Finally some degree of RFK truth

JFK Assassination
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Re: Finally some degree of RFK truth

Post by kenmurray »

Mark68 wrote:> ... newserMark, that is some degree of truth. Michael Calder who is a member of our forum is doing a good job searching for the whole truth.Here is Michael's site:
Phil Dragoo
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Sirhan the patsy in the trance

Post by Phil Dragoo »

The article acts as though this is news—but medical examiner Thomas Noguchi demonstrated Kennedy was killed by point-blank shots from back-to-front, right-to-left, down-to-up, a position never occupied by Sirhan but the precise position of Thane Eugene Cesar whose .22 cal revolver matched the signature of five shots on the accoustic analysis.Michael Calder will have new and dramatic evidence to add to the robust proofs of a second gunman: the Christian-Turner, Melanson-Klaber and Shane O'Sullivan books.Denial of parole is part of the big lie of the lone nut—the same lame device framing Oswald and Ray. When the truth is suppressed the balance smells like a hog confinement overflowing with dungle.
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Re: Sirhan the patsy in the trance

Post by Bob »

Phil Dragoo wrote:The article acts as though this is news—but medical examiner Thomas Noguchi demonstrated Kennedy was killed by point-blank shots from back-to-front, right-to-left, down-to-up, a position never occupied by Sirhan but the precise position of Thane Eugene Cesar whose .22 cal revolver matched the signature of five shots on the accoustic analysis.Michael Calder will have new and dramatic evidence to add to the robust proofs of a second gunman: the Christian-Turner, Melanson-Klaber and Shane O'Sullivan books.Denial of parole is part of the big lie of the lone nut—the same lame device framing Oswald and Ray. When the truth is suppressed the balance smells like a hog confinement overflowing with dungle.Indeed Phil...indeed!
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Re: Finally some degree of RFK truth

Post by Mark68 »

I guess I should have titled my thread "news to ME" as I know very little about the RFK assasination besides the BS the gov shovelled out to cover yet another threat silencer. I just don't see how anyone could look back & honestly accept the murders of JFK, RFK, MLK all within such a short time frame as seperate and done for distinctly different reasons. They all represented the same threat to the same power structure. Much like the BS lie known as 9/11. I recently read where the planes used are not capable of making the turns they did because the G forces and also are coincidentally are capable of being flown by remote control. Hmmm...This country is on a nose-dive down at a 90 degree angle, as is has been since Nov 22, 1963.
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Re: Finally some degree of RFK truth

Post by Jsnow915 » your catching on
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Re: Finally some degree of RFK truth

Post by Jsnow915 »

Interesting thing about the MLK assassination I read not too long ago....before he was killed...MLK wanted to attack the PTB about poverty for blacks and everyone a fair shake....even people within his own camp tried to stop him and wanted him to just stick with the civil rights cause ...and that Jesse Jackson was an informant for the FBI....he was basically told to shut up and sit down and the keys to the civil rights movement will be handed over to him as long as he stays in line...interesting theory...dont know how much of it is fact...until some declassified material comes out.
kjell roald
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Bernard Fensterwald

Post by kjell roald »

Does anyone know more about Bernard Fensterwald and the report that he got from the FBI ?"Using the US Freedom of Information Act, Bernard Fensterwald, a Washington lawyer, obtained an FBI report on the shooting in 1976. It indicated that at least 12 bullets were fired in the hotel kitchen that evening. Two were recovered from Bobby's body and five from the bodies of wounded bystanders. Two more passed through Kennedy's body, while three were found lodged in ceiling panels." ... z1FdyHggQP
kjell roald
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Re: Finally some degree of RFK truth

Post by kjell roald »

I had no idea that Vincent Bugliosi was arguing, back in the 70´s, that the Robert Kennedy assassination was a conspiracy :"Bugliosi managed to bring out some information about Owen, but Crickard effectively prevented disclosure of key details. Bugliosi noted in his closing argument for KCOP that:"we are talking about a conspiracy to commit murder, a conspiracy to assassinate someone who was a major candidate for the presidency of the United States, a conspiracy the prodigious dimensions of which would make Watergate look like a one-roach marijuana case."In fact, before the trial, when another judge had ordered a review of the ballistics evidence in R.F.K.’s death, Bugliosi told the press:"Gentlemen, the time for us to keep on looking for additional bullets in this case has passed. The time has come for us to start looking for the members of the firing squad that night." "http://thechair-herdingpictures.blogspo ... chive.html