New York Daily News 11/23/63- A test run maybe?

JFK Assassination
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New York Daily News 11/23/63- A test run maybe?

Post by SLogan »

The morning after the assassination my father went to Harvard Sq. to visit a newspaper stand that carries papers and magazines from all over the world . He purchased various editions from national newspapers reporting on what happened in Dallas the previous day . Below was an article that I raised an eyebrow at from the NY Daily News:JUST LAST WEEK , HE WANTED NO SPECIAL GUARDBy Edward Kirkman Top city police with many years of experience in guarding Presidents and visiting heads of state said yesterday that President Kennedy took too many chances. On Nov. 14-eight days before the assassin's bullet struck him down- the President rode through New York City without a motorcycle escort and with fewer guards than police and the Secret Service wanted him to have. Authorities believed that Kennedy was too responsive to criticism for his own good. Heavily Guarded Until Last Week A frequent visitor to New York City, the President until last week had been heavily guarded, had a motorcycle escort, and traveled heavily-guarded streets which had been clearded of other traffic to make way for him. There were those who spoke disparagingly of the interruption of normal living occasioned by the President's visits, and this disturbed him. Small Guard Not Enough For Safety He insisted last week that there be no motorcycle escort and that his motorcade stop for traffic lights. His principle protection on the ride from LaGuardia Field to the Hotel Carlyle, 76th St. and Madison Ave., was two city police cars in front of his limousine and one car with Secret Service men immediately behind the limo. During the ride into Manhattan, cars containing newsmen on occasion came dangerously close to the side of the Presidents car before being waved off. While the President's car was stopped for red light at 72d St. and Madison Ave., an amateur photographer stepped up close and took pictures before he was chased off . All this was clear evidence to security men that the small guard insisted upon by the President was not adequate to insure his safety . Queried on this point , Police Commissioner Michael Murphy officially said "No comment." But those close to him knew that he and his top brass and the Secret Service were deeply concerned .Edited to correct New York Post to New Daily News