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JFK Assassination
Jim Harwood
Posts: 62
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Louis Mortimer Bloomfield

Post by Jim Harwood »

This current day scheme is exactly how the late Major Louis Mortimer Bloomfield (along with director Clay Shaw) used Permindex as the money arm to finance the assassination attempts on Charles DeGaulle and the assassination of John F. Kennedy in Dallas in 1963.

Harry Bloomfield and ally Stuart Creggy get probation, fine

Canada StockWatch
by Brent Mudry
Februrary 11, 2003

Prominent Montreal criminal lawyer Harry Bloomfield, who faced the prospect of several years in jail for his 21-year career aiding offshore stock fraudsters, will not have to spend a day behind bars, thanks to the ill-health card played by his partner-in-crime, London solicitor Stuart Creggy, 63. In a two-hour sentencing hearing Tuesday in New York, the pair of crooked lawyers were each sentenced to five years probation, a token $5,000 fine and 500 hours of community service. (All figures are in U.S. dollars.) The indictment covers an impressive 21-year span, from Jan. 1, 1980, through March 20, 2001, bridging a two-decade period which saw Mr. Bloomfield, 58, serve in high positions with numerous organizations, including the Quebec Securities Commission.

Mr. Creggy, who maintains a residence in West Palm Beach, Fla., may also be subject to deportation, which cannot be a pleasant prospect, as he faces an arrest warrant issued in mid-2001 in Britain not covered by extradition treaty. His former law partner, Andrew Warren, is currently fighting an surrender order issued last fall by the British Home Office, for extradition to New York on a case similar to the Bloomfield-Creggy matter, an enterprise corruption indictment dating back to 1999.

Mr. Bloomfield, a once-respected prominent member of Montreal's Jewish community, collects titles like lesser mortals collect postage stamps, including stints as a commissioner of the Quebec Securities Commission from 1981 to 1987, a Quebec member of the Business Development Bank of Canada from 1987 to 1996, and chairman of the Business Development Bank from 1987 to 1991. During his BDBC reign, Mr. Bloomfield also served as a director of Cycomm International, a malodorous Howe Street penny stock promotion which featured Australian expatriate promoter Phil Garratt.

Mr. Bloomfield has also served as Honorary General Consul of Liberia in Montreal, while Cycomm associates Mr. Garratt and Irwin Singer hold similar titles in Vancouver and Toronto, respectively. The criminal lawyer abruptly resigned from the board of Pertacal Energy, a penny promotion on the former Alberta Stock Exchange, after Stockwatch revealed his criminal plight in April, 2001. Mr. Bloomfield was a senior partner of Bloomfield Bellemare, a once highly respected Montreal law firm, although partner Dominique Bellemarre, not named in the indictment, left the firm in 1998.

Judge Bernard Fried of the New York Supreme Court in Manhattan handed down the surprisingly light sentences after agreeing with defence counsel that Mr. Creggy, currently in remission from leukemia, might be at risk if he was sent to jail. Judge Fried sentenced Mr. Creggy first, noting his health concerns, then stated it would be unfair if Mr. Bloomfield was sent to jail, as Mr. Creggy was equally or more culpable in the offshore shell scheme.

The sentence was a win for defence counsel, who sought a conditional discharge, a fine similar to that imposed and a term of community service. The prosecutor, Assistant District Attorney Clark Abrams, sought the maximum for the charges, a sentence in the range of two years -- either consecutive one-year definite sentences for felony and conspiracy, or an indeterminate sentence of 1-1/3 to four years.

The Bloomfield-Creggy sentences are a rare setback for Manhattan District Attorney Robert Morgenthau, the most aggressive stock market prosecutor in the United States since Rudy Giuliani cut a swath through Wall Street in the Boesky-Milken era.

Mr. Bloomfield and Mr. Creggy were convicted on Nov. 21 of 16 counts related to conspiring to aid crooked clients in breaching securities regulations and tax laws. Prosecutors claimed the once-respected Montreal and London lawyers were key participants in an international stock fraud conspiracy operating in New York and Britain, related to A.R. Baron & Co. Inc., a now-defunct Mafia-linked brokerage described as a notorious boiler room by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. The criminal Montreal and London lawyers used companies and bank accounts established in a number of secretive offshore havens, including Liberia and Belize.

