Mary Moorman Tells Story

JFK Assassination
Dealey Joe
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Re: Mary Moorman Tells Story

Post by Dealey Joe »

I assume since it is a red coat it must be Jean?Don't see how she can be on the both sides of the street at the same time?Of course we dont know when this picture was taken. What picture is that taken from?
Dealey Joe
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Re: Mary Moorman Tells Story

Post by Dealey Joe »

I would say the lady in the lower right corner talking to some men and a couple boys may be Jean Hill. I am not saying she did not cross the road I am just not sure she did it the way she says?Cancellare 4
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Re: Mary Moorman Tells Story

Post by Davyjones »

Dealey...The pic is from the Mark Bell movie..Just 3 frames are shown at about 2.34secs.I have not worked out a time line,but I dont see anybody else it could be?
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Re: Mary Moorman Tells Story

Post by kenmurray »

Must be Jean Hill.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Mary Moorman Tells Story

Post by Dealey Joe »

we need to investigate the film a bit more.From what I see I doubt it is Jean, IF you notice there are more than one red coat.I believe the one we are looking at you can see coming up the side walk from the direction of the underpass and you can still get quick glimpses of Jeans red coat still on the grass while this is going on. check it out.
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Re: Mary Moorman Tells Story

Post by Davyjones »

Dealey Joe has always been supportive of me and I regard him as a friend on the forum.I hope this banter does not change things. The figure in red coming from the triple underpass direction looks to be small and I suggest is not the figure at the top of the steps.I see nobody in a full length red coat other than Jean.I cannot see Jean sitting on the grass....maybe I am blind to it,just wanting not to see happens. It would be nice to get some input from members to help clear this up.Joe...Jeans story is not nailed down clear,but unlike Mary Moormans recent interview ,does help J Files in as much as she sees a gunman on the Knoll and hears more than 3 shots.She also sees somone (Ed Lansdale?) running away.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Mary Moorman Tells Story

Post by Dealey Joe »

Not in the least, I love good research about things in Dealey Plaza.I want to say I do not actually have an opposing viewpoint, just doubts.and you know that controversy is like a refiners fire. AS long as it stays friendly.I truly hope you can prove your case. so few things about Dealey can be proven.keep up the good work my friend.
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Re: Mary Moorman Tells Story

Post by Davyjones »

Thanks Dealey.....I will just keep looking
Dealey Joe
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Re: Mary Moorman Tells Story

Post by Dealey Joe »

Davy a couple things I think needs addressed.notice the large number of red tops as the film pans around.Some of these old films did not do a good job of producing the color red.The flag on the car looks a deeper red than it actually is and some jackets look more orange that red.While the camera is bouncing around as the people are moving up the steps you can get a quick glimpse of a red object about where I would exppect Jean to be, watch closely and see if you can see it. also the Cancellere 4 picture shows what I believe to be Jean in the lower right hand corner talking to a guy with a cigar who could be a cop and a couple other men and kids listening?Is there any way we can make a timeline for what she says she did?I am a little confused as to when she did what. She also mentioned going to the police station or sheriffs office?
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Re: Mary Moorman Tells Story

Post by Davyjones »

Ok......I will sit down and work out a time line and try to give you my take on your questions.I am off to work right now so dont hold your breath.