What does the Files story need?

JFK Assassination
Alex Hidell
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Re: What does the Files story need?

Post by Alex Hidell »

Lansdale may or may not have come to "check" on Files but the 2 men were seen for several minutes together behind the fence not just for a quick "check".Plus the idea of someone stopping by to "check in" on a dialed in assassin makes abolutely no logical sense to me.
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Re: What does the Files story need?

Post by Slav »

Wim the info on your web site is amazing and I also believe its enough to get a conviction in an court anywhere, there is also alot of other info out there. You take all the researchers everyone and most of the guys on this web site and you would have the best team any procecuter would ever have with only one verdict guilty. tHIS INFO ON THIS SITE WOULD MAKE THE BEST jfk MOVIE EVER. Maybe one day there will be another oliver stone who has the guts to make a real and final movie.It make total sense for Landsdale to go see files before the shooting he was so desperate with all the others to make sure this all went down, if they missed they all would of ended up in jail.lansdaleLBJHOOVERAND THE REST OF THE CLOWNS
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Re: What does the Files story need?

Post by Slav »

What does the Files story need? nothing at all everything is there that any court would need. What the File story needs in another real government in office. Who knows if that will ever happen.Imagine they sit there and do nothing and ignore all the info and evidence.
R Croxford
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Re: What does the Files story need?

Post by R Croxford »

Is there one thing that Files refuses to answer that he knows the answer to? Having him answer the question of the identity of anyone alive that was involved that he willingly refuses to. That Might help.
tom jeffers
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Re: What does the Files story need?

Post by tom jeffers »

There are two big reasons why jimmy's story is not believed. the first is because his story was associated with vernon and now vernon does everything he can to discredit the story.the second reason is that joe west first believed the roscoe white story and when many people tried to discredit that story so then he uncovered jimmy's story. they think that he was quick to jump ship. i for one believe that there may be some hidden truths in the roscoe white story but because it got really bad press, those truths may be hidden for years to come. Jimmy has added a few things to his story over the years because he was protecting people that he believed were still alive. the story about jimmy having a twin brother in chicago making phone calls when jimmy was in dallas is not true and most people who think his story is a lie point to that story.it would take a major motion picture to sway the masses with big names involved.
Phil Dragoo
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A story that needs telling

Post by Phil Dragoo »

James Sutton became Jimmy Files on the road from Alabama to Laos to Chicago to Dallas.(Open the link below in another window)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHsDa9_HSlASome online get loud about oh nobody killing the president of the you knighted states would just up and pick a getaway driver the morning of the hit.Excuse me.Jimmy was working for Charles Nicoletti. Had a reputation, a .45, a Fireball with mercury loads. In a sweet Chevy working car.Laos. Training in that country Kennedy was ready to abandon to “neutrality.” Killed a couple of fellows. Back in the world he's spotted for his driving by a Windy City legend who needed a wheelman.Enter David Atlee Phillips. Who Antonio Veciana of Alpha 66 told HSCA investigator Gaeton Fonzi was talking to Oswald in Dallas.Dallas where Oswald would show Jimmy around that week.Just a couple of Phillips' boys giving the President a welcome.How many stories of “abort teams” do we need from Chauncey Holt, from Tosh Plumlee, that Roselli had second thoughts but Nicoletti said do it, and in town makes the call, Jimmy, back me up.Do we not know William K. Harvey contacted Johnny Roselli to get Castro, that Roselli, known as "Major," made many visits to JM Wave where Morales ruled the roost, called in men like Nicoletti, whose wheelman was thrust into the breach by the "Major's" cold feet.Someone fired from the Dal-Tex that day. The building where Zapruder had his business, his partner had been Jeanne DeMohrenschildt, wife of the man who CIA Domestic Contact agent J. Walton Moore contacted to hook Lee up with the CIA-linked Ruth Paine who'd be sure he had a job in the Byrd House.Someone fired from the fence, and left a trail of thirty to forty metal fragments across the lateral skull x-ray of the dead president.Someone who publicly said he didn't initiate the confession, and would never reveal the culpability of anyone living, hence no report of the second gunman at the fenceline whispered of by the terrified Lee Bowers—who suffered the fate of Karen Silkwood.What did Jimmy do but drive his boss to a drop-off point, and continue his life.And the death of Charles Nicoletti and George DeMohrenschildt on the same day, March 29, 1977, in the run-up to the HSCA investigation.Wherein Blakey would protect the CIA and blame the outfit. Just as Hunt, whom Lane showed to be in Dallas (by destroying his alibi and credibility), would protect the CIA and blame LBJ.Jimmy would present as an atypical assassin, visited at the last minute by Lansdale who was the tactical force behind Lodge and Helms in their coup and assassination of Diem and his brother.The man has lived according to a code. Did his work, closed his briefcase, and walked on down the pergola, to the Chevy.(Open the link below in another window, just not one in the Depository)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TD_pSeN ... re=related
Dealey Joe
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Re: What does the Files story need?

Post by Dealey Joe »

Another thing I have not seen talked is the fact that Nicoletti and Roselli wereastute businessmen. Files was with them because they well knew his capabilities and was assured that he could and would keep quiet about anything he knew.They were not in the least afraid to use Jimmy boy.They knew what he could do. Why he was one of them was because of his skills and trustworthiness, not because they just took a liken to him.Dallas/Dealey Plaza was a business deal, they were not there to play games or to use an incompetent boy.I really think Nicoletti planned to use James FIles all along and just told him at the last minute
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Re: What does the Files story need?

Post by kenmurray »

Roselli too like to be in the limelight. Later on he would start talking too much and he ended up in an oil drum. Some belived Trafficante ordered the murder because Roselli was talking about the JFK assassination.
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Re: What does the Files story need?

Post by Davyjones »

What is needed for the James Files story to be believed? Conclusive evidence is still lacking, although Files claims it is available in the form of Nicoletti's notebook that he buried somewhere. Do you think we will ever see it? Or if other evidence will surface in the future?WIm I dont think we will ever see it...The Mafia and the Secret Service will make sure of that.I remain posative that someone or something will appear to strengthen Mr Files story. The more corroboration the better.
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Re: What does the Files story need?

Post by Yellowbirch »

At this point, since all that we really have are a handful of persons who are still alive, it would be important to get cross examined testimony from all of them as soon as possible. Seeing the evidence we now know today appears in many cases to be tainted, these persons ( for starters...Gerald Hill, James Files, James Tague, George Bush) sworn to tell the truth, could open great doors.Files giving up the book would be icing on the cake.Difficult is the task to, in timely fashion make the above happen.As for, if Files alone... if he would agree to talk about answers to questions he should or would give as addressed, off the cuff, this would be nice. Jimmy, tell the road to travel so we can cement the answers to this case.I suggest a strong grilling of Gerald Hill, a man who knew Ruby many years. Let us dive into the real history of their relationship. I would like to see a highly detailed acounting of his life attached to to a timeline going back to his childhood.