Mr. Creggy also reportedly set up offshore shell companies in Jersey used for Russian money-laundering operations in the Bank of New York scandal in 1999, but this was not central to the current prosecution.

Three key associates have already pleaded guilty to attempted enterprise corruption: George A. Carhart of New York, chairman of Westfield Financial Services, the late Salvatore J. Mazzeo of Old Westbury, N.Y., the president of the company, and James E. Cohen of Lattington, N.Y., a consultant. The late Mr. Mazzeo pleaded guilty on Oct. 30, 1997, followed by Mr. Cohen on Aug. 18, 1998, and Mr. Carhart on July 22, 1998.

Another major associate, Felice F. Mischel, a partner in New York law firm Schneck Weltman Hashmall & Mischel, pled guilty on Jan. 22, 1999, to offering a false instrument for filing. Mr. Mischel acted as legal counsel to several of the public companies that sold shares in the massive Regulation S diversion scheme to the offshore Liberian and British Virgin Islands companies owned by Mr. Carhart, Mr. Cohen and Mr. Mazzeo.

U.S. officials note their New York portion of the Bloomfield-Creggy investigation began with the probe of A.R. Baron, a corrupt brokerage. After Baron and its officials were indicted, the London portion of the probe was launched. The A.R. Baron prosecution's targets included Bear Stearns Securities, the boiler-room's clearing house, and Richard Harriton, the president of Bear Stearns Securities. Mr. Harriton's career was destroyed after he was fined $1-million in August, 1999, in a negotiated settlement with the SEC for aiding and abetting scores of A.R. Baron's securities violations.

Mr. Bloomfield also allegedly helped tax evaders, including one client who hid $400,000 from Revenue Canada, now known as the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency. The Montreal lawyer likewise helped paper the file for his Middle Eastern banker client to cover up the fact the banker was "receiving extremely large amounts of compensation from a client with whom he was working while at the bank," according to U.S. officials. In one of the most intriguing twists, one of the offshore companies, Hemsley Finance Ltd. of Jersey in the Channel Islands, ended up as a significant shareholder of Iran-Contra key figure Oliver North's controversial stock promotion, Guardian Technologies International Inc.
Eelco Blaauw
Posts: 11
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Re: Mellon

Post by Eelco Blaauw »

Jim Harwood wrote:The presence of mercury in JFK's DNA would not prove that James Files was the shooter. Therefore what are you left with? You are left with the same outcome as before. Conjecture, speculation and wild theories. And I was not concerned with the welfare of James Files I was pointing out that the whole premise is flawed and easily dismissed in a court of law. That the Warren Commision is a fraud has been known for over forty years now. The conspiracy tales which have grown out the this mess have also proven to be fraudulent. In the case of JFK's murder you have ample proof that the Government "NEVER" investigated the crime. This has led to the proliferation of false conspiracy tales mostly written , promoted and financed by the same group who planned and carried out the assassination. The MEDIA never gets in the way of promoting these wild conspiracy theories in fact they do all they can to create them. And I am satisfied that I know who and why JFK was murdered. I do not subscribe to the CIA, US Government, Mafia, Texas Oil interest "did it" school of thought. The murder was planned by international interests centered around the British Monarchy and carried out by SOE Louis Mortimer Bloomfield out of Montreal Canada. The organization used to finance the assassination was Permindex. Canada has played a major role in several high profile assassinations in this country including Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King and John F. Kennedy. You should try and learn more about universal history then you'll have a better understanding of how these kinds of political assasinations come about and just who is behind them.

Is there another board where I can see you establishing a clear link between the assassins, Louis Bloomfield and Permindex? If not, could you explain on THIS board, in detail, how Bloomfield staged the assassination and how the funds flowed from one person to another?

"The murder was planned by international interests centered around the British Monarchy and carried out by SOE Louis Mortimer Bloomfield out of Montreal Canada. The organization used to finance the assassination was Permindex. Canada has played a major role in several high profile assassinations in this country including Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King and John F. Kennedy."

