What does the Files story need?

JFK Assassination
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Re: What does the Files story need?

Post by Shane »

Thanks guys. It’s nice to be a part of the group.Wim’s question seems to signify my own frustration with the lack of interest in the media. Growing up all I wanted to know was – who are the shooters? (As an adult my interests have expanded, though I admit, this still holds intrigue with me). I couldn’t express my level of excitement when I first discovered Wim’s website. “We got two of them,” I thought (Nicholetti and Files). And then I was actually surprised to turn on the television and not see a swarm of reporters “breaking the news.” Why isn’t every media outlet in America running to interview this man? Files’ testimony clued me in. But I do want to express my gratitude to Wim for everything he has done to provide this information. It means a lot. I hope you hear that enough to make all your efforts worth it.
Dealey Joe
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Re: What does the Files story need?

Post by Dealey Joe »

The thing we keep forgetting is the average American could care less.All that concerns them is keeping their over mortgaged home, over financed automobiles and boat payments up to date enough to keep them.Don't rock their boat.If you was to make a movie it would have to be sci-fi oriented with computer games ect.limo would be an heat sensing armour plated Hummer followed by a tank with laser cannons mounted all over it.The fatal shot would be a robot behind the fence firing a heat seeking Fireball rocket into the two vehicles....Or maybe just a scud missile fired from on top the TSDBD, the Adolphus or maybe even LBJ's vehicle.
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Re: What does the Files story need?

Post by dankbaar »

Unfortunately, Wim, what the Files story needs you may not be able to obtain – acknowledgement from a source that is deemed “credible” to the American audience. I'm working on it, Shane. By the way, Woody Harrelson is privately willing to state that Files and Holt are the real deal, but not in public. I wonder how he knows that? (not!) Wim
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Re: What does the Files story need?

Post by Kirk »

I am one of those naive people that believes the truth is not only out there, but close at hand. I also believe that in a matter of time more in society will wake up and be aware. I believe Files is a part of that truth, and that this forum of all forums regarding the assassination has been an almost necessary creation to get this far, and to ultimately finish the search. I also agree with Joe that for now so many are somewhat thoughtless and careless about the Assassination of JFK. They do not understand yet why it still matters, but when they do that will be the time. When they understand how deeply the Assassination has changed their lives, their dreams and their reality, it will finally matter. If you do not know any better, then you don't know, but if and when you do know better, there is no excuse.
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Re: What does the Files story need?

Post by Bob »

Always good to hear from you Kirk! Welcome Shane! Wim, Woody Harrelson is like a lot of people in the public profile...whether it's a politician, MSM member or an entertainer...as many of them know the real truth...whether it's the JFK assassination or the events of 9/11. Certainly Harrelson knows more than most about 11/22/1963. But NONE of them are willing to put their reputation or their source of income on the line to tell the REAL truth. Bill Maher is another example. He knows the truth. But he doesn't want to get on the blackball list like he almost was put on a decade or so ago after his comments about 9/11. The only truth we can find is via the internet, and the power elite is trying to stop that information flow as quickly as they can.
bob franklin
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Re: What does the Files story need?

Post by bob franklin »

I noticed Charlie Sheen recently got canned from the set of "2 & 1/2 men" Guess he hasn't yet rolled over & pee'd himself like bill did. Some few still have principles, I suppose.
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Re: What does the Files story need?

Post by Bob »

bob franklin wrote:I noticed Charlie Sheen recently got canned from the set of "2 & 1/2 men" Guess he hasn't yet rolled over & pee'd himself like bill did. Some few still have principles, I suppose.Good point Bob. Charlie is like LHO now in the MSM...a lone nut. A real wacko. At least that is how Charlie is described by those in the MSM as of late. Like LHO, Charlie did his job and is now the "fall guy".
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Re: What does the Files story need?

Post by Shane »

Hi, Bob. Nice to meet with you.I think you said it accurately regarding Woody’s reluctance to speak. His input would add a great second-hand source, but his career, character, etc, would be forfeit. I wager we will only hear from him on a deathbed confession. As Wim so aptly put it, Woody may not have the inner strength to face the backlash.
Dealey Joe
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Re: What does the Files story need?

Post by Dealey Joe »

I seriously doubt Woody has the integrity needed to pull it off anyway.You need a George Clooney or John Wayne.Mel Gibson is one who could and would do it..he could pull it off.
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Re: What does the Files story need?

Post by dankbaar »

John Wayne is dead. Do you know that Frank Belcher was his attorney, and they jointly owned the Acapulco safehouse where Chauncey Holt was parked during the Warren Commission? Here they are: George Clooney? Why? In this letter Files mentions Lansdale and Charles Harrelson. http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/Ciafiles.htm