Evidence of a Conspiracy - a beginners guide

JFK Assassination
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Re: Evidence of a Conspiracy - a beginners guide

Post by Shane »

Refrencing David Lifton's "Best Evidence" the only bullet I have heard recovered at the Bethesda autopsy was one that rolled out of the sheet Kennedy was wrapped in when they moved him from the casket to the table. If I'm not mistaken, this bullet would have been the fourth bullet found. It was confiscated by FBI and, of course, never made it to evidence.To follow up, that was one of the things that "confused" Humes so much. He couldn't locate a bullet in Kennedy's body, which is why Humes was so eager to explain the throat wound as a exit...which lead to the Magic Bullet Theory.Alex, I understand your stance when it comes to the throat wound. But the doctors at Parkland assumed it was a point of entry. They never got a chance to verify that. And if I remember correctly, another forum member stated doctor's saw evidence of shrapnel on Kennedy's face (someone correct me if I am wrong).
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Re: Evidence of a Conspiracy - a beginners guide

Post by Shane »

Refrencing David Lifton's "Best Evidence" the only bullet I have heard recovered at the Bethesda autopsy was one that rolled out of the sheet Kennedy was wrapped in when they moved him from the casket to the table. If I'm not mistaken, this bullet would have been the fourth bullet found. It was confiscated by FBI and, of course, never made it to evidence.To follow up, that was one of the things that "confused" Humes so much. He couldn't locate a bullet in Kennedy's body, which is why Humes was so eager to explain the throat wound as a exit...which lead to the Magic Bullet Theory.Alex, I understand your stance when it comes to the throat wound. But the doctors at Parkland assumed it was a point of entry. They never got a chance to verify that. And if I remember correctly, another forum member stated doctor's saw evidence of shrapnel on Kennedy's face (someone correct me if I am wrong).
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The Impossible One Day Journey Of CE399

Post by kenmurray »

At The Time Of The Assassination, CE399 As We Know It Today, Did Not Exist:http://www.ctka.net/2010/journeyCE399.html
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The Impossible One Day Journey Of CE399

Post by kenmurray »

At The Time Of The Assassination, CE399 As We Know It Today, Did Not Exist:http://www.ctka.net/2010/journeyCE399.html
Alex Hidell
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Re: Evidence of a Conspiracy - a beginners guide

Post by Alex Hidell »

To my knowledge, Humes never assumed anything about the neck wound because it had been covered over by the tracheotomy at Parkland and he never even knew there was a neck wound.Humes, nor any other doctor, probed the neck wound and found it to align with a back wound because there was no back wound which penetrated JFK's chest cavity.No entrance wound in the back to correspond with an exit throat wound.Gerry Ford conveniently moved the back wound up 5 and 1/2 inches to JFK's neck area and changed the description from a surface non-penetrating wound to a through and through wound which exited the front of JFK's throat. When asked why he fabricated this story about the back wound, Ford said he did it so the evidence would correspond to the WC theory with Oswald as lone assassin. How convenient 13 medical professionals at Parkland, all in agreement that the throat wound was a wound of entrance, is good enough for me. They were there. I was not. They were trained medical professionals who saw bullet wounds every day of their lives. I am not and do not. They had no agenda. No ax to grind. They had no horse in the race. They were not trying to stick to a pre-planned agenda of what happened to JFK. They were only interested in providing factual, turthful data, which they did.13 eyewitness medical professionals who all agreed is good enough for me. Throat wound was wound of entry, 5 mm in diameter (oddly enough the exact size of a .22 caliber bullet) with smooth edges- EXACTLY what one would expect from an entry bullet wound. Again- Case Closed on this topic.Lastly, FBI agents in attendance at autopsy reported recovery of a bullet from the body. NOT lying loose in the casket or blankets, etc. That bullet, in the most important unsolved murder case in US history, somehow got "lost"
Alex Hidell
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Re: Evidence of a Conspiracy - a beginners guide

Post by Alex Hidell »

To my knowledge, Humes never assumed anything about the neck wound because it had been covered over by the tracheotomy at Parkland and he never even knew there was a neck wound.Humes, nor any other doctor, probed the neck wound and found it to align with a back wound because there was no back wound which penetrated JFK's chest cavity.No entrance wound in the back to correspond with an exit throat wound.Gerry Ford conveniently moved the back wound up 5 and 1/2 inches to JFK's neck area and changed the description from a surface non-penetrating wound to a through and through wound which exited the front of JFK's throat. When asked why he fabricated this story about the back wound, Ford said he did it so the evidence would correspond to the WC theory with Oswald as lone assassin. How convenient 13 medical professionals at Parkland, all in agreement that the throat wound was a wound of entrance, is good enough for me. They were there. I was not. They were trained medical professionals who saw bullet wounds every day of their lives. I am not and do not. They had no agenda. No ax to grind. They had no horse in the race. They were not trying to stick to a pre-planned agenda of what happened to JFK. They were only interested in providing factual, turthful data, which they did.13 eyewitness medical professionals who all agreed is good enough for me. Throat wound was wound of entry, 5 mm in diameter (oddly enough the exact size of a .22 caliber bullet) with smooth edges- EXACTLY what one would expect from an entry bullet wound. Again- Case Closed on this topic.Lastly, FBI agents in attendance at autopsy reported recovery of a bullet from the body. NOT lying loose in the casket or blankets, etc. That bullet, in the most important unsolved murder case in US history, somehow got "lost"
Alex Hidell
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Re: Evidence of a Conspiracy - a beginners guide