That is very possible, but I see nothing in your posts whatsoever that would make this conspiracy obvious. Could you explain how these organizations were involved and how they conspired to kill JFK? Because I can't say I'm convinced. If you can convince me, maybe I'll stop supporting Dankbaar's theory and Files' confession, although they have enough evidence to go to courts in my opinion. Not that it would matter, though. But please, explain.
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Post by dankbaar »

Hey Eelco, my grandparents lived in Paterswolde at the Fazantweg. I remember it well, especially the little forest "De Braak". Is that still there?

Jim Harwood
Posts: 62
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Re: Mellon

Post by Jim Harwood »

Eelco Blaauw wrote:Jim Harwood wrote:The presence of mercury in JFK's DNA would not prove that James Files was the shooter. Therefore what are you left with? You are left with the same outcome as before. Conjecture, speculation and wild theories. And I was not concerned with the welfare of James Files I was pointing out that the whole premise is flawed and easily dismissed in a court of law. That the Warren Commision is a fraud has been known for over forty years now. The conspiracy tales which have grown out the this mess have also proven to be fraudulent. In the case of JFK's murder you have ample proof that the Government "NEVER" investigated the crime. This has led to the proliferation of false conspiracy tales mostly written , promoted and financed by the same group who planned and carried out the assassination. The MEDIA never gets in the way of promoting these wild conspiracy theories in fact they do all they can to create them. And I am satisfied that I know who and why JFK was murdered. I do not subscribe to the CIA, US Government, Mafia, Texas Oil interest "did it" school of thought. The murder was planned by international interests centered around the British Monarchy and carried out by SOE Louis Mortimer Bloomfield out of Montreal Canada. The organization used to finance the assassination was Permindex. Canada has played a major role in several high profile assassinations in this country including Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King and John F. Kennedy. You should try and learn more about universal history then you'll have a better understanding of how these kinds of political assasinations come about and just who is behind them.Is there another board where I can see you establishing a clear link between the assassins, Louis Bloomfield and Permindex? If not, could you explain on THIS board, in detail, how Bloomfield staged the assassination and how the funds flowed from one person to another? "The murder was planned by international interests centered around the British Monarchy and carried out by SOE Louis Mortimer Bloomfield out of Montreal Canada. The organization used to finance the assassination was Permindex. Canada has played a major role in several high profile assassinations in this country including Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King and John F. Kennedy."That is very possible, but I see nothing in your posts whatsoever that would make this conspiracy obvious. Could you explain how these organizations were involved and how they conspired to kill JFK? Because I can't say I'm convinced. If you can convince me, maybe I'll stop supporting Dankbaar's theory and Files' confession, although they have enough evidence to go to courts in my opinion. Not that it would matter, though. But please, explain.

For more information on Permindex you can access the website www.wlym.com and click on "books". There you should find the book DOPE, INC (in pdf file). Read the chapter on Permindex "Britains Assassination Bureau". You can also access "on-line" the book "Nomenclature of an Assassination" by William Torbitt .

The French government under Charles De Gaulle expelled Permindex as they discovered that Permindex was the organization providing financing for the assassination attempts on De Gaulle in 1962. That is a matter of public record. History also shows that the the murder of Abraham Lincoln was planned and financed out of Montreal Canada.

New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison brought an indictment against Permindex Director Clay Shaw in 1967 in the conspiracy to murder John F. Kennedy. This fact has been changed over time to make it appear that Shaw was simply a CIA contract agent.

After the American Revolution the British Empire established Canada as a flank to be used against the United States; Canada has been home to subversion and dirty operations run against the USA ever since.

US President Abraham Lincoln had a war contingency plan ready against Great Britain at the conclusion of the American Civil War (which was an geo politcal operation pushed by the British Empire to break up and fragment the United States) which he planned to run against Canada. The leading planners of the Lincoln assassination- Judah Benjamin, James Bullock fled back to England through Canada after his murder.

James Bullock was the maternal grandfather to future US President Theodore Roosevelt. The assassination of Nationalist President William Mckinnley in 1901 paved the way for Teddy Roosevelt to assume the office of President. Teddy Roosevelt realigned the US with Great Britain (who had been our natural enemy, and still is to this day), and manipulated the United States into WWI on the side of the British. This was the begining of what is known today as the "Special Relationship" between the US and Great Britain. Which means 'British brains and American brawn". Where we are a puppet to British Imperial designs.

