Video Lecture

JFK Assassination
Michael Calder
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Video Lecture

Post by Michael Calder »

Guys and Katisha,I've posted a few videos on the JFK murder at On why he was murdered check out the "Patriots Forum" lecture. The Q&A afterward is interesting as well. If you only have five minutes listen to the Icey Parker Radio Show, part 3. For a break, check the playlist and listen to, "The Golden Voice of Eddie Calder." The first three songs are terrific. Watch me tussle with my friend Lisa Pease in the RFK lecture. That was fun.
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Re: Video Lecture

Post by katisha »

Thanks Michael, have bookmarked it for the weekend.Eddie Calder? Any relation?
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Re: Video Lecture

Post by Davyjones »

Homing in on Greer.....ANYONE who thinks he shot JFK is an active missinfo agent. Those people at the Q and A cannot be genuine. Greer could not drive and think at the same time never mind be part of a conspiracyEveryone....I mean everyone,in the car would have seen him and heard him do it!!!!!!!What kind of nut puts himself at the centre of a hail of incoming bullets and then decides to add some more flying lead.How would he know there was not more shots on there way in his direction?Who,planning this murder would include Greer in the select bunch of people to have any knowledge? NOBODYAnyone asking me if Greer did it would be shown the door.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Video Lecture

Post by Dealey Joe »

Same with the dude we can see saying he has been there and the only possibility of a shot would be from the storm drain in the parking lot.He does not mention the stockade fence between him and the Limo.There are pictures of the fence immediately following the shooting and the fence is there in full glory. So anyone who says there was a shot from this drain is misinformed or mislead or just don't get the picture.Here is the DrainTo show the fence on 11/22/63People are climbing on it.from Sam Holland and crew's view point. The spot is just too conspicuous
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Re: Video Lecture

Post by Davyjones »

Yup.....Add in the bunch who think someone went down the drain to the road slit and shot from there!Thats just as nuts as on return they may have found people standing on the exit cover!Or maybe someone might just notice a crazy coming out of a hole in the ground with a gun in his hand.Its a JOKE
Michael Calder
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Re: Video Lecture

Post by Michael Calder »

Katisha,Eddie Calder is my father. He would sing professionally around the San Francisco Bay Area while I was growing up. But show business and having a family are often mutually exclusive concepts. Occassionally he would have sessions in our home and all the neighborhood would drop in to listen to him sing. I was always astounded by the housewives as they sat listening and going into some other space as my father sang to them.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Video Lecture

Post by Dealey Joe »

My father was also a musician, it is magical especially for a kid being exposed to the Friday/Saturday nite Jams.Did you learn how to sing to the girls
Michael Calder
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Re: Video Lecture

Post by Michael Calder »

Dealey Joe,I never learned how to sing to the girls but I did learn how to make the girls sing.
Phil Dragoo
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Michael Calder Q & A 1-3, presentation 1-3

Post by Phil Dragoo »

MichaelGood Q & A. Winston Lawson from Army intelligence. This was folded into the Dallas Police force, and figured in William Pepper's tactical assessment of Memphis with King moved to the Lorraine Motel.Greer did indeed bring the limo down from twelve miles per hour to a brief stop; this is the thesis of Vince Palamara's Delay on Elm Street: 59 Witnesses to Limo Stop.The Dallas meeting on the eve of the assassination is dismissed by DiEugenio and others, but it is the consistent story of Madeliene Brown, the Hoover chauffeur, and Wim places Pepsico Chairman Donald Kendall there as well.According to Robert Baer, See No Evil, Stansfield Turner fired 820 CIA case officers Halloween, 1977. In Gerald Knight, Breach of Trust, Phillips shapes the WW III virus with cables from Mexico City, perhaps written by Ann Egerter who occupies a special place in Ed Lopez' heart. Helms sends Joannides to run the Cuban Student Directorate Helms put McCord and Hunt and Sturgis on the Nixon team to destroy the president.Your observation that only CIA can cover the twelve parameters tracks with that of John Newman, Oswald and the CIA. Attempts to blame LBJ, the mob, the KGB, Israel's Mossad, oil men, Cubans, fail to account for the complete tactical picture.The questioner mentions Mike Ruppert. I recommend Craig Roberts (, Kill Zone: A Sniper Looks at Dealey Plaza for its quote by Carlos Hathcock that Oswald as the shooter is laughable. The AEC at Oak Ridge used the NAA test to verify the DPD paraffin cast of Oswald's cheek as negative—he shot nobody that day with the M-C or any rifle.Three attempts on Ford; he appoints Rockefeller to look at the CIA, and names GHWBush DCI to clean up pre-HSCA. Hoffa and Giancana and Roselli; baddabing, baddabang, baddaboom.Your tripartite cause of coup is apt: CIA preempts being smashed into a thousand pieces and scattered to the winds. EO 11110 to undo the Fed is blown. The war is on.NSAM 263 to remove a thousand advisors a month is replaced by NSAM 273 signed the day after the funeral. Then the Tonkin Gulf hoax. Yet November 1965 LBJ throws the Joint Chiefs out when they come to the White House for permission to mine Haiphong and bomb Hanoi. announced he would not run March 1968. King was shot (not by Ray) the next month. RFK was shot (not by Sirhan) in June. Chicago riots. Nixon elected in November.Mel Gibson, Patrick Stewart, and the horse-faced woman in Conspiracy Theory (1997) as a treatment of Gottlieb and MKUltra. Of course it was all disbanded in 1973 and they had no discernible success. Unless you count framing Sirhan for the assassination of RFK at the Ambassador.Gates was DCI under GHWBush, SecDef under GWBush and Obama, coauthored with Carter's Zbigniew Brzezinski the 2004 CFR paper “Iran: Time for a New Direction.”Reports now that Iran is building missile bases in Venezuela.LBJ's financial advisor Eliot Janeway made a tour of the financial houses of Boston and New York summer of 63 (JFK having done EO 11110 in June of that year) hissing his warning what a “dangerous man this Kennedy is.”Panetta to Petraeus as DCI doesn't matter. It's the new “man who keeps the secrets.”In the 'sixties the French Connection shifted to the Golden Triangle, then to South and Central America and now to Afghanistan where the poppy crop thrives.The year after the removal of the American peace president, the Soviets replaced their peace premier with the belligerent Brezhnev.Amazing how fast Obama closed Guantanamo and withdrew from Afghanistan. What. Oh, he's not in charge. Then, who is.
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Re: Video Lecture

Post by Bob »

Nice presentation Michael. By the way, my Dad was also a jazz musician in the big band era. He played the sax. Anyway, I have a couple of minor disagreements with your presenation. I agree that Lawton was dirty and was definitely part of the conspiracy. However, I also think that he had help from others in the Secret Service, including Emory Roberts, Roy Kellerman and Bill Greer. I also believe the body alteration happened at Bethesda in a pre-autopsy procedure. I would suggest that you read Inside The Assassination Records Review Board by Doug Horne, which is a 5 volume book. Horne was the Chief Analyst for Military Records for the ARRB. In Volume IV, Horne proves to my satisfaction that JFK's body was indeed altered at Bethesda BEFORE the autopsy, based on witness testimony. Roy Kellerman and Bill Greer were the guys who led the dog and pony show at Bethesda as well. What does that tell you? Also, Greer broke all protocol with his driving in Dealey Plaza that day. As you said, Kellerman did NOT do his job either and protect the President. They both knew what was did least in my opinion. Yes...there would be a flurry of shots...but that is why Greer slowed make the kill shot that much easier. LBJ was thrown to the floor of his car as soon as the first shot rang out and was covered by a Secret Service agent.