Any Deeper Skull & Bones Connections....

JFK Assassination
Jim Harwood
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Post by Jim Harwood »

Dan wrote:Guess what? None of us is long for this world. As they say in West Virginia "It's All Relative!"

So then Dan you dont believe in the future? Too bad, but you picked the right administration if destroying the future is of no concern to you.

Good luck with your "bets" on the market. When the plantation closes down you house negro's may come to rue the day you fell for this suckers trap.
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Post by M.C.Newton »

Here you go Dan on "useful idiots" it's attributed to Lenin not Marx. And even at that it's origins are said to be unknown. Karl Marx is actually not mentioned even once on the entire page. I find it interesting when people claim to be so informed then use terms that they only think they know what they mean. Stick to what you know. Daytrading and inequality.

And no Dan this is not John Lennon's brother. Perhaps 2 seconds worth of research would have yielded you the correct answer. But instead you went for the "holier than thou" approach, and spoke down to me from your throne of enlightenment, and revealed how much "fact" actually means to you.

Maybe you should read about Lenin. But perhaps listening to "Imagine" or "Working Class Hero" would serve just as well.
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Post by Dan »

Yes, that quote has been attributed to Vladimir Lenin, Karl Marx, Mona Charen and Jim Quinn (and probably many more) - take your pick none have been proven. I couldn't fit an entertaining post about the Beatles into my holier than thou reply (although yours is pretty good) - so I defaulted to what I know best - the Marks Brothers comment was more entertaining in my eyes - anyway there is no proof the Lenin ever used the term, but he was a marxist.

Inequality? Where did that come from?

House negroes, where does that come from?

The "It's All Relative" response was to Jim Harwood. We are all mortal - we begin dying from the moment of birth. I've spent about half of my allotted time in this mortal coil. Let the whole shee bang collapse - I've got my garden, I've got my bullets - what more do I need?

MC, I am only a few years removed from where you are today - I have been in your shoes and I was damn determined to get out of that position. I wish I could teach you to trade, but you have to learn for yourself - nobody taught me - I paid a steep price by borrowing $5K on a credit card and promptly losing it , then another $5K and another, etc until after being down $40K (high tuition isn't it) I started to learn. I am only right 60% of the time. There are days that I get trounced. This week was exceptionally good - a rare event - very wild swings - much volatility - a trader's dream.
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Another Skull and Bones Connection?

Post by Dan »

In line with here is and another Skull and Bones Connection (cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo)


Identify the Enemy of The American RevolutioN

by Tom Heneghan

March 26, 2006

As Fox News stooges Susan Estridge and Robert Novak spin and take out of context duly elected U.S. President Albert Gore's plan for 2008, new information is coming out on the past activities of John Kerry and Hillary Lesbo-Queen Clit-ton.

Material is now forthcoming on both John Skull & Bones Kerry and Hillary Lesbo Queen Clit-ton and their connections to the Nov.22 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Both are considered acceptable north eastern elite shills and sure-to-lose-opponents for a Jeb Bush presidential run in 2008.

Both Skull & Bones Kerry and Lesbo-in-the-closet Queen Hillary Clit-ton have links to the JFK November 22, 1963 Assassination.

Skull & Bones John Kerry's father at one time held a position in the U.S. State Dept. and his name was listed in the phone book of George DeMohrenshield. DeMohrenshield used Kerry's father as a contact to hire Ruth Paine as a baby sitter for Lee Harvey Oswald who was blamed for the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. The younger Kerry has now been linked to Project Cherry, a black special ops in Vietnam, that trained ethnic Cambodians on Vietnamese soil. They were eventually used to destabilize the Cambodian government of Prince Norodom Sihanouk. This was done to pave the way for the Nixon invasion of Cambodia in 1970.

Sihanouk was a victim of a coup d'etat two weeks before the invasion. A U.S. installed puppet then invited the United States into Cambodia. Kerry's liason to Project Cherry was John McCarthy of the CIA Saigon desk with direct communication to Project Cherry Director Alexander Haig. This covert group of Cambodian exiles who infiltrated Cambodia in order to undermine Sihanouk were named the Khmer Serei. They were the predecessor of what was to become the Khmer Rouge.