Post by Alex Hidell »

Throat wound caused by a shot from the front is old, old news.Mary Woodward, Dallas News Reporter, was standing on north curb of Elm with three female friends. They are easily seen in many, many photos as welll as the Z film. She authored an article that ran on the front page of the Saturday Dallas Morning News which got little attention because the headline that day was Oswald KIlls JFK. But Mary wrote that she heard two ear shattering explosions from behind and a little to her right. Guess what was behind and a little to her right????????? The grassy knoll!!!!The first shot Mary W. heard was the throat shot and the second shot she heard hit JFK in the temple and has been attributed to Files. Who shot the initial shot that hit JFK in throat from behind picket fence? No one knows but one thing we can be sure of, there were two shots from behind the picket fence. Virtually every witness in that area that day stated the same thing- two shots from the grassy knoll.Groden in his book "KIlling of a President" notes at frame 188, when JFK is looking directly at the grassy knoll with his hand to the right of his head and waving to the crowd, is struck in the throat from the front. JFK's head is driven backward slightly against the seat. Zapruder blurs the film in startled reaction to the shot at exactly the same moment. Zapruder was standing on a cement pedestal approx 10-15 feet from the shooter so blurring of the film is to be expected. JFK grabs his throat immediately after he is hit in throat. If you've been to Dealay Plaza, one of the things that will stirke you, is how close Zapruder was to the guys firing from behind the picket fence. It was no more than 15 feet and probably closer to 10. It should surpirse none of us that Zapruder flinched and blurred the film at the sound of gunfire from behind the picket fence.This is old, old news and has been established for over 35 years. Groden's work is the defintive work on this topic This board is the only arena I have ever encountered where there is any debate on this subject
Alex Hidell
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Re: Evidence of a Conspiracy - a beginners guide

Post by Alex Hidell »

Throat wound caused by a shot from the front is old, old news.Mary Woodward, Dallas News Reporter, was standing on north curb of Elm with three female friends. They are easily seen in many, many photos as welll as the Z film. She authored an article that ran on the front page of the Saturday Dallas Morning News which got little attention because the headline that day was Oswald KIlls JFK. But Mary wrote that she heard two ear shattering explosions from behind and a little to her right. Guess what was behind and a little to her right????????? The grassy knoll!!!!The first shot Mary W. heard was the throat shot and the second shot she heard hit JFK in the temple and has been attributed to Files. Who shot the initial shot that hit JFK in throat from behind picket fence? No one knows but one thing we can be sure of, there were two shots from behind the picket fence. Virtually every witness in that area that day stated the same thing- two shots from the grassy knoll.Groden in his book "KIlling of a President" notes at frame 188, when JFK is looking directly at the grassy knoll with his hand to the right of his head and waving to the crowd, is struck in the throat from the front. JFK's head is driven backward slightly against the seat. Zapruder blurs the film in startled reaction to the shot at exactly the same moment. Zapruder was standing on a cement pedestal approx 10-15 feet from the shooter so blurring of the film is to be expected. JFK grabs his throat immediately after he is hit in throat. If you've been to Dealay Plaza, one of the things that will stirke you, is how close Zapruder was to the guys firing from behind the picket fence. It was no more than 15 feet and probably closer to 10. It should surpirse none of us that Zapruder flinched and blurred the film at the sound of gunfire from behind the picket fence.This is old, old news and has been established for over 35 years. Groden's work is the defintive work on this topic This board is the only arena I have ever encountered where there is any debate on this subject
Phil Dragoo
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Magic Bullet, Epic Fail

Post by Phil Dragoo »

For these two youtube links use Ctrl to open in a new window:http://www.youtube.com/user/bobharris77 ... 8tBJhC4Ken, to bobharris77 youtube I was first directed from Jim DiEugenio who on ctka.net posted a link to Harris' QuickTime of The Scam of CE 399.You link to the excellent One Day Journey of CE 399http://www.ctka.net/2010/journeyCE399.htmlIn William Matson Law we find Siebert didn't believe in the Magic Bullet (certainly Connally did not) and this invention of Specter was widely disowned—result being too many bullets and shooters for the lynch mob's lone patsy.
Phil Dragoo
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Magic Bullet, Epic Fail

Post by Phil Dragoo »

For these two youtube links use Ctrl to open in a new window:http://www.youtube.com/user/bobharris77 ... 8tBJhC4Ken, to bobharris77 youtube I was first directed from Jim DiEugenio who on ctka.net posted a link to Harris' QuickTime of The Scam of CE 399.You link to the excellent One Day Journey of CE 399http://www.ctka.net/2010/journeyCE399.htmlIn William Matson Law we find Siebert didn't believe in the Magic Bullet (certainly Connally did not) and this invention of Specter was widely disowned—result being too many bullets and shooters for the lynch mob's lone patsy.