Video Lecture

JFK Assassination
Michael Calder
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Re: Video Lecture

Post by Michael Calder »

Phil & Bob,Thanks guys. I watched a video, chapter 9 I think, of "The Men who killed Kennedy." It goes after LBJ but what struck me was the interview not just with Madeline Brown but with an Irish maid who confirms the meeting and her speaking about the black employee who picked up Hoover. My My ain't that something. When I was at Berkeley working on my thesis, I also started reading the HSCA volumes on the MLK murder. I had to put them down though or was not going to be done with the Kennedy thesis. I did read how a newspaper article criticizing MLK for staying at the Holiday Inn instead of a perfectly good motel owned by negroes, "The Lorraine,"was a plant written by the FBI weeks before the incident that brought MLK to Memphis. At a restaurant in NYC with Dr. Pepper, I mentioned that I had read much of the HSCA documents on the King assassination and it was my distinct impression that there was someone in the King camp who was reporting every move King was making to the FBI. He told me I was right and he identified that person. I'm going to read all those books you guys mention just as soon as I'm done with the FBI documents on the RFK case. I think i'll start with "Files on JFK" and keep going. Kill Zone interests me as does the AARB volumes and Bart M's book on LBJ.
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Re: Video Lecture

Post by Bob »

Very good Michael. I think Horne's book really helps to fit the pieces of the puzzle together regarding the JFK assassination. I believe Phil would concur. Speaking of Phil...once gave us another fabulous take in this thread.
Alex Hidell
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Re: Video Lecture

Post by Alex Hidell »

Couple of thoughts guys-Motorcade traveled at approx 6 mph thru killing zone until it came to a virtual stop (notice the brakelights flashing in Z film just before headshot and note several eyewitnesses who noticed it slowing to near stop) just before fatal head shot. SS training states motorcade should never proceed slower than 40 mph so Greer was well outside compliance with his training that day.The storm drain in the north curb of Elm approx 15-20 feet in front of and to the right of limo, at moment of head shot, cannot be discounted as possible shooter location. If you have been to Dealey Plaza it is readily apparent that this storm drain offered a very good line of sight to JFK with nothing between a potential shooter and JFK.Another thing to remember, the guys standing on Triple Overpass said it sounded like some of the shots came from right near the limo. This is precisely what a shot from the storm drain on north Elm curb would sound like to someone on Triple Overpass.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Video Lecture

Post by Dealey Joe »

I can agree there may have been 3 shooters.Files, Nicoletti and someone from the right rear side of the limo fired a .45
Phil Dragoo
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McCollough v MLK

Post by Phil Dragoo »

The jury also heard a tape recording of a two-hour-long confession Jowers made at a fall 1998 meeting with Martin Luther King’s son Dexter and former UN Ambassador Andrew Young. On the tape Jowers says that meetings to plan the assassination occurred at Jim’s Grill. He said the planners included undercover Memphis Police Department officer Marrell McCollough (who now works for the Central Intelligence Agency, and who is referenced in the trial transcript as Merrell McCullough), MPD Lieutentant Earl Clark (who died in 1987), a third police officer, and two men Jowers did not know but thought were federal agents.Young, who witnessed the assassination, can be heard on the tape identifying McCollough as the man kneeling beside King’s body on the balcony in a famous photograph. According to witness Colby Vernon Smith, McCollough had infiltrated a Memphis community organizing group, the Invaders, which was working with the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. In his trial testimony Young said the MPD intelligence agent was "the guy who ran up [the balcony stairs] with us to see Martin." also fifteen (15) index references for McCullough, Marrell in Pepper, Orders to Kill, Warner edition 1998.I find it of note Jesse Jackson was there at the event, would ascend to the top of a very different movement.McCullough the CIA Judas in the MLK camp.Joe, William Orchard in The Shots in Dealey Plaza offers a seven-shot sequence which includes the location you suggest. should a) provide an index; b) get back in the dialogue. I read all five of his volumes and found a great deal of information of value.
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Re: Video Lecture

Post by kenmurray »

Over looked evidence in the MLK assassination: ... looked.php