
JFK Assassination
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Post by Mark68 »

One thing thats always sturck me as odd was Jackie's almost nonchalence of her own husband's murder. My personal opinion is either she secretly was at the least somewhat glad he got what was , in her opinion, coming to him after having several public affairs including Maryln Monroe's basic striptease "I'm gonna F you tonite" birthday serenade OR she knew something was going to happen. I mean think about it her husband's head blown off right beside her & she crawled to back of the car to retreive a large chunk of his skull. Outside of a neurosurgeon or an O.R. nurse how many women of her social status would have the kohonas to remain fairly cool enough to pick up a piece of skull??? Not very freakin many! She had (0) surgical/nuero exp. yet she wasn't shocked into unconsciousness??? Somethings not right here! The avg well to do socialite would have freaked, vomited, and ran like hell.I wonder if ever in history did THAT many things converge at one time for a single purpose as on Nov 22, 1963 at 1pm???
Tom Bigg
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Re: Jackie

Post by Tom Bigg »

Good points.
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Re: Jackie

Post by Jsnow915 »

Mark.....from what I've read in the past....Jackie was involved in her own sexual affairs during this time as well...I will also add that most of these "marriages" are arranged ...who knew how much"love" there was between the two of them.
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Re: Jackie

Post by JDB4JFK »

Isn't she barried next to JFK? Didn't she have 2 kids and almost 3 kids with the man? Didn't she name one after him? I would guess by those three things alone she loved the man. Now whether they lived hollowood types of life I don't know, but i beleive she loved him and didn't want him to die.MY TWO CENTS!
Tom Bigg
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Re: Jackie

Post by Tom Bigg »

There are some wives who would have been sharp and reactive enough to have gotten her husband on the floor after the first shot, the current and last few first ladies, for example.She seemed to be a very nice cultured woman to those in the publishing world. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacqueline ... nassisSome have suspected that JJ was also a target that there could have been foul play. My guess is that there may have been an argument with his wife and sister in his private plane, etc. that could have led to the accident.
Tom Bigg
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Re: Jackie

Post by Tom Bigg »

I would just offer the ridiculous argument offered on this "Stormfront" thread that Jackie, herself, was the assassin: http://www.stormfront.org/forum/t736465/Fortunately saner minds prevail as that thread ran its course before the the driver, Greer, as assassin gets suggested and refuted!
tom jeffers
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Re: Jackie

Post by tom jeffers »

I think if you look in the dictionary under class act that you will find a picture of Jackie. She was undoubtably in a state of shock which is why she appeared without emotion. She did the best thing to protect her kids by marrying a man that probably disgusted her physically. She raised her children to be truly citizens of the world and both are really well grounded. I have always admired her.
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Re: Jackie

Post by Bob »

I think Jackie knew full well what was going on with JFK and his situation with various women. She grew up in the very same environment, with her father leading a similar lifestyle as JFK. Still, I think there was a love that permeated between JFK and Jackie. I think the loss of their son Patrick in the summer of 1963 brought them closer together. JFK also gave Jackie quite a prominent role when he traveled (like in Europe), as he once said, "I am the man that accompanied Mrs. Kennedy." JFK was no angel in terms of his affairs, but I still believe he cared deeply for Jackie and loved her. I think the same was true with Jackie.