Mary Moorman Tells Story

JFK Assassination
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Re: Mary Moorman Tells Story

Post by Davyjones »

Dealey,all I can say is...Mary Moorman says only 5 photos taken that day. Jean Hill says "about 8".All on Mary Moormans camera. Jean Hill took no photos using another camera.Can you help me out on what specific information about the photos you might want? Pics 1 and 2,the car pics,do not have a reverse side that I know about.I assume the first must be of Jean Hill as Mary has that pic in her hand when her snap is taken by Jean.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Mary Moorman Tells Story

Post by Dealey Joe »

my question is why does it seam the 1? and 2? are so much better quality.can we be sure they are actually Polaroid?if so my guess is this.. 1 & 2 are actually the first two out of the camera, then 3.#4 was destroyed when taken out of the camera in a hurry. that leaves #5seams like I always ruined at least one picture off a roll.How many pictures were on a roll? 8? wonder what happened to the rest of them?
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Re: Mary Moorman Tells Story

Post by Davyjones »

Well then,...Pic1 and 2 both seem to be poleriods inasmuch as they are the same size prints as 3 and 5 which clearly are poleriod.As for the quality change...that makes me suspect that 1 and 2 are from a different roll of film , the first two suitable for the camera ,the next ones on type 37 film which required special loading and care in use.We have pics 3 and 5 but number 4 is missing and is supposed to be of a m/c cop.I DO see some good shadows on 1 and 2 which indicates the sun was up when they were taken.My opinion is that more than 5 photos were taken and at least one had the TSB 6th floor window on it.That photo showed nobody in the window as the car turned into Elm St.It was taken from Jean Hill and defaced to remove vital evidence.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Mary Moorman Tells Story

Post by Dealey Joe »

Sounds reasonable to me. If the #4 dissapeared there is a reason.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Mary Moorman Tells Story

Post by Dealey Joe »

I was looking at the pictures I could find of Mary and Jean. Jean indicated she ran acoss the street almost being ran over by her Motorcycle cop friend and crossed the street.The pictures I saw do not support that action. One pic showes Jean and MAry down on the ground after the shooting for a bit. Then in another pic they are still on the grass a little later, even the NEwmans are up walking around. So if Jean went across the street it took her a while to get there.TO me her story is very shaky?URL=][/URL]In Bond 8 they are still standing there talking... she never ran across the street immediatly.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Mary Moorman Tells Story

Post by Dealey Joe »

kenmurray wrote:Jean Hill was interviewed by Len Osanic in 2000. Check it out if you haven't heard it. was not prepared for this interview, he could hardly think of anything to ask her.She said she saw the shooter and Len just let it drop other than did you see smoke.Len could have asked her some key questions that might have explained things more.I did not listen to the entire show, got a little tiring, maybe I missed something?
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Re: Mary Moorman Tells Story

Post by Davyjones »

Dealey..I listened to the tapes.She rambles on a bit and nothing much new was said.NEVERTHELESS I got to box with you about your conclusion that her story is shaky.She ATTEMPTS to cross the road,fails, due to traffic and goes to sit on the grass with Mary. This takes place before any of your posted pics and presumably took a short time.Later at an unspecified time, she goes up the grassy knoll,AFTER your photos were taken?The search for media of her on the knoll continues
Dealey Joe
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Re: Mary Moorman Tells Story

Post by Dealey Joe »

Well Davie I think the pictures speak for themselves.If she crossed the road it was several min. later. The pictures probably cover about 5 min. or more. One picture they both fell to the ground then they are several feet apart then back together? I would say they were in shock for a bit and don't know what they done.also when did the SS take the pictures from her?Maybe I misunderstood what she said he timeline was.She also said they were the only ones in the area, As far as I can see there were several people there and a lot more following the Limo as it rounded the corner.I just don't believe her story is accurate.Also I think JEan and Mary told different stories?
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Re: Mary Moorman Tells Story

Post by Davyjones »

Yes she crossed the road several minutes later.I have located a pic of someone in a red coat going up the steps...need to work out how to get it posted.I agree Jean knows nothing much about the gunman on the knoll and the guy she thinks was Ruby might well have been Ed Lansdale.My objective on posting on this topic is to prevent viewers of Mary Moormans interview regarding what she says as definative and accurate.There is another take on her story.I think Jean Hill comes accross as being more believable.thats all.
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Re: Mary Moorman Tells Story

Post by Davyjones »

Dealey Who do think this might be attachment=0]Jean Hill.jpg[/attachment]