Don Shulman

JFK Assassination
Michael Calder
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Don Shulman

Post by Michael Calder »

I just listened to and took notes on the joint District Attorney- LAPD re-interview of Don Schulman in 1971. In 1971 Dewayne Wolfer was in trouble. A female lawyer complained to his superiors and others that the lead criminalist on the RFK murder case was incompetent and botched the RFK case. Wolfer took umbrage and sued the lady lawyer for defamation of character. Big mistake. This now gave the lady lawyer legal power to issue subpoenas, force depositions and request documents that could bolster her case. And that's what happened. At the same time the Los Angeles City ouncil was debating reopening the RFK case and Ted Charach was exhibiting his "Second Gun" film. Hence th LAPD and District Attorney reinterviewing witnesses who could damage Wolfer and themselves. The detectives were friendly and told Don they were interested in the truth and didn't want to put words in his mouth. The detective doing the questioning said he was concerned about a paragraph in a televised transcript of an interview Don had given just minutes after the shooting. To the interviewer, Ruth Ashton Taylor of the CBS affiliate KNXT, Don had said he "saw a man step out and shoot Kennedy three times." Also, "It looked like he pulled it out of his pocket and shot three times." Don confirmed this was what he said and indeed see. Next, the detective referred to a radio interview Don had given just prior to this interview with Jeff Brent of Continental Radio. Schulman said he saw a security guard pull out a gun and fire hitting Senator Kennedy three times. Don said his words got mixed up during the interview as he was still shook up from what he had witnessed. He meant two distinct things. (1) he saw Kennedy hit three times and (2) he saw a security guard pull his gun and fire. He never meant to infer the security guard shot Kennedy. A few minutes later, in the interview with Ruth Ashton Taylor, he had calmed down and that is what he saw happen in the pantry. The detective told Don to go ahead and tell his story in sequential order. Don says he walked into the pantry and said hello to Ira Goldstein whom he knew from Pierce Junior College. He was amused that Ira was selling waterbeds part time. Within a minute or two of speaking to Ira, Kenndy walked into the pantry with his entourage. At this point Don kept his attention focused on Kennedy as Kennedy's head was bobbing up and down. Don heard someone say to Kennedy, "stop for the kitchen help." which he did. Next he saw the man leading Kennedy (Karl Uecker) grab Kennedy by the arm and continue leading Kennedy forward. It was at this moment, when Don was abreast of a partition, when a man stepped out and shot Kennedy three times. He saw three shots hit Kennedy. He heard people yelling, "Oh my God" and "My God he's been hit" and "I've been hit." He saw Kennedy start to fall but did not see him hit the floor. Next, Don turned to exit the pantry the way he had come in and that is when he saw a security guard pull out a gun and fire. It was at this time he saw "security men pull their guns." Don rushed past a woman who was wounded and screaming hysterically. He later saw this same woman being escorted out of the pantry and into the Embassy Room by a security guard. Running out of the Embassy Room he encountered Jeff Brent whom he knew personally and Jeff said, "I know you were in the kitchen. What happened? " That's when the interview took place. A few minutes later he was being interviewed by Ruth Ashton Taylor, of KNXT televison, his own employer. The station asked him to go to the hospital. While in the communications car he gave another interview. When he returned to the studio he gave another interview with news anchors, Jerry Dunphy, Clete Roberts and Ralph Story. After letting Don tell his story the detectives start to ask very specific questions. They asked about "security men pulling their weapons" and "other guns." Where were they standing?, how many "other" guns?, how were they dressed, in suits or casual clothes? Don couldn't remember if they were in suits or casual clothes and all he could say there were more than two guns he saw exhibited . Asked the position of the security guard he told them there was Kennedy, the guard a few feet behind Kennedy and he, (Don) behind the security guard. Asked when he saw the guard pull the gun was the guard on the floor or kneeling? Don said the guard was standing. Asked what color was the guard's uniform, Don said it was dark blue or black, he was certain. Don couldn't tell which direction the guard was pointing the gun when he fired. Don explained again in detail how after Kennedy had fallen, his impulse was to exit the pantry and it was while turning around that he happened to see a side view of the guard as he fired as well as the other men who had taken out guns. Don was asked about the "blinding" camera lights in the pantry when Kennedy was walking through. Don said they were television camera lights. He was asked if he saw a camera man filming. He said no. After questioning Don in detail the detective switched gears and attitude. They were about to give him the "Sandra Serrano" treatment. But this time instead of a 22 year old girl , they had a grown man who worked for CBS and had been around the block. They asked him if he had seen the bullets actually strike Kennedy's body. He said "no." The detective surmised that perhaps Don hadn't seen bullets striking Kennedy but had seen something else. Don replied he saw a man with a gun, heard three shots and simultaneous with hearing three shots he saw three blood splotches appear on Kennedy. He felt it was fair for him to infer that Kennedy was being shot. Next, the detectives pointed out there were 70 people in the pantry and he was the only one saying he saw "plainclothes" men with guns. Don was asked how he missed Paul Schrade whois 6'3" fall right in front of him. Also, that he missed two large negroes, Rosey Grier and Rafer Johnson, running past him? Also, if Don was pushing his way out of the room, how come he didn't see a camera man rushing in with a large camera on his shoulder? Don replied his attention was on Kennedy and he had a clear view of Kennedy when Kennedy was shot. Next, he just wanted to get out of there and happened to see the security guard and the other men with guns as he was trying to leave. Everyone was bumping into each other either trying to get in or out and he didn't think anyone in there would have noticed who they were bumping into. He also said he did NOT see Sirhan shot Kennedy. Finally, the detective suggested strongly Don had never been in the pantry. Don remained unflappable. He said their theory won't fly because he was speaking to Ira Goldstein shortly before Kennedy entered. (If Ira was in the pantry and got shot himself, then Don was there as well)The detectives realizing they would loose this debate, gave up and thanked Don for coming in. Don said he wished they had questioned him this thoroughly back in 1968.
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Re: Don Shulman

Post by Bob »

Very nice work Michael!
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Re: Don Shulman

Post by kenmurray »

Very nice indeed!
Phil Dragoo
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Spade & Calder

Post by Phil Dragoo »

May need to open jpg in a new window as it's 800w.Right-click, select properties, copy URL and paste in new browser address field.Michael, you've posited a not-Cesar emerging from the partition (a perfect hide).He must be nervous now.
Michael Calder
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Re: Don Shulman

Post by Michael Calder »

Bob, Ken,PhilThanks for getting it. Don Shulman is on one side of the partition next to the ice machine. When you add the 13 year old who said he saw a man with a gun emerge from behind a wall with the Evan Freed affidavit, it looks like the gunman was hiding behind the partition waiting for Kennedy to be brought to him.
Phil Dragoo
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Pepper, Dusek, Brown

Post by Phil Dragoo » ... Interviews produce results confirming long-held concept of polka dot dressed woman's role, Sirhan's mental state.
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Will Sirhan Be Retried?

Post by kenmurray »

Pepper and Dusek Advance The RFK Case:
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Re: Will Sirhan Be Retried?

Post by Bob »

kenmurray wrote:Pepper and Dusek Advance The RFK Case: job once again Link Murraydale!