Teddy Roosevelt also created the precursor agency to the FBI installing the great grandson of fascist Napoleon Bonaparte (Charles Bonaparte) as the head of this national police agency.

I could not convince you of the veracity of Permindex being behind the JFK assasintion by posting "information". You'll have to study the situation yourself. The United States was and is the only "republic" ever constituted on this planet in all known human history. To think that the oligarchy and ruling families of Europe would simply stand by and allow this form of government to spread is ludicrous.

Blaming the US Govt , or CIA, or Mafia in the murder of JFK is a cover story to keep people from understanding real history and the fight for indepence of the human race against these oligarchical families.
Eelco Blaauw
Posts: 11
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: Mellon

Post by Eelco Blaauw »

Jim Harwood wrote: New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison brought an indictment against Permindex Director Clay Shaw in 1967 in the conspiracy to murder John F. Kennedy. This fact has been changed over time to make it appear that Shaw was simply a CIA contract agent. Since DCI Richard Helms admitted Clay Shaw was a CIA agent, I always thought that Garrison was very close to the truth. Since I suspect Helms of being the mastermind behind the hit, I find this very confusing as well.Jim Harwood wrote: Blaming the US Govt , or CIA, or Mafia in the murder of JFK is a cover story to keep people from understanding real history and the fight for indepence of the human race against these oligarchical families.

Are you saying that Jim Garrison and Wim Dankbaar are trying to cover-up history? I don't believe that's their intention, even IF their info is incorrect. I know of only ONE cover-up, and that is the theory of the Warren Commission.
Jim Harwood
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Re: Mellon

Post by Jim Harwood »

Eelco Blaauw wrote:Jim Harwood wrote: New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison brought an indictment against Permindex Director Clay Shaw in 1967 in the conspiracy to murder John F. Kennedy. This fact has been changed over time to make it appear that Shaw was simply a CIA contract agent. Since DCI Richard Helms admitted Clay Shaw was a CIA agent, I always thought that Garrison was very close to the truth. Since I suspect Helms of being the mastermind behind the hit, I find this very confusing as well.Jim Harwood wrote: Blaming the US Govt , or CIA, or Mafia in the murder of JFK is a cover story to keep people from understanding real history and the fight for indepence of the human race against these oligarchical families.Are you saying that Jim Garrison and Wim Dankbaar are trying to cover-up history? I don't believe that's their intention, even IF their info is incorrect. I know of only ONE cover-up, and that is the theory of the Warren Commission.

How do you respond this way from what I wrote? I wrote that Garrison had indicted the right man in Permindex Director Clay Shaw. To call Shaw a contract agent for the CIA is mis leading. And thats the purpose. Hide the real conspirators and switch blame to a red herring like the CIA, or the Mafia, or the Military Industrial Complex et.al. But never allow the fish out of the fish bowl, just keep them swimming in a circle.

Do you really think the Warren Comission report was intended to withstand time and scrutiny? Thats foolish. The conspirators needed several conspiracy stories to replace the "lone assassin" fairy tale. Why do you think public opinion polls show 82% of Americans believe in conspiracy in the murder of JFK? Now we have 82% of the population bamboozled by FALSE conspiracy tales. So tell me what the difference is if you believe in conspiracy or LHO did it when both are wrong?

Wim's JF story may be true as far as it goes. But Files alone brings no understanding to the Kennedy murder (or the thousands of other assassinations through out history). A hand grenade for instance does not know who threw it. JF's is a hand grenade at best.

If you want to read Dope, Inc. listed on the site I provided then thats fine I encourage you to read it. But continuing to reply with these disconnnected responses of yours is fruitless.

