JFK Assassination
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Re: 45

Post by Kirk »

Maybe a little off subject, but again might help with motivation. I have thought that if the assassination of JFK was the number one priority of a lone killer, that he would have shot the the Limo Driver(Greer) first, and then he would have had all the time he needed to shoot JFK without being a moving target before the Secret Service could react.
Alex Hidell
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Re: 45

Post by Alex Hidell »

If a lone killer was trying to do this it would have been from point blank range.Pose as a waiter at the luncheon JFK was headed to. Walk up to the stage, shoot him in the head.There is simply no way one guy got off all those shots in Dealey Plaza.It certainly wasn't a single shooter from the 6th floor of the TSBD.I still have to admire the plotters who pulled this off and then covered it up.The shooting was clever and well executed- The cover up was BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: 45

Post by Kirk »

Alex,I agree with most of what you have said about no one did it alone. Not sure I admire the plotters in any way. It is true they seemingly were able to cover it up and get away with murder, but only by the skin of their teeth, and many didn't survive it one way or the other. Of course what made it possible was so many not paying attention, being busy and looking the other way with all the good intentions in the world. Some still live in the dark.Kirk
Mike Ellwood
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Re: 45

Post by Mike Ellwood »

Kirk wrote:Maybe a little off subject, but again might help with motivation. I have thought that if the assassination of JFK was the number one priority of a lone killer, that he would have shot the the Limo Driver(Greer) first, and then he would have had all the time he needed to shoot JFK without being a moving target before the Secret Service could react.Excellent point. A possible reason not to do this might be the risk of the car careering all over the road, thus endangering the accuracy of the followup headshot(s) to Kennedy.Secondary (possible) reason: why kill more people than you have to? (Although I am not sure that mobsters would worry about this).As to your response to admiring the plotters or not, I am reminded of the quotation "Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive".
Dealey Joe
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Re: 45

Post by Dealey Joe »

Alex I agree on the point blank.Couple of things come to mind.Files position was as point blank as you could get.The scoped fireball put JFK in his pocket.I don't know why there were shooters from the TSBD or DalTex otherthan to set up the patsy from behind. or Nocolatti just decided to do it from there, all prearranged. they are having a hard time explaining 3 shots let alone 8.I still say the shooting at Dealey had been called off.How do we know it had not been moved to a encounter at the Trade Mart.Had everything been in place I am thinking LHO would have never made it out of TSBD alive.The whole thing was a screw up but they still landed on their feet, even with the Tippit thing that I am sure no one expected.Blaming LHO then eliminating him gave them plenty of time to get their ducks in a row.
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Re: 45

Post by JDThomas »

If a lone shooter was attempting to kill JFK, firing from the TSBD, he would just as well have shot him before the limo made the turn - as it was coming towards him, unobstructed view, as point blank as you can get and with no avenue of escape for the driver, other than drive quicker towards the TSBD and the shooter (in any event, he couldn't take the turn at low speed anyway). The only concern of the shooter with this approach was how to escape, but if you're planning to kill the President of the United States, even a badly unhinged lone nut would realise that he would be unlikely to get away with it
Alex Hidell
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Re: 45

Post by Alex Hidell »

I think the physical as well as eyewitness evidence indicates a minimum of 7-8 shots.No way one guy got off 7-8 shots in the limited time available; there was roughly a 10 second window of opportunity.We all need to get past the official government story that a lone nut squeezed off 3 shots in 6 seconds and did all the damage. Based on eyewitness accounts and the physical evidence, that is NOT what happened.Regardless of how many shots Files claims he took, virtually every eyewitness said they heard 2 shots from the knoll area NOT 1.So what hopefully we all can agree on-1. There were several shots from building windows- either TSBD or Dal-Tex or BOTH2. There were 2 shots from the Grassy Knoll area-either behind the picket fence and/or at the corner of the cement retaining wall in front of the picket fence3. There very well could have been shots from other locations as well- storm drain, County Records Bldg, behind pergolaIt is fairly easy to make a case for 7-8 shots (based on damage done and people/items that were hit) and 3-5 shooters, based on eyewitness accounts and the physical evidence as reported in the WC testimony. On the low side, I am saying 3 shooters and 7 shots, on the high side, I am saying 5 shooters and 8-10 shots.Remember, the WC testimony was a massive collection of eyewitness testimony (26 volumes) and then the WC Report was the distillation of that testimony into an 800 page book designed to steer public opinion towards the "official version" of what happened. Even though the WC failed to call many witnesses whose account differed with the "official version" of the facts, many, many witnesses who were called offered testimony that was wildly different than what the WC Report said happened.Bottom Line- If you haven't read all 26 volumes of the WC testimony you owe it to yourself to do that. They are all on line now, not like back in the day when many of us had to go to a good university library to read them in hard copy.All of the data I used above to support 7-8 shots minimum comes right out of the WC testimony. It isn't hearsay, it is fact as collected from WC testimony, under oath:)
Dealey Joe
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Re: 45

Post by Dealey Joe »

Now I'm confusedlet me get this straight.We are taking the Warren Commission's selected witnesses as telling the truth?
Alex Hidell
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Re: 45

Post by Alex Hidell »

Actually more witnesses told the truth than lied To be sure, Greer lied, as did others and the autopsy doctors were certainly less than truthful. Some of the more amazing things you will find, if you take the time to read all 26 volumes of testimony-Kellerman-riding shotgun in JFK limo- says the last group of shots came in a flurry, right on top of one another, almost simultaneously. Obviously contradicting the 'Oswald as lone shooter' theory.Jean Hill says she heard 2 shots a brief pause and then 3-4 more shots placed very closely together. Again, no lone nut here. The FBI agent that testified holding the 'Oswald rifle' in his hands proceeds to tell the Committee that the gun is inoperable. Bolt action didn't work There are dozens of stories like this. Witnesses testifying, under oath, to a reality far different than the one described by the 'official version' of the assassination.My single best advice- read all 26 volumes. It is the single best thing you can do if you want to begin to understand the truth.
Mike Ellwood
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Re: 45

Post by Mike Ellwood »

Alex Hidell wrote:My single best advice- read all 26 volumes. It is the single best thing you can do if you want to begin to understand the truth. Which is exactly what Garrison did, of course.