JFK Assassination
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

by Carroll & Graf Publishers, An Imprint of Avalon Publishing Group, Inc., 245 West 17th Street, 11th Flor, New York, N.Y. 10011.

"John and Robert Kennedy, the Plan for a Coup in Cuba, and the Murder of JFK."

"Drawing on seventeen years of research, thousands of recently declassified files, and dozens of interviews, ULTIMATE SACRIFICE re-creates and, in many ways, rewrites the crucial period of our history leading up to the greatest tragic puzzle of post-war America: the true circumstances behind the assassination of President John F. Kennedy."

"Ultimate Sacrifice details a previously unknown 'Plan for a Coup in Cuba' authorized by President John F. Kennedy run by Attorney General Robert Kennedy, and set for December 1, 1963."

"The Kennedy plan, unique and different from any previously disclosed operation, was - as detailed in a Joint Chiefs of Staff memo - to have included a 'palace coup,' a provisional Cuban government, and, if necessary, a 'full-scale invasion' by 'invited' US military forces."

"The CIA'S code name for their part of the operation, AMWORLD, has never previously surfaced in any government investigation, nor in any book or article, making it one of the most covert operations in United States history."

"Ultimate Sacrifice will detail how the Kennedy plan was penetrated by three mafia godfathers - Carlos Marcello, Santos Trafficante, and Johnny Roselli - being vigorously pursued by Attorney General Robert Kennedy, along with a dozen of their associates, six of whom were also working on the Coup Plan."

"The crime bosses then used parts of the Coup Plan/AMWORLD to arrange JFK'S assassination in a way that would prevent a truly thorough government investigation, in order to protect the Coup Plan, its participants, and national security."

"By using the secrecy surrounding the Plan, the mob bosses would target JFK not only in Dallas but in two earlier attempts, one in Chicago on November 1 and then one in Tampa on November 18, which Ultimate Sacrifice reveals for the first time in any book."

"Ultimate Sacrifice has finally pieced together the whole story by building on the work of the seven governmental committees that have investigated aspects of the assassination, on the work of former government investigators, and on the four million documents that were declassified in the 1990's, in addition to exclusive interviews with dozens of witnesses and participants including Secretary of State Dean Rusk, Press Secretary Pierre Salinger, and the Kennedy's closest Cuban exile aide, Harry 'Ruiz' Williams."

COMMENTARY: I have just received this book. I have only quoted from the commentary section. This is a very serious book, that will take time to properly read, and digest.

Comments both Pro and Con are welcomed.

Obviously, I will be trying to reconcile this book from Jimmy Files point of view, and things that have been told to me over the last 30 years.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
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Post by Bob »

I think Hartman has some of it right in the book, but I think the real picture in the assassination is much deeper than the book indicates. By the way, Hartman was one of the first journalists to call the 2004 Presidential election a fraud. Note this article was written only 5 days after the election.

Dave Cannon
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Post by Dave Cannon »

This has been an interesting read so far. I believe they have done their research for the most part.

Since I have not finished the book, I am still interested in the information they provide about LHO to see if it cross references with "The Man Who Knew too Much" Richard Case Nagel's and the Judith Baker DVD.

I am also curious about the million documents that haven't been released yet and the 2nd coup on Castro that was scheduled to start in Dec. of 63. It raises some interesting issues. Did KJames Files know about the second plot to kill Castro?

Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Dave Cannon,

I have just reviewed your Response. I know from memory that Jimmy and I talked about numerous plots to kill Castro. I'm not sure what you mean by "the Second Plot to kill Castro." But during our next lunch meeting I will discuss it.

Jimmy's real personal hatred for JFK stemmed from Jimmy training people for the Bay of Pigs Invasion, JFK refused to assist, as he first said that he would, and young American and Cuban "special ops," "covert ops"
and others that Jimmy helped train in Florida, were tortured, and killed.
Castro's "Death Squads" were torture experts beyond belief. They probably could have trained Sadam Hussein's assassins.

In addition, during this time frame Jimmy met Lee Harvey Oswald, and David Ferrie, together, in Florida. Ferrie was actually Oswald's group leader for one of their military or para-military groups.

Jimmy knew Frank Fiorini "Sturgis," E. Howard Hunt, and many others during the Bay of Pigs "time." Incidentally, Sturgis, Hunt and others were with Jimmy during Watergate I & II "time."

Anyway, there were "numerous" plots or thoughts about killing Castro.

Dave, did you notice that in Ultimate Sacrifice, which I have just begun reading, names Johnny Roselli as a Don. That is clearly wrong. Roselli worked with Jimmy numerous times, and was a go between for the CIA and the Mob. Roselli also had another name, Colonel Ralston (sp?).