PS- organized crime exists only because the financial oligarchy needs a network of money launderers and murderers for their illicit drug trade. They are just too "blue blood" to get their hands dirty in the day to day operations of their family business.
Eelco Blaauw
Posts: 11
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: Mellon

Post by Eelco Blaauw »

Jim Harwood wrote:Eelco Blaauw wrote:Jim Harwood wrote: New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison brought an indictment against Permindex Director Clay Shaw in 1967 in the conspiracy to murder John F. Kennedy. This fact has been changed over time to make it appear that Shaw was simply a CIA contract agent. Since DCI Richard Helms admitted Clay Shaw was a CIA agent, I always thought that Garrison was very close to the truth. Since I suspect Helms of being the mastermind behind the hit, I find this very confusing as well.Jim Harwood wrote: Blaming the US Govt , or CIA, or Mafia in the murder of JFK is a cover story to keep people from understanding real history and the fight for indepence of the human race against these oligarchical families.Are you saying that Jim Garrison and Wim Dankbaar are trying to cover-up history? I don't believe that's their intention, even IF their info is incorrect. I know of only ONE cover-up, and that is the theory of the Warren Commission.How do you respond this way from what I wrote? I wrote that Garrison had indicted the right man in Permindex Director Clay Shaw. To call Shaw a contract agent for the CIA is mis leading. And thats the purpose. Hide the real conspirators and switch blame to a red herring like the CIA, or the Mafia, or the Military Industrial Complex et.al. But never allow the fish out of the fish bowl, just keep them swimming in a circle.Do you really think the Warren Comission report was intended to withstand time and scrutiny? Thats foolish. The conspirators needed several conspiracy stories to replace the "lone assassin" fairy tale. Why do you think public opinion polls show 82% of Americans believe in conspiracy in the murder of JFK? Now we have 82% of the population bamboozled by FALSE conspiracy tales. So tell me what the difference is if you believe in conspiracy or LHO did it when both are wrong? Wim's JF story may be true as far as it goes. But Files alone brings no understanding to the Kennedy murder (or the thousands of other assassinations through out history). A hand grenade for instance does not know who threw it. JF's is a hand grenade at best.If you want to read Dope, Inc. listed on the site I provided then thats fine I encourage you to read it. But continuing to reply with these disconnnected responses of yours is fruitless. PS- organized crime exists only because the financial oligarchy needs a network of money launderers and murderers for their illicit drug trade. They are just too "blue blood" to get their hands dirty in the day to day operations of their family business.

Alright, take it easy, Harwood. Seems I hit a nerve when I just try to figure out what you're motivation is behind that tsunami of information of yours. No bad intentions from my part, but you just seem to wanna spread some information without caring what we may think of what you write. It's just that I don't understand why you post on these boards, if you don't wanna have a simple conversation and get all riled up if I speculate a bit.

I think I'll call this conversation finished. Why do I even bother?
Jim Harwood
Posts: 62
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Re: Mellon

Post by Jim Harwood »

Eelco Blaauw wrote:Jim Harwood wrote:Eelco Blaauw wrote:Jim Harwood wrote: New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison brought an indictment against Permindex Director Clay Shaw in 1967 in the conspiracy to murder John F. Kennedy. This fact has been changed over time to make it appear that Shaw was simply a CIA contract agent. Since DCI Richard Helms admitted Clay Shaw was a CIA agent, I always thought that Garrison was very close to the truth. Since I suspect Helms of being the mastermind behind the hit, I find this very confusing as well.Jim Harwood wrote: Blaming the US Govt , or CIA, or Mafia in the murder of JFK is a cover story to keep people from understanding real history and the fight for indepence of the human race against these oligarchical families.Are you saying that Jim Garrison and Wim Dankbaar are trying to cover-up history? I don't believe that's their intention, even IF their info is incorrect. I know of only ONE cover-up, and that is the theory of the Warren Commission.How do you respond this way from what I wrote? I wrote that Garrison had indicted the right man in Permindex Director Clay Shaw. To call Shaw a contract agent for the CIA is mis leading. And thats the purpose. Hide the real conspirators and switch blame to a red herring like the CIA, or the Mafia, or the Military Industrial Complex et.al. But never allow the fish out of the fish bowl, just keep them swimming in a circle.Do you really think the Warren Comission report was intended to withstand time and scrutiny? Thats foolish. The conspirators needed several conspiracy stories to replace the "lone assassin" fairy tale. Why do you think public opinion polls show 82% of Americans believe in conspiracy in the murder of JFK? Now we have 82% of the population bamboozled by FALSE conspiracy tales. So tell me what the difference is if you believe in conspiracy or LHO did it when both are wrong? Wim's JF story may be true as far as it goes. But Files alone brings no understanding to the Kennedy murder (or the thousands of other assassinations through out history). A hand grenade for instance does not know who threw it. JF's is a hand grenade at best.If you want to read Dope, Inc. listed on the site I provided then thats fine I encourage you to read it. But continuing to reply with these disconnnected responses of yours is fruitless. PS- organized crime exists only because the financial oligarchy needs a network of money launderers and murderers for their illicit drug trade. They are just too "blue blood" to get their hands dirty in the day to day operations of their family business.Alright, take it easy, Harwood. Seems I hit a nerve when I just try to figure out what you're motivation is behind that tsunami of information of yours. No bad intentions from my part, but you just seem to wanna spread some information without caring what we may think of what you write. It's just that I don't understand why you post on these boards, if you don't wanna have a simple conversation and get all riled up if I speculate a bit. I think I'll call this conversation finished. Why do I even bother?

