The movie "SALT" with Angelina jolie

JFK Assassination
Chad Duncan
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The movie "SALT" with Angelina jolie

Post by Chad Duncan »

First of all, im so thankful the forum is back. I tried a few times to come back to it, but it was shut down. Maybe it was only to me, but im glad this is not gone forever!!!2ndly the movie SALT caught my eye I believe Sunday as they started off with Lee Oswald by using his Alekk Hidell as an undercover, you know for movie drama, but it still has me wondering about the person that came back over here. The two Oswalds , or two plus should I say, has intrigued me the most over the last few years. Has anyone ever asked Jimmy about this? I was in a near fatal car crash February 17th of this year, so i havent read or looked at anything since then - until this weekend. Hope all of you are well!
tom jeffers
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Re: The movie "SALT" with Angelina jolie

Post by tom jeffers »

hi chad, welcome back, i hope all is well. I "know" about car wrecks. It changed my life forever.tom
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Re: The movie "SALT" with Angelina jolie

Post by kenmurray »

Welcome back to the forum Chad. Hope you are doing well.
Chad Duncan
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Re: The movie "SALT" with Angelina jolie

Post by Chad Duncan »

Thank you guys - fractured my spine in three places. Lady lost control of her SUV, came across the median and T-boned me. Frankly that didnt hurt that much , but it was the telephone pole I hit on the drivers side after a complete 360 that stopped me dead in my tracks. Im lucky as heck to be alive and walking. My pain is unmanageable, but im still working!
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Re: The movie "SALT" with Angelina jolie

Post by kenmurray »

It is so apparent that 3 weeks before the assassination someone was trying to set up Oswald.Three weeks before the assassination, Oswald was with David Ferrie, GeneDavis, and three unidentified men in an apartment above the Court of TwoSisters restaurant in New Orleans. Gene Davis knew Oswald and was an FBIinformant.On October 31 an Oswald target practiced at the Sports Drome Rifle RangeOn October 31, an Oswald applied for a job at the high rise StatlerHilton Hotel in downtown Dallas.On November 1, an Oswald purchased ammunition at Morgan's Gun Shop.On November 4th, an Oswald visited Dial Ryders gun shop to have a scopemounted on his rifle.On November 9, an Oswald visited the Downtown Lincoln Mercury dealershipwhere he gave his name to the salesman, test drove a new car atexcessive speeds and said he would soon have enough cash to buy a newcar.A week before the assassination an Oswald applied for a job at theAllright Parking garage, asked how high the Southland Building was, andif it had a good view of downtown Dallas.On November 14, Jack Ruby and Lee Oswald were at the New Port Motel inMorgan City, Louisiana. Corrine Villard, who had known Ruby since 1947spoke with them for a half an hour.A rifle with a scope, ammunition, target practice, a tall building fromwhich to shoot the President, and soon enough cash to buy a new car.
Alex Hidell
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Re: The movie "SALT" with Angelina jolie

Post by Alex Hidell »

Ken,Nice job in reviewing "Oswald's" activities prior to the JFK murder.I also remember reading a book about Carlos Marcellos that tracked Oswald in New Orleans earlier that year. I think it was called "Mafia Kingfish". Great read.Clearly, Oswald was being prepped for his role in New Orleans and then in Dallas long before Nov. 1963.The planning and execution of the plan to murder JFK and then have Oswald take the fall as the "patsy" is one of the slickest jobs I have ever seen.
Dealey Joe
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Re: The movie "SALT" with Angelina jolie

Post by Dealey Joe »

Alex I agree.
Phil Dragoo
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A simple twist of fate

Post by Phil Dragoo »

John Newman in Oswald and the CIA shows how Angleton manipulated the Oswald file. Only Angleton was in a position to plant the WW III virus so necessary to closing down inquiry into conspiracy.John Armstrong conducted years of research investigating the creation of parallel Oswalds Harvey and Lee from age 13 in 1952 until the assassination. Lisa Pease has written on the role of Angleton and his elite group in creating the Oswald legend. told Fonzi that Phillips was speaking with Oswald in Dallas the summer of 1963.Oswald was handled by George De Mohrenschildt at the request of CIA Domestic Contacts agent J. Walton Moore.De Mohrenschildt passed Oswald to CIA-asset Ruth Paine who installed the patsy in the Byrd house and, with Judas-brother Robert Oswald, framed the patsy post-mortem.Angleton was running a false defector program when Oswald defected in 1959.Oswald's last phone call was to his ONI contact in North Carolina, John Hurt.He worked under Phillips and Banister to sabotage Fair Play for Cuba while building the legend of a pro-Castro defector.Just as the CIA assassinate-Castro program was used to kill Kennedy, so did the loyal American agent give his life as the unwitting patsy—one more deception by the agency whose charter mandates plausible denial.(Open in a new window) ... a0d89d46c2
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Re: The movie "SALT" with Angelina jolie

Post by Bob »

First off, I'm so glad you are still with us Chad. Like yourself and others here in the forum like Tom, I too had a near fatal wreck 4 years ago. Thankfully, we all survived, even though the accidents have certainly affected us in various life changing ways. Anyway, excellent discussion about how LHO was set up to be the "patsy". I haven't seen Salt yet, but I will soon. I don't need to be prodded much to see a Angelina movie.
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Re: The movie "SALT" with Angelina jolie

Post by Bob »

Speaking of assassination type movie plots, I also enjoyed Angelina in Wanted. I liked the music from the flick as well.