It can now be said that US intelligence and Alexander Haig created the Khmer Rouge which led to the mass murder of 70% of the Cambodian population. What is even more significant is that the North Vietnamese, who had sanctuary in Cambodia, were tipped off on the US invasion by the first secretary of the Khmer Serei who was an operational agent of the KGB whose major US liason in Project Cherry was Lieutenant John Kerry.
This dovetails to Kerry's father's white russian link to George DeMohrenshield, Ruth Paine and the scripting of Lee Harvey Oswald as the JFK 1963 patsie.
The younger Kerry tells his friends that he is entitled to the presidency of the U.S. and that it has been promised to him. Kerry served as George W. Bush's North-Eastern shill in the 2004 Presidential election. Both Kerry and Bush were classmates and fellow members of Skull and Bones at Yale University.
It should be noted that Kerry Cohen was used by U.S. Intel to infiltrate VVAW (Vietnam Vets against the war). It should also be noted that Operation Cherry was leaked to the U.S. media in 1967 by elements of the CIA opposed to Operation Cherry. The newspaper receiving the leak at the time was the Chicago Sun-Times. And the two journalists who received the Intel on Operation Cherry were Robert Novak and Morton Kondrake who both worked at the Sun-Times together in 1967. Both Novak and Kondrake used the story for blackmail and advancement of their journalistic careers. Reference both now work for Fox News.
P.S. Both Daddy Bush and Kerry's State Dept. father worked together to create the Oswald patsie.
P.P.S. Lesbo-Queen Hillary Clit-ton has been fingered by ex Watergate staff member as the individual who created the famous deleted missing Bay of Pigs gap on the Rosemary Wood Nixon tapes. Again the missing gap deals directly with George Herbert Walker Bush's link to the 1963 JFK Assassination. Of course, Hillary Lesbo-Queen Clit-ton helped not only cover up the JFK Assassination but she is also tied to the 'True Colors' assassination of JFK Jr. who was about to run for the U.S. New York senate seat that is now occupied by Hillary Lesbo-Queen Clit-ton and she is linked to the failed attempt to assassinate then Vice-President Albert Gore over Chicago. Note Hillary Lesbo Clit-ton also believes she is entitled to the presidency as does John Kerry based on their line of credit the coverup of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
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Where does it end?

Post by AL DATI »

.......Like i said before.I was always fancinated on the details of JFK,and even more so by the fact of the sloppy cover up,and acceptance of it. I came across Wim's page(which is awesome),but it has taken me to other pages by accident. ...This is where i first seen 911 loose change 2nd edition.WHOA! It lead me to watch another video stream on the page called the money masters.It's funny how the Bush name pops up everywhere. Another great link is Ok i don't want to ramble so my question would be When did all this really start taking place. Clear back to the Rothschilds?.....I have an open mind,but this blows it away.I guess your average US citizen really is blinded to what our goverment does.I wonder what your rookie polititions think when they get a taste of the truth? i often wonder how most americans deciede who to vote for....Is it the enie meanie minie moe way? The internet is a great tool,but you have to look for the information(wondering how long it will be before it is controled?) I think until information is made public on major tv. The public will never open their eyes,and it's funny how they think everything on tv is the gosple truth. The one thing that sticks in my mind is at the end of the 911 video it say's....Most people ask themselves what can i do? It say's tell all your friends,family,and pass the information on. I have been,and it's funny the mixed reactions i get....some look,and like me say H**LY S**T!....Others seem interested,but you know will never check out the information,and the ever popularOH NO WAY bunch.They say it's easier to accept offical report. I think the 9-11 story is somehow interlinked or a continuation of the JFK story. God help all of us if that's the case.
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Post by M.C.Newton »

Yeah Al Dati I've seen the Money Masters documentary before like I said in the documentary topic (which you should feel free to post any docs. you've seen that seem important or any books you've read, with a brief description to help spread information) it's pretty dry but chock full of info. I'll check out the website that you posted though.

Dan is it really necessary to insert jabs into every post? Just 'cause you don't believe something doesn't mean it's not real. or that it's crazy. just a thought. but it doesn't reflect well when you are constantly throwing rocks. just a thought
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Post by Dan »

Oh how the libs love to lecture - to only one side of course.
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Post by Dan »

This is the last post I will ever make regarding this nonsense (I know - yeah - it's about time). I cannot waste any more time dealing with subjects that most people understand by the third grade.

If Skull & Bones is so super-secret then why is it prominently displayed at the Bush Presidential Library (including photos) and why do you know all of the names?

Take your best shot as this is a freebee - there will be no reply from me!
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To Dan & all

Post by AL DATI »

...........First Dan...I'ts cool to question both sides.If this is something that you can't dispute or don't agree with state why,or be cool. This site by Wim is for JFK,but sometimes other things can be a contributing factor.A smart man looks at all "What if's" & why's.
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Post by M.C.Newton »

I don't know Dan, but your such a hero, such a good american. You are so nonsensical that I can't believe it. Just because you know who is in the S&B does not mean anything. How do you think it would reflect if you couldn't know who was in it? It would probably look pretty bad, No? If it's so public then why can you know absolutely nothing about their workings why do so many of them figure so prominently in the government. Why when questioned by Tim Russert did Bush reply that he can't talk about it because it's so SECRET. Why Dan? I know you're not gonna respond, but you know what? GOOD.