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JFK Assassination
Phil Dragoo
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Marrell McCollough multiagency ho

Post by Phil Dragoo »

Eyewitness to Murder: The King Assassination Reviewed by James DiEugenio area CNN skimps is the whole issue of Marrell McCollough. McCollough was the undercover cop who had infiltrated the radical black youth group the Invaders, prior to King's arrival in Memphis.  And it was the Invaders who had provoked a show of violence during King's first visit to Memphis in March. They did this by disrupting a demonstration by the Sanitation Workers, who were on strike at the time. This incident actually resulted in the shooting death of a young man named Larry Payne. In turn, this caused King to make his return visit in April. McCollough's assignment was the result of a secret program inside the Memphis Police Department. But it had been ordered by Hoover, and assisted by the CIA. (Probe Vol. 7 No. 6 p. 4)  Before joining the Memphis Police Department, McCullough had been in the army as an MP.  His first assignment with the police was this one.  As an agent provocateur with the Invaders, his reports were forwarded to the FBI. Besides helping provoke the King riot, he also helped set up a drug bust in which many of the Invaders top leadership were entrapped.  A local reporter in Memphis once wrote that McCullough was working for the FBI before the Memphis police recruited him. (Ibid. p. 5) This strongly indicates that he was part of the COINTELPRO operation against both Black Nationalist groups, and perhaps, King. He stayed within the police department until he later joined the CIA in 1974. Three years later, he testified before the House Select Committee on Assassinations.  When asked his occupation, he said he was a Memphis policeman. Which, at the time, he was not. Further, he denied any connection to any intelligence agencies in 1968. In other words, he lied. As Doug Valentine notes, he appears to have done this because the HSCA had evidence that it was McCullough who provoked the riot that caused the death of Larry Payne. And made necessary King's return, which resulted in his assassination. (Ibid.)  All O'Brien has to say about the compelling and perhaps crucial figure of McCullough is this: he was a policeman who worked undercover against a Black Nationalist group. He ended up on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel after King was shot. Six years later he joined the CIA. That's about it.  I'm not kidding.
Mike Ellwood
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Re: Additional video

Post by Mike Ellwood »

kenmurray wrote:Keep up the good work Michael.Yes, excellent presentation and Q&A.Also the Dealey Plaza picture presentation.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Additional video

Post by Dealey Joe »

Bob wrote:Dealey Joe wrote:How do we get to view this secret picture?Joe go to this... go to the bottom of the uploads to the right and go to Dealey Plaza Part 1. Please see the photo at around 11:41.ALl I see at the end is a picture of JFK?
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Re: Additional video

Post by Davyjones »

The photo at 11.41 shows the girls with there feet on the grass. Frankly Debra and Michael are not being helpfull by posting stuff that says there is a photo that shows them on the road. Its like the drain shot,Greer did it and the overpass shot only helping to spread dissinformation. The Zapruder film is genuine and has the clues needed to work out what happened.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Additional video

Post by Dealey Joe »

I expect most everyone there was in the street at some point.But when the motorcade came along they were on the curb.If someone has a picture that shows otherwise, let's see it.I also have a hard time with the difference between a small stuffed doll and a dog?
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Re: Additional video

Post by Bob »

Here you go Sgt. Friday...I know it's tough to say for sure if the ladies are on the grass or in the street...but I think they are in the street.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Additional video

Post by Dealey Joe »

Bob if you look at their shoes they cannot be in the street.If they were you would not be able to see near as much shoe.I have to say they are no doubt on the grass. The lack of 3 dimentionmakes it difficult to judge distance. I would say if they werte in the street the motorcycly would have clipped them.IS this the picture Deborah says shows them in the street?
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Re: Additional video

Post by Davyjones »

Guys...Deborah says the photo shows them FACE ON!!!!!! come on. NO WAY can you say this pic above shows them on the road. I am stupid, not blind.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Additional video

Post by Dealey Joe »

If there is such a photo Deborah should produce it.Deborah says several things that are a little leading.Robert Groden says such a picture does not existI am a little tired of arguing about the same old shit all the time.
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Re: Additional video

Post by Deborah »

Dear ForumIt seems that I've caused a conundrum...while watching the series of Michael Calder's videos I did indeed see a shot of Jean Hill and Mary Moorman taken facing them from the front...I tried to capture it and doing so crashed my browser. It was on a video. Now, I admittedly have several browsers open at any one time...when I saw this particular photo, I said to self, 'Oh My God, they don't know what they have'...I will find it again and when I do, I will post it if that is possible or will identify exactly where it is and report back.As for making leading statements, that's what they are 'leading'. Thinking is a good thing. I give more credence to eye and ear witness testimonies than I do theories because at the end of the day, they were there. We all know there is still much evidence which had been confiscated or hidden and unavailable for cooboration.Anyway, for the time being you have my apologies for not providing the photo before speaking...I was pretty sure it was on Calder's video, though it may have been on another browser. Looking, will get back to all. I am absolutely certain I saw it. Kindly,Deborah