Mary Moorman Tells Story

JFK Assassination
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Re: Mary Moorman Tells Story

Post by Davyjones »

normal_Bell_woman.jpg (39.99 KiB) Viewed 12202 times

Dealey Joe
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Re: Mary Moorman Tells Story

Post by Dealey Joe »

OK well I will go with your findings, How do you explain the differences in the girls story or are you concerned about that, I assume you are saying Jean is telling the most accurate story.Has anyone checked on her story of the school busses and students being removed from the plaza?
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Re: Mary Moorman Tells Story

Post by Davyjones »

I am concerned about the differences in the story.If Jean Hill is more accurate then she saw a shooter on the knoll,more important photographs and more than 3 shots.She may have seen J Files back up.As it is, the WC backers prefer Moormans version which precludes all of these events which help the J Files story.I need to check out the story of the moved on may be in her book.I will check it out.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Mary Moorman Tells Story

Post by Dealey Joe »

Davy the gal in red going up the sidewalk is wearing red shoes?What color shoes did Jean have on?In the Jean Hill testimony that I have she never says she crossed the street, she says she started and was nearly run down by a motorcycle,saw a red spot on the road and went back to Mary wich is pertty much what the pictures show.The big deal was the man she said she saw running toward the RR tracks thatno one else saw.There were people running everywere within a couple minutes.I just have a problem with her, I havn't looked at Mary's info yet.maybe we will get it figured out soon.
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Jean Hill: The Lady In Red

Post by kenmurray »

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Re: Mary Moorman Tells Story

Post by Davyjones »

Thanks Dealey and Kenmurray for your persistance pictures that confirm the colour as far as I can see.Woman tend to coordinate on colours and her car photo shows a dark colour(B/W). There is as much chance that they were red as say black or any other olour.There are no photos or vids of her trying to cross the road and returning to sit with Mary. That is because there are no photos of that time span. I suggest this. Mary falls to the ground when the fatal shot hits. Jean stays on her feet and the next time she is seen is the Bond pic you posted which shows she HAS MOVED to the otherside of Mary to sit with her. She may have tried to cross the road say within 2 minutes of the fatal shot. Mary saw nothing much as she has said as she was on the ground possibly looking nowhere,which she says in her interview. The road then gets very busy and Jean and Mary get time to stand up and wait.Jean says she crossed the road,went up the steps and was stopped by SS and two pics taken from her in the rail yard.No photos again but that is not a suprise as the photographers all headed towards Elm street in the first few minutes.The only clue is Cancellere 4 which has Mary(with Jim Featherstone) and no sign of Jean.We then have the Bell clip which if you look at the Utube versions has a break when it pans across an empty Knoll to restart to a busy knoll with the red figure I have said Must be Jean.I go for 4/5 minutes after the fatal shot for the bell clip and about 1 minute or so more for Cancellere4.It is amazing to me but there is No timeline asked for in Jeans WC statement,her books or anywhere on the net I have looked.You have to work it out and see if there is any photo evidence.I find it interesting that no other photo evidece of this time line exists,at least in the public domain The man she says she saw running towards the railroad tracks would have been up the steps and out of sight just before the Bell clip starts Her story is as much likely to be correct as Mary Moormans.Listen to Jean Hill on Kenmurrays link and then watch Mary Moormans recent interview and decide who sound the more convincing.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Mary Moorman Tells Story

Post by Dealey Joe »

Ken and I are noted as being persistent, sometimes Ken is downright aggravating Davy I certainly do not believe either of them are lying, I think the thing is like they say and other witnesses have said they were in shock for a while and may be they can't remember exactly what happened and when?Look at the zapruder film and see what Jeans feet look like?the picture at the car shows like you say a dark slipper.I will watch the enhanced zapruder to see what it shows.Looks to me like Mary has the pictures?
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Re: Mary Moorman Tells Story

Post by Davyjones »

Jeans feet....I cannot be sure looking at Zapruder.I think it is going to be tough proving much either way on what I have seen.The red coat though does it for me,nobody else looks possible at this early stage in events.As far as I can make out Mary only has THE FAMOUS PIC.No explanation for the others other than 4 was given to a cop who lost it.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Mary Moorman Tells Story

Post by Dealey Joe »

Here is what bothers me a bit..Jeans feet are bright white in Zapruder.Can't tell what color they are in the car shots nor are we sure when they were taken?Could she have changed shoes?The big problem is that there are several red coats on Elm Street?Jeans story got stronger as time went on and more added emphasis.I don't know. I guess I am too scepticle.