Zapruder's Film saves LBJ's head from the Choping Block

JFK Assassination
Dealey Joe
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Re: Zapruder's Film saves LBJ's head from the Choping Block

Post by Dealey Joe »

I well remember LBJ legal problems that all went away 11-22-1963 at about 12:30pm
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Re: Zapruder's Film saves LBJ's head from the Choping Block

Post by kenmurray »

Jim, welcome to the forum. Excellent posts from you. Keep up the good work.
Tom Bigg
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Re: Zapruder's Film saves LBJ's head from the Choping Block

Post by Tom Bigg »

There was a book at my library "The Texas Connection", that I read around 1990. Many of the points made here were in that book. Many were aware of these facts, but there was a cover-up--who would profit by exposing these unsavory truths? The mystery to me was that JFK was so oblivious to the danger he was in--that to me is a major question--how could JFK be so unaware of impending trouble? A clinical psychological definition of "hysteria" is inability to be aware of danger; and all the drugs (albeit legal) and partying had done a number on whatever sixth sense JFK had about "signals" from those who meant him ill. If you are fighting evil, you must be very careful... Many movies trade on the popular underdog theme--Harrison Ford, Charles Bronson, Schwartzanegger and Stallone--the good guy has to be real careful. And JFK was reckless, to say the least.
Brian White
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Re: Zapruder's Film saves LBJ's head from the Choping Block

Post by Brian White »

Good post,Jim- there were actually 2 large articles in "Life"'s Nov.8 and Nov.22,1963issues about Bobby Baker. Don't have it it front of me,but if memory serves,the Nov.8issue had Baker on the cover,and a full-page photo of him and Johnson inside(LBJ withhis arm around Baker and a big shit-eating grin on his face) It was clearly meant tolink the two together strongly in the public mind.Another big article in the Nov.22 issue(out before the assassination)strongly linking the two(without actually alleging any wrong-doing on Johnson's part)-all clear enough if you read carefully.How fascinating to thinkthat Bobby may have been behind the articles! Maybe that's what Johnson meant whenhe told Madeline Duncan on the night of 11/21,"after tomorrow those Kennedy's willnever embarrass me again". That issue was already on the newsstands. I searched allissues after that (I own them all) and the next mention of Baker isn't till Jan.or Feb.'64in a very small article that doesn't mention any link with Johnson at all. He was in the clearby then.
tom jeffers
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Re: Zapruder's Film saves LBJ's head from the Choping Block

Post by tom jeffers »

if my memory is correct, life magazine actually ran an article on the bobby baker scandal the weekend of the assassination. I have the magazine at my office and I scanned the article.
Brian White
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Re: Zapruder's Film saves LBJ's head from the Choping Block

Post by Brian White »

Jim- I'd like to take the pictures,but don't have the equipment,know-how,or probablytime to do it.(I'm pretty old-school.) I looked at the magazines again and was right about my recollections.Both issues make a lot of connections between Baker and Johnson. Baker is on the cover of the Nov.8 issue,with a big banner about the scandal in Washington.Very interesting to read these in retrospect,especiallyknowing that RFK might be behind them,and LBJ KNEW he was behind them! Most good-size libraries have the old "Life" in bound volumes,if anyone is interested.Maybe some forummember could scan them?