook.Why would Mr. JJC Bruinsma, or anyone with him, do that? Why is he so protective of Israel and Jewish people? I'm not an anti-Semite, and my friends here know it. I even asked him to show me and the rest of us here where I ever said that Jewish people were bad people and why he thinks I said that. He had no answer at all. NONE. My opinion is that he is intentionally participating in disinformation tactics. He is definitely misrepresenting what I'm saying and presenting here. That is dishonest and insulting. It also looks like he's a liar who is trying anyway he can to push people away from the information I'm presenting. He doesn't impress me, and I can assure you that he is not really impressing many other people who read this forum. Are you understanding what I'm saying? I hope you are because there are a lot of people who understand what I'm saying.
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Re: WHO Shot JFK and WHY????????

Post by kenmurray »

I understand what Pasquale is saying.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: WHO Shot JFK and WHY????????

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

kenmurray wrote:I understand what Pasquale is saying. I probably could have been a little less long-winded about it, but I couldn't help it. ;D
Alex Hidell
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Re: WHO Shot JFK and WHY????????

Post by Alex Hidell »

Sorry guys- I am still waiting and NO ONE has yet established a clear link between JFK and 9/11.The mere fact that they are 40 years apart and most of the people who were involved with the JFK murder are long since dead, doesn't seem to deter you:(The more you reach and try to connect the dots the more you come off as a bunch of "conspiracy nuts".Sorry for the reality check but posting this kind of silliness demeans and degrades the countless hours of investiagtion put in by legitimate JFK reserachers who want to expose the truth once and for all as to the who and why of the JFK murder.You actually do a serious dis-servcie to the enitre JFK assasination researcher commnunity in making these outlandish, unsubstantiated claims.Pls reflect on your ability to make us all look like a bunch of "conspiracy nuts" before you contiue to publish this nonsense.