Where are we?

JFK Assassination
Mike Ellwood
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Re: Where are we?

Post by Mike Ellwood »

Dealey Joe wrote:Our days of peaceful resistance that was preached by JFK to MLKin the 1960's is long gone, about 50 years gone.I wonder what would happen if the peaceful demonstration was forbidden at Dealey Plaza in 2013.I can just see people shrugging their shoulders and walking away?Oh well let's go to the ballgame, we can still do that........at least for now.Well you can't protest peacefully in England either these days, at least not in a lot of situations.A few anti-royal protesters with placards at the recent wedding were robustly dealt with, accused of carrying weapons and done under anti-terrorist legislation. Peaceful protestors are routinely spied-upon, infiltrated and generally given a hard time. Pull out a camera nowadays in the wrong place and you can be banged-up.You have your Patriot Act (and other Acts) and we've had similar changes in legislation, but more than that, in climate (and I'm not talking about the weather). This is not the free country that I grew up in. And it's not getting better. In the 70s and 80s I marched for things I believed in. Nowadays, I would hesitate (and it's nothing to do with getting older and fatter thank you ).
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Re: Where are we?

Post by ChristophMessner »

Dealey Joe wrote: ... I wonder what would happen if the peaceful demonstration was forbidden at Dealey Plaza in 2013. ...Probably better forbidden and stirring up more people's uprise in the underground than not forbidden and gradually sleeping down the whole JFK-case by polite allowance.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Where are we?

Post by Dealey Joe »

Good point!Time will tell.
Phil Dragoo
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Quo vadimus

Post by Phil Dragoo »

Joe, a thoughtful and thought-provoking essay.I recommend all read Files on JFK. I did, thanks to you, and find the man credible, compelling and consistent.Regarding our course of action, continue to read and discuss, follow the evidence.Again, I recommend James Douglass, JFK and the Unspeakable: Why he died and why it matters. JFK went against the national-security state and was assassinated. Judyth is important for her portrait of Lee, a very intelligent, patriotic and dedicated agent. Gerald McKnight, Breach of Trust: How the Warren Commission failed America and why, shows Johnson and Hoover decided to blame Oswald alone on the first day without any investigation. Investigation only proved them wrong, hence their coverup.Hoover had his heart attack in 1972; Johnson, his in 1973. Nixon resigned in 1974—thanks to Hunt.Hunt pins it on LBJ, then dies.Hunt couldn't prove his alibi for the day.There can be little doubt CIA was deeply involved in the planning and operations—with the aid of the SS stripping security, and the aid of the 488th military intelligence unit woven into the DPD.But who did all these mechanics—including Jimmy and Charles Nicoletti—serve.I posit they served—all of them, all the terra cotta warriors—a continuing elite of powerful men. Are they bankers, are they the Fed, are they the variously named Bilderberger, Trilateral, Illuminati, Rothschilds, et cetera. And does it matter.Yes they have designs on the internet. Witness the McDill AFB request for software to enable use of multiple false identities online with IP masking et cetera.Cass Sunstein and Todd Leventhal and the NSA facility in Utah all wish to control us.But this is not new. Orwell in 1984 and Hitler in the Third Reich; Stalin in the purges and the Kim family in North Korea; China's Great Firewall and the Hollywood sickness of Scientology; Jonestown, Charlie Manson, Pol Pot, all offer paradise, the price of admission, your mind.On earth, God's work must truly be our own. True in JFK's innaugural address; true today.
bob franklin
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Re: Where are we?

Post by bob franklin »

IMO, The killing of a president isn't really in league with the other hits that Files carried out in his career. It would obviously carry a great deal of weight in his mind, claims to the contrary notwithstanding. I think it had to come out eventually. Files tendency toward bravado also can't be discounted. One man's opinion...