Earlier you asked me to provide background/proof on Permindex and now you call my response a Tsunami of information? If I tried to dissect Permindex in one post it would have been as large as ten Tsunami's.

Look I am not challenging Wim's story about James Files. I am posting what I know about the Kennedy assassination. How can I care what people think? I know how many conspiracy books have been promoted over the years, I know what is in those books and what they hope to accomplish. And I certainly know how these books have skewed peoples thinking on this topic.

For 99% of the conspiracy buffs they hold the following axioms:
1.The US Govt is evil and the JFK murder is their proof.
2. It's fun to dissect and debate "theories".
3. I am a member of the critical thinking community
4. The world is run by little green men who control everything like chess pieces.
5. Give me a soap opera format so I can be entertained. Otherwise dont bother me with history. It's boring.
Eelco Blaauw
Posts: 11
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: Mellon

Post by Eelco Blaauw »

Jim Harwood wrote: Earlier you asked me to provide background/proof on Permindex and now you call my response a Tsunami of information? If I tried to dissect Permindex in one post it would have been as large as ten Tsunami's.Look I am not challenging Wim's story about James Files. I am posting what I know about the Kennedy assassination. How can I care what people think? I know how many conspiracy books have been promoted over the years, I know what is in those books and what they hope to accomplish. And I certainly know how these books have skewed peoples thinking on this topic.For 99% of the conspiracy buffs they hold the following axioms:1.The US Govt is evil and the JFK murder is their proof.2. It's fun to dissect and debate "theories".3. I am a member of the critical thinking community4. The world is run by little green men who control everything like chess pieces.5. Give me a soap opera format so I can be entertained. Otherwise dont bother me with history. It's boring.

Let's agree to disagree. Our intentions and ways of thinking are different I guess, and we trash these boards with this useless exchange of information. From now on, it's best that you just post what you seem to take for granted and I'll make up my own mind on what and how to think, ok?
Jim Harwood
Posts: 62
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: Mellon

Post by Jim Harwood »

Eelco Blaauw wrote:Jim Harwood wrote: Earlier you asked me to provide background/proof on Permindex and now you call my response a Tsunami of information? If I tried to dissect Permindex in one post it would have been as large as ten Tsunami's.Look I am not challenging Wim's story about James Files. I am posting what I know about the Kennedy assassination. How can I care what people think? I know how many conspiracy books have been promoted over the years, I know what is in those books and what they hope to accomplish. And I certainly know how these books have skewed peoples thinking on this topic.For 99% of the conspiracy buffs they hold the following axioms:1.The US Govt is evil and the JFK murder is their proof.2. It's fun to dissect and debate "theories".3. I am a member of the critical thinking community4. The world is run by little green men who control everything like chess pieces.5. Give me a soap opera format so I can be entertained. Otherwise dont bother me with history. It's boring.Let's agree to disagree. Our intentions and ways of thinking are different I guess, and we trash these boards with this useless exchange of information. From now on, it's best that you just post what you seem to take for granted and I'll make up my own mind on what and how to think, ok?

We arent in disagreement. You are trying to determine if what I know has any value. I've given you a link to a book you can read. If I tried to fill in the blanks on Permindex on this site it just wouldnt work.
Besides if you scan the internet as you claim then how hard is it to google Permindex and read it for yourself?