Roselli was an active assassin for both the CIA, and the Mob. Clearly, work that a Don would not do. Roselli was very powerful, and very well connected everywhere, but I know that he was not a Don or Godfather, i.e., the head of a crime family.

There is very strong speculation by "insiders" that Roselli killed Giancana for the CIA over JFK because Giancanna was being called back before the House and Senate Committee on the JFK Assassination, and that the Mob then tortured, killed, dismembered Roselli and put him in the oil drum as a "signal."

After I fully read Ultimate Sacrifice, I will get back to you. Thank You for your thoughts.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Dave Cannon
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Post by Dave Cannon »

Mr. Brychek,

The second plot I am refering to is what I believe is code named AMWORLD and the authors call it C-day in the book. The operation was to take place in December 63.

I also thought that the reference to Johnny Roselli being a Don was not accurate. I agree with your statement about Roselli.

"Roselli was an active assassin for both the CIA, and the Mob. Clearly, work that a Don would not do. Roselli was very powerful, and very connected everywhere, but I know that he was not a Don of Godfather, i.e., head of a crime family."

I am new to this forum, but I have been reading it, other books and viewing films about the JFK assassination for at least 15 years. I also have the James files Videos and the Judith Baker DVD. I also believe Mr. Files 100%. Although what he did to JFK was not right, I have allot of respect for the man for coming out with the truth.

I am not sure who you are and how you can have lunch with Mr. Files unless you are in prison with him or get visitation, but if you get a chance, I would be interested in what Mr. Files knows about Alex Hidell, Albert Hidell, Joseph Krammer and Robert Nolan.

According to the book "The Man Who Knew Too Much" by Dick Russell. Oswald was followed by a guy named Richard Case Nagell. He used several aliases. (Robert Nolan and Joseph Krammer) to name a few.

Best Wishes!


Dave Cannon
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Dave Cannon,

Alex Hidell, and A. Hidell, were both names used by Lee Harvey Oswald,
along with O.H. Lee, and several others. Albert Hidell may have been the A. Hidell name used by Lee Harvey Oswald.

I will follow-up about Joseph Krammer, and Robert Nolan.

As to Jimmy Files, I am his oldest, closest living friend. I have known him for well over 30 years. We have lunch 1 - 2 times a week, and actually talk very little about JFK.

We do discuss Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan, often drawing parallels to Viet Nam, Laos, and Cambodia. Analyzing history, war, and abuse of power by the ruling elite is also focused on, along with several very highly confidential subject matters, and detailed projects that we are, and have been working on.

As of 06.09.2006, Jimmy Files stands by his 2 interviews, will not give another interview, and will answer no more questions about JFK. Jimmy again personally Thanks Mr. Wim Dankbaar, our Mutual Friend, for maintaining the integrity of those 2 interviews.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Dave Cannon
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Post by Dave Cannon »

Mr. Bruce Patrick Brycheck,

Thank you for the information. I now that LHO used Hiddel as an alias. The reason I asking these question is because I am trying to see if Dick Russell's book "The Man Who Knew Too Much", cross references with other sources such as Mr. Files.

In the book "The Man Who Knew Too Much", Dick Russell says that Richard Case Nagell used the pseudonym Robert Nolan for field intelligence and CIA and that Nagell also used the name Laredo when talking to Soviet Contacts.

In addition to Richard Nagell, a foreign correspondant and alleged Soviet spy, Mark Gayn used the name Joseph Krammer.

In my opinion, these are important references and if Jimmy Files knows aboout these individuals it would make Dick Russell's book more credible and in turn make Mr. Files story infalable.

I do not need to be convinced that Mr. Files is telling the truth, I am trying to see how accurate Dick Russell's book is. So far I have not found anything that contradicts what I believe happened in Russell's book. It has given me insight on how the government operates.

It is impossible for somebody like me to explain how all this ties together but, to sum up what the 500 page book says about Oswald is that he was working for the CIA and possibly posed as a communist to confuse people.

I believe Wim said something similar in another post.

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Post by dankbaar »

I have not yet read The man who knew too much, but I have understood heard from respected sources it is one of the best on the case.

Currently I am reading The Night Watch by David Atlee Phillips. Fascinating!

Dave Cannon
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Post by Dave Cannon »


I will put that on my reading list along with your book after I veiw the "I shot JFK DVD" that you recently sent me. I would be very interested in your and Mr. Brychek input on the the "The Man Who Knew Too Much". I think it is a book that you cannot ignore.

Thank you for all of your work on this very important aspect of US History.


Dave Cannon
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Wim Dankbaar, and Fellow JFK Forum Members,

Has anyone read this book yet, cover to cover ?

I am curious about your thoughts.

I am reading it now, and I must admit that I have an agenda, or game plan in my mind, that relates back to Johnny Roselli's death and dismemberment, and Why ?

Bruce Patrick Brychek.