Did HAARP cause the earthquake in Japan?

JFK Assassination
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Did HAARP cause the earthquake in Japan?

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bob wrote:I also hope the J.J.C. reconsiders. I know that he and Pasquale have been going at it about this and that, and I just want to put my two cents in here. First, I have some very good friends that are Jewish. We joke around quite a bit about religion. Joke being the key word. It's just humor. However, we also have discussions about the Middle East and the state of Israel. We all agree that Israel has been way too aggressive in their approach in foreign policy. VERY similar to what the United States has done the last decade or so. Bottom line, I think there are rogue elements in Israel AND the United States that have a LOT of power and influence. Those rogue elements fly under the radar, but they control what the politicians in each country do. Just look at the U.S. today. Now we are involved in the military situation in Libya. Is it because the leaders of this country care about the people of Libya? Hell no! It's because of oil. That's all it is. That's why the U.S. is in Iraq as well. Obama has also escalated the war in Afghanistan too. Why? It's simple...there is a very important oil pipeline that runs through that country and also because all of the opium there. The biggest rogue elememt that influences foreign policy in the United States is the CIA. The CIA also killed JFK and RFK. I think every President since Poppy Bu$h has been a CIA operative before they became President. That includes Clinton (Mena), Dumbya Bu$h and Barry Obama. Do I hate ALL of the CIA? No. I think there are outstanding people in the organization. But I do hate the rogue elements of the CIA that have done things like killing JFK. This takes me to to Pasquale. I don't believe Pasquale is anti-Semitic. I think what Pasquale is trying to illustrate is that there are rogue elements that steer Israel's decision making in foreign policy, just like what happens in the United States. The biggest rogue element is the Mossad. The Mossad and the CIA have long been partners. As I said, there are some excellent memebers of both organizations. But the leadership of both intelligence agencies are almost always pre-selected by the rogue elements that want to control foreign policy in the world. If you look at the United States and Israel as of late, it's almost like we are mirror images of each other. We call ourselves democracies, but in essence, we project a fascist attitude to the rest of the world. Killing innocent civilians. Waging war for profit and power. Finally, I understand where J.J.C. is coming from too. There are many people in Europe that have lost a lot of family members in WWII due to the Hitler war machine and the atrocities that he did to all of his enemies, including the Jewish people. The U.S. fought in that war against Hitler and also against Japan. We thought that we actually won that war against those two countries and against fascism. Israel was created a couple years later. But there were those in the U.S. that backed Hitler during the war. One of those families was the Bu$h family. Another one was the Dulles family. Look at the power they both accumulated after WWII. Now look at the U.S. now, thanks to the influence of the Bu$hes and from people of their ilk. The U.S. has become a fascist government. The same thing has happened in Israel. Again...the CIA and the Mossad are joined at the hip. They are the two biggest intelligence agencies in the world...bar none, although the KGB was strong in it's day too. Bottom line, I do think the CIA and the Mossad had roles in the events of 9/11. Why? Because those events set up the Middle East as we see it now.Very well said, Bob!
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Re: Did HAARP cause the earthquake in Japan?

Post by turtleman »

Any reasonable mind would conclude exactly what Bob has stated. I am not anti-semite but one cannot ignore the enormous influence Israel holds over us. Anyone who really digests the full picture of what has gone on post WW II cannot help but see the common threads that shape policy, wars, economics, and politics. The American people have been duped far too long. Unlike Bob I am not an optimist. I think they will burn the whole G.D. thing down before their power is wrested. Studying this site and forum has been very enlightening for my interest in the JFK coup but it also opened a veritable avalanche of damning evidence perpetrated by the powers that run our government. Very nice piece Bob.
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Re: Did HAARP cause the earthquake in Japan?

Post by Bob »

Thanks Gents. The new battle in Libya is yet another CIA/Mossad production. Did you notice that the power elite didn't want too much focus on the Japan earthquake/nuclear disaster by bringing attention to this "war" instead?
Pasquale DiFabrizio
Posts: 1315
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Re: Did HAARP cause the earthquake in Japan?

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bob wrote:Thanks Gents. The new battle in Libya is yet another CIA/Mossad production. Did you notice that the power elite didn't want too much focus on the Japan earthquake/nuclear disaster by bringing attention to this "war" instead?It's very interesting that you caught that. The link below shows Khadafi at a UN meeting saying that "Jack Ruby, an Israeli, killed Lee Harvey," and then he said "Why did this Israeli kill the killer of Kennedy?" Khadafi then said that Ruby died suspiciously or "ambiguously" and "mysteriously" before the trial. Khadafi then said "We have to open the files," and that the whole world will know once those files are opened that "Kennedy wanted to investigate the files of the nuclear reactor" of the Israelis in Dimona.Interesting, eh? Is this why they're choosing to hammer Khadafi now? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDzeyrNigLAIf you have trouble opening the link, I suggest right-clicking it and opening the link in a separate tab or window.
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Everyone Needs To Listen To This Interview

Post by kenmurray »

Leuren Moret talks about the nuclear power disaster in Japan on the Real Deal. What she says is pretty scarey. Pasquale you need to hear this because she talks about radiation in the LA area.http://radiofetzer.blogspot.com/2011/03 ... moret.html
Pasquale DiFabrizio
Posts: 1315
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: Everyone Needs To Listen To This Interview

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

kenmurray wrote:Leuren Moret talks about the nuclear power disaster in Japan on the Real Deal. What she says is pretty scarey. Pasquale you need to hear this because she talks about radiation in the LA area.http://radiofetzer.blogspot.com/2011/03 ... htmlLeuren Moret seems to make a lot of sense. I'm still wrapping my brain around who she is. She believes that the Japan disaster was perpetrated ultimately to keep them from moving away from Wall Street and London bankers.Here's a quote from Ms. Moret from the interview you just posted. "We’re dealing with multi-generational, some of them for centuries and even millennia, bloodlines that are criminal, racketeering, permanent war crop, war crimes conspirators, and these bloodlines and these families have been carrying on like this for centuries. They’re hidden. Their interests are hidden. They use people like the Clintons or the Bushes or different entities and politicians especially, to create a virtual world that we believe is real, but that is not where the real power is. And 52% of the off-shore banks where “Dope Incorporated” launders an economy, a hidden economy, that is five times greater than the economy that we know is the legitimate economy around the world, they are running this illegal, hidden, dope economy, and 52% of the off-shore banks where the money is laundered are owned by Queen Elizabeth. They’re Island nations that were former British Colonies. This is a whole hidden reality. The weapons of mass destruction are created for them and used by them. What has happened now, in the past five or six years…and Brzezinski wrote about this and predicted it in his book The Grand Chess Board. He said that eventually Japan would be pulled in or move into or return to the Asian sphere of influence. The last three or four prime ministers of Japan have only been in office for one year each because they were moving toward towards China. They were making detent and overtures to China as well as the emperor. So, this was a huge threat to the U.S. , the Wall Street and the City of London interests, and this nightmare that has just been perpetrated at Fukushima on the Japanese, and will change Japan forever, weaken it forever, is in the best interest of the London and Wall Street bankers. They don’t want the technologically advanced country of Japan to benefit the Asian interests that are moving away from